Festival d'Graffiti "KOVARTJAM" as a tool for visual and social transformation

Festival d'Graffiti "KOVARTJAM" as a tool for visual and social transformation

The GRAFFITI FESTIVAL aims to fulfill the dream of a dreamer who inspires others and has led them to believe in his purpose. The “FLOW” is not just a project, it is a mission th...

  • 1075


    19% of 5 520€

    32 backers

  • 23/07/2021

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

The GRAFFITI FESTIVAL aims to fulfill the dream of a dreamer who inspires others and has led them to believe in his purpose. The “FLOW” is not just a project, it is a mission that fascinates its participants.

“FLUXO” is a community project with an artistic-cultural basis, made up of an informal group of residents and friends from the Alto da Cova da Moura neighborhood, and led by the artist VIRUS (stage name) - which became ironic during the Covid pandemic19.

Tattoo artist and writer by profession, during the confinement, the artist decides to sell the car to buy paints and get to work on the streets of the neighborhood. These paintings on consecutive façades of houses in Cova da Moura have the pretext of cleaning and beautifying the public space. The artist has been gathering synergies aimed at the artistic, visual and cultural rehabilitation of the neighborhood. In this way, we want the quality of daily life, well-being and visits to the neighborhood to improve. An open-air gallery for everyone.

Within the scope of this dynamic, Fluxo intends to hold a Graffiti Festival called "KovartJam", with the following activities:

- Elaboration of graffiti and murals;
- Urban art workshop for social inclusion with national and international partners;
- Fair of articles and products created at Cova da Moura;
- Street Music of kizomba, morna, rap, reggae, DJing;
- Campaign against violence and abuse against women "# nonviolas"

This festival aims to continue the exercise of promoting the contribution of many to improve the aesthetic image of the streets of the neighborhood and to promote artistic and cultural activities that make use of the skills, talents and culture of the residents and friends of the neighborhood.

This crowdfunding campaign aims to fulfill the dream of a dreamer who inspires others and has led them to believe in his purpose. “FLOW” is not just a project, it is a mission that fascinates those involved and that aspires to be a bridge for the positive transformation of the Cova da Moura neighborhood

Dear friends, residents and ex-residents of Cova da Moura, lovers and sympathizers of urban art:

We created this campaign to fill another part of the financing we need to make this dream come true.

For this reason, we appeal to all lovers of art and culture, social entrepreneurs, and everyone in general who believes in self-determination and social transformation, your participation in this exercise to contribute to another step in the positive transformation of the neighborhood. Cova da Moura.

In advance, we thank you for your contribution, to the extent of your possibilities, and for sharing the link of this campaign with your network of family and friends.

We are available for all types of inquiries.

About the author

AAUTS (Association of Urban Artists and Social Transformation) joins this initiative as a partner, in order to support several actions inherent to the crowdfunding campaign.

The Association of Urban Artists and Social Transformation (AAUTS) is a non-profit artistic-cultural association, founded in January 2019. AAUTS is part of an international network of Associations that develops non-formal training activities aimed at urban art artists. We believe that urban art is an excellent tool for combating social issues such as racism, social exclusion, and discrimination, among others. AAUTS 'values are guided by integrated transformation, freedom, empathy, global citizenship and creativity.

Create artistic and educational environments that encourage the integrated development of young artists and the awareness of the power of art, in their relationship with the city, as a tool for empowerment, inclusion and innovation.

Have the confidence of those who seek us that, together and 'with art', we are contributing to a more humane, fairer, more inclusive and more creative society.

What we do?
- We promote collaboration and partnership with and between artists, associations, schools, universities and other national and international organizations;
- We organize activities and events in the various domains of urban art;
- We develop and participate in community projects of young leaders;
- We provide consultancy, curatorial and advisory services.


Budget and due dates

The target value for this campaign is € 5 520.
The Festival is scheduled for the 6th, 7th and 8th of August 2021.

The amount of € 5 520 intended with this campaign will help to cover the following expenses:
- Crowdfunding campaign cost;
- Realization of the festival;
- Aerosol cans (graffiti), paint buckets, brushes, scaffolding, ladders, masks, gloves, among other materials needed for the paintings;
- Transport of the artists and collaborators of the project;
- Food for artists and project collaborators;
- Construction Materials

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    5 € reward

    Honorable mention in the list of thanks on social networks

    3 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    10 € reward

    Sticker with name of the festival + Honorable mention in the list of thanks on social networks

    6 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    20 € reward

    Pin with the Project logo (# nonviolas or #flux?) + Sticker with the name of the festival + Honorable mention in the list of thanks on social networks

    14 backers

  • Invest with
    35€ or more

    35 € reward

    Guided tour to see the route of the graffiti murals + A Pin with the Project logo (# nonviolas or #flow?) + Sticker with the name of the festival + Honorable mention in the list of thanks on social networks

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    50 € reward

    Participation in the Urban Art workshop (Kramp, breakdance) + Guided tour to see the route of the graffiti murals + A Pin with the Project logo (# nonviolas or #flow?) + Sticker with the name of the festival + Honorable mention in the list of thanks on social media

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    € 100 reward

    T-shirt of the KOVART JAM festival + Participation in the Urban Art workshop (Kramp, breakdance) + Guided visit to see the route of the graffiti murals + A Pin with the Project logo (#noviolas or #flow?) + Name sticker of the festival + Honorable mention in the list of thanks on social networks

    4 backers

Fri, 06/09/2024 - 23:08


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 08:49

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Wed, 02/06/2021 - 00:36

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


32 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 13
    new backers

  • 19
    recurrent backers

  • 5
    anonymous backers

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