After much dedication from the Diocesan Missionary Group of Leiria - Fatima, the conditions are right for the creation of a health center in Gungo for 25,000 inhabitants. Are we counting on you?
The Gungo is a commune with 2,200 km2 and that has about 25,000 inhabitants almost exclusively of Umbundo ethnicity. It is a mountainous region that was greatly affected by the war. The population lives in very scattered villages, about seventy throughout the commune. She is slowly trying to return to her normal life, but it is difficult because she is very isolated and has been lacking to accompany her in solving her basic problems.
ATLAS - People Like Us would join the Diocesan Missionary Group of Leiria - Fatima to create a health center that will provide specialized medical care throughout the year. In 2019 the Missionary Group will make it possible for potable water to reach these villages and the conditions are in place for the establishment of this health center.
For the project to take place we need 5000 €. Are we counting on you?
Fight against poverty and social exclusion, Human Rights, Health