With your support, this festival will go beyond utopia and create a space-time of how the world can look like!
Thumbs up!
The HitchFest is a gathering around travel, ecology, activism, art and self-discovery.
From July 31st to August 4th, we drop our backpacks by the Sousa River, in Lousada. We go beyond utopia and create a space-time of how the world can be like. We share experiences and knowledge collected on the road. We learn to discover ourselves, to trust life and to act to transform the world.
It is a place where we all have the freedom to participate. With our time, our knowledge, our energy, our money.
We overflow with enthusiasm and talent to co-create, for the second time, a magical event. What is missing: a little financial push! If everyone gives a little bit of what they have, we will make it happen.
By participating in this crowdfunding you are also already ensuring your entrance in the festival! Waiting for you at the HitchFest you'll have a deep thank you, a welcome hug - and a reward :)
If you want to support us but you can not come to the festival, all good, you will receive our our big thanks and your reward at home!
At the HitchFest there are no tickets. The entrance is by an open and conscious donation. This allows everyone to participate, regardless the size of their wallet, and holds us all responsible for the beautiful event we co-created. It’s a small ride on the road for a more just, conscious and supportive world.
hitch fest
3 dias! 3 days!
Chegámos aos últimos dias! E estamos tão perto - 81%!! No terreno o HitchFest já está a ganhar forma, e o programa está a ficar incrível. Última oportunidade amig@s! Apoia-nos com o teu donativo, e diz a outro amigo também :) Obrigada!!
The last days are here! And we're so close - 81%!! On the field the Hitchfest is taking shape, and the program is looking amazing. Last chance friends! Choose whatever amount and support us with you donation, and tell a friend about our campaign. Thank you!!
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hitch fest
1000euros to go :DDDD
Last push :) can you please do a last effort and share this campaign to your friends and family? :DD Last pushhhhh :DDD Let's make it happen :DDD
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hitch fest
We already got more than 3000 euros :DDD
You are just incredible people :) Thanks for believing in us, for beliving in Hitchfest <3 we're so close to make this happen :D Thanks, thanks, thanks :D
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hitch fest
9 days left :DDD
Will you help us? Hitchfest needs you :) Please share it with your friends and family. We need everyone's help :DDD Together we'll make it :)
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hitch fest
We are getting closer and closer!
Malta, só para referir que a partir dos 50% de campanha financiada, a plataforma PPL começa a divulgar nas suas redes sociais e contactos, sendo que ficaremos com mais chances de atingirmos os objectivos! Estamos a ficar perto desse objectivo. Ajudem-nos a chegar a esse 1º patamar nos próximos dias partilhando com o vosso círculo, família e amig@s ;) Obrigad@s pela vossa ajuda!
Hey dear HF supporters, just to mention that once the campaign is 50% funded, PPL starts spreading the word in their social networks and contacts, and we will be more likely to achieve the goal of the 4500€! We are getting closer and close to that goal. Please help us reach this first level in the next few days sharing this campaign and talking with your family and friends ;) Thanks for your help!
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hitch fest
We still have 12 days to achieve our goal :D
We have 12 more days to achieve 4.500€ :DDD
Let's do it together, please don't forget to share it with your friends and family :D
Every euro matters :DDD
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hitch fest
15% are already raised. We need your help for the other 75% :D
Share, share, share, share everyday with everyone :D
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hitch fest
OBRIGADA a todos vocês que nos ajudaram :)
Muito obrigada pelo vosso contributo e apoio nesta campanha. Já conseguimos 15% do total pedido, mas precisamos de mais :)
Precisamos de chegar aos 100% e isto só poderá ser possível com a vossa ajuda e com a vossa partilha. Partilhem a campanha com os vossos amigos, familiares, namorado, ex-namorada, toda a gente :) Necessitamos da ajuda de todos para conseguir chegar aos 4500€ :) Faltam 15 dias para a campanha terminar e o vosso apoio é fundamental :) Vamos todos dar um empurrãozinho ao Hichfest? :DDD
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hitch fest
THANKS to all of you for your incredible help :)
We want to thank all of you that have contributed for this campaign. We already achieved 15% of the total amount required but we need more :DD We need you to share this campaign with all your friends, family, boyfriend, ex-girlfriend, everyone :D
We need everyone's help to raise 4500€ to make this dream possible :) We still have 15 days left to make it happen and we NEED YOUR HELP FOR THAT :DDDD
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