More than an Online Platform, a proposal for Healthy and Sustainable Living

More than an Online Platform, a proposal for Healthy and Sustainable Living

This is a mission-platform , a space and and e-shop where people can make conscious and informed choices tthat contributes for a more sustainable and healthy way of living.

  • 3450


    100% of 3 450€

    109 backers

  • 30/11/2020

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

This is a mission-platform , a space and and e-shop where people can make conscious and informed choices tthat contributes for a more sustainable and healthy way of living.

Heali = Heal + Li (Initials from the founder's name)
This is a project focused on healing the soul, mind, body and planet earth, through the way we nourish ourselves at various levels, using natural resources and products, promoting a healthy lifestyle, with natural, organic and non-toxic products.

The mission of this project is to help people to make a more conscious, healthy and sustainable life change, as well as to contribute to a better world. It is a "mission-platform", a space where people can make informed and conscious choices:

-of non-toxic and natural ingredients
-biological products
-biodegradable packaging and zero waste solutions
-mostly vegan
-not tested on animals
-local, artcrafted or fair trade production
-sustainable products
-that encourage the circular or green economy

3 Segments/Axes (based on the same common factor "heal")

1. Health & Sustainability: Here you will find healthy and organic nutrition, natural cosmetics and natural higyene products and zero waste products:

  • Organic Superfoods
  • Organic Teas and Snacks
  • Zero Waste Solutions
  • Natural and Organic Cosmetics and Hygiene Products
  • Essential Oils and Organic Oils

2. Balance & Yoga: Due to the growing need of taking care of our body and to find a more balanced lifestyle, here you will find not only yoga accessories, but also a space that promotes therapies, healthy tips and partnerships for the wellbeing of our phisical and emotional body.

  • Yoga Accessories
  • Content about a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle
  • Therapies
  • Workshops
  • Partnership promotions wellbeing and sustainability)

3. Mind & Art: Because our mind also needs to be well nurtured, with "non-toxiC" content that can help us on this self-development journey, we want to have books about alternative therapies and medicines, healthy food, personal development and sustainability pratices. On the other hand we know that art and beauty can also nurture, heal and stimulate our creativity. Therefore, we want to support the local trade, artists and handmade artcrafts made in a sustainable way:

  • Handmade artcrafts
  • Artist Creations
  • Books about holistic culture, health, healthy lifestyle, etc

Zero Waste e Sustentabilidade

It contributes to the change we need inside and out of ourselves. Please give your support to a project that promotes the need to nourish ourselves in a healthier way, to choose natural and sustainable products, to support small trade, zero waste and fair trade. All of this as a way of healing. It is not just a business, an individual dream, but a contribution to a better world, to a healthier humanity and mother earth. You will also be supporting an entrepreneurial project that wants to contribute to a more green, fair and balanced value chain.

About the author

My name is Liliana Monteiro and I am 35 years old. After almost 14 years of working in marketing on worldwide companies I realized that each and one of us, as well as the world needs a wider contribution, an individual life purpose that can bring real added value to our lifes quality.
A life purpose that embraces my human and spiritual evolution, but also the need to care for the ones around me and care for the planet.
I've been making a paralell journey that allowed me to be more and more conscious about how important is to better nurture ourselves, making conscious and sustainable choices, with less environmental impact and more positive impact on each others lifes. A transformation that begins in each one of us, but has a positive consequence in chain and collectively. I became a yoga teacher and a citizen more conscious about my actions/choices and their impact on my body, on the earth, on others and animals.
May this be more than an online platform, but a space of healing for us and for the mother earth.

A Promotora

Budget and due dates

The requested support will be used mainly for the initial start-up of activities:

  • Initial stock investment: € 1315
  • Acquisition of administrative and operational materials: € 1817

- packaging and shipping materials
- storage materials
- digital support for the platform

  • PPL Commission: € 318.26

The kickstart costs of the project are € 3,450, however any amount that exceeds the main objective will be used for the purchase of more support equipment for the shipment of orders (eg. handling material) or additional stock.


  1. End of the campaign : Acquisition of materials and stock orders
  2. Platform Launch: Up to one month after the crowdfunding campaign
  3. Redemption of support rewards: up to a maximum of 1 month after the launch of the online platform
  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Thank you very much

    We will send you an email thanking you for being part of our cause, helping to take care of everyone and the planet.

    22 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Public Acknowledgment

    We will share your name at the end of the campaign and publish it on the platform as a way of thanking you for making this project a reality.

    24 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Audio with Meditation

    Hopefully, you will enjoy the guided meditation that we will send you to listen when and how often you want.

    46 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Zero Waste Gift and Yoga Class

    With this contribution we want to offer you a hatha yoga class to continue to take care of you and inspire others. We will share with you the places and schedules so that you can choose when and where it is most convenient for you.

    21 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Exclusive E-Book and Yoga Class

    We want to share with you an exclusive e-book with Wellness and Sustainability Tips to put into practice and inspire those around you. You can also take one of the promoter's hatha yoga classes (places and schedules will be share so you can choose).

    6 backers

Sat, 19/10/2024 - 17:11

Fri, 11/12/2020 - 17:15

Um enorme Obrigada a Todos

Queridos Amigos e Apoiantes, Quero expressar a minha enorme gratidão pelo vosso apoio até ao último instante. Cada euro, cada palavra de apoio e carinho foram imprescindíve...

Read more

Fri, 04/12/2020 - 10:26

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Mon, 30/11/2020 - 17:43

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Mon, 30/11/2020 - 14:58

3 Horas para Terminar

Queridos Amigos e Apoiantes, Agradeço desde já todo o vosso apoio, carinho e semente que colocaram neste projeto! Aproxima-se o final da campanha, com apenas 3horas para o...

Read more

Sat, 21/11/2020 - 20:16

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Fri, 06/11/2020 - 13:47

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Tue, 03/11/2020 - 09:39

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • Liliana Monteiro

    Um enorme Obrigada a Todos

    Queridos Amigos e Apoiantes,

    Quero expressar a minha enorme gratidão pelo vosso apoio até ao último instante.
    Cada euro, cada palavra de apoio e carinho foram imprescindíveis para fazer germinar a Heali.
    Por motivos burocráticos ligados a tudo o que implica o dar início à atividade e criação da empresa, só poderei fazê-lo em janeiro e não vou conseguir colocar a Heali já no sapatinho dos portugueses.

    Mas a campanha foi um sucesso graças a vocês e por isso está na altura de vos falar das recompensas!
    Vou enviar um email a combinar a aulinha de yoga para aqueles que escolheram esta campanha.
    Até ao final do mês de dezembro enviarei o áudio com a meditação e o e-book para aqueles que escolheram esta recompensa e no mês de janeiro enviarei o também merecido miminho zero waste .

    Quem ainda não segue a página Heali no instagram, toca a seguir o perfil :)
    Em janeiro o site também já estará no ar.

    Um caloroso abraço de gratidão Heali.
    Liliana Monteiro

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  • Liliana Monteiro

    3 Horas para Terminar

    Queridos Amigos e Apoiantes,

    Agradeço desde já todo o vosso apoio, carinho e semente que colocaram neste projeto!

    Aproxima-se o final da campanha, com apenas 3horas para o termino e 18% para o objetivo final, nesta campanha de tudo ou nada.

    Agradeço a vossa energia boa e altruismo de valor inexplicável ??? Gratidão profunda pelo vosso gesto!

    Um abraço caloroso da Heali
    Liliana Monteiro

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109 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 77
    new backers

  • 32
    recurrent backers

  • 18
    anonymous backers

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