Please Help Us! <3 We are in risk of closing our doors from Jan 2020!
Located in the shanty town of 2º Torrão, in Trafaria, a neighborhood with about 500 huts without legal electricity, without basic sanitation and some without thermal isolation, where almost 3000 people live, the "Dream Factory" ("Fábrica dos Sonhos" in portuguese) is the magical place where children play safely, do their homework, and enjoy free recreational and/or sports activities from Tuesdays to Saturdays, from 3pm to 7:30 pm. With a full-time team, the collaboration of volunteers and some partners, we give study support classes, karate lessons, experimental sciences, surfing, among other ativities. We help to create structures and methodologies so that they can find their inner balance that is necessary for both individual and group development, and help them grow has conscious adults in the future, to live in a peaceful society and to take on leadership roles.
We want to empower them with soft skills that allow them to emerge from the chaos, and become conscious adults, humanitarian leaders, responsible and happy. We distribute among all the tasks of being "team captain", distributing snacks, feeding/caring for the street animals, recycling, organizing incoming donations of school supplies or clothing, and teaching them how to manage small conflicts... With a program rich in ludic-pedagogical activities and a solidary and humanitarian vision, we have the mission to create in the children who live in their neighborhood, clandestine and crowded, the dream of growing up and being able to build a life different from poverty, or imminent poverty, and the social, economic and digital exclusion in which they live, giving them the same opportunities to which all children are entitled.
... right now, we are in risk of closing our doors for lack of financial support to pay for our daily expenses! We need € 27,000 for a full year (12 months). We have survived this three years only by crowdfunding and donations, without ever getting financial support from municipal, state or private institutions. We need help, we need you ...
#weareALLcovadomar # weareALLfamily
(... at the moment, we are awaiting the result of a municipal financial application that we applyied to. The results, however, will not arrive until the mid-end of December, and we have no guarantee of getting the requested support.)
Alexandra Gonzalez - Associação Cova do Mar
OBRIGADA!!! <3 vamos reabrir a Fábrica dos Sonhos...
Queridos Anjos da Guarda,
Embora não tenha sido possível conseguirmos o valor todo para 12 meses, graças à vossa ajuda vamos reabrir na mesma a Fábrica dos Sonhos, pelo menos por um período de 2meses. E vamos reabrir já dia 4 de Fevereiro! <3
Este milagre é vosso e que agradecemos de alma e coração! <3
Não se esqueçam de ver as vossas caixas de correio de email (spam incluído), porque vamos tentar entrar em contacto para enviar-mos as vossas recompensas por correio.
Mais uma vez: OBRIGADA a TODOS! De momento estamos fechados, mas amanhã as crianças vão receber um sms a avisar da reabertura... conseguem imaginar a FELICIDADE? ;)
Até Breve,
"Nenhuma Criança Deveria Ter de Pagar para Brincar"
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