FROM GRANNY TO TRENDY: We are mothers and grandmothers over 50 and attend a special sewing club. We want to present our talents in a fashion event and show how fashionable it is to reuse.
We are a sewing club in Porto, only for ladies over 50, and out of active life. Twice a week we go out to socialize and sew, learn new things with creatives and other fashion professionals. We make original clothes from used clothes, combining it creatively with textile waste and unused materials. We are, therefore, a brand of ethical and sustainable clothing, and we want to show our pieces in a parade where we will join specialists in this new trend that is good for the environment and for society. The pieces that we are going to present are the result of workshops that we developed with young and well-known designers, using techniques of recycling and upcycling, pioneering methodology, in the social, environmental and economic aspects. In this campaign we have the fantastic support of the EDP Foundation, which will give us 3000€ if we can raise at least the other 3000€.

Workshops tricot e manualidades
About the author
1000Rostos is a social action association formed in 2013 to provide moral and material support to the population that needs it.
One of its activities is "Vintage for a Cause".
This brand and social entrepreneurship project was created by a seamstress daughter who grew up using transformed clothes. Passionate about human development and aware of the vulnerability and apathy of women after leaving active life, she believes not only that this occupation recognizes and enhances the potential of useless resources and talents, but also in fashion as a strong engine of change in society.
She is joined by Bruno Cunha, a fashion designer specializing in upcycling, creator of the Onurb brand, Sofia Pinheiro, fashion designer with experience in process development, and D. Eduarda, former professional costume designer and costume designer.
The team also has Sérgio Correia, graphic designer, as well as an extensive group of tireless volunteers.

Desfile "Ethical Fashion Show" em Berlin
Budget and due dates
Deadlines - March 11 to April 25 - 6000€
If the minimum of 3000€ is reached, the EDP Foundation shares with the remaining 3000€.
- Team coordination activities - 1500€: Coordination and operationalization of activities (200hx7,5€)
- Costs with production and communication of the event - 3000€: Coordination and operationalization of activities (200hx7,5€)
- Expenses with guests, participants and volunteers - 1200€: Travel, lodging and meals, insurance, transport, others
- Others not foreseen - 300€: Any cost without setting the remaining funds.
Agradecimento a todos os apoiantes
O From Granny to Trendy vai acontecer graças ao seu apoio! Mais que um desfile, será um momento decisivo para a melhoria do é sentido e vivido como uma ocupação capacitante e feliz .
Gratos por acreditarem conosco, lembramos que o mesmo tinha incluido retorno através de contrapartidas, que poderão ser reclamadas através de email para o
Caso pretenda recibo de donativo, agradecemos envio dos dados de identificação morada e nif para o endereço
Esperamos que continue a acompanhar o nosso trabalho e em breve enviaremos mais novidades e informação sobre o evento.
1000Rostos Associação Ação Social
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