In between - a poetic tale written and illustrated in times of a pandemic - it is an authorial book that crosses visual and textual poetry. We will support the artistic creation...

  • 1103


    221% of 500€

    54 backers

  • 18/01/2021

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

In between - a poetic tale written and illustrated in times of a pandemic - it is an authorial book that crosses visual and textual poetry. We will support the artistic creation of new authors in the Portuguese artistic panorama!

Not long ago, my attachment to poetry and illustration gorwn up not only due to a creative need, but also as an emergency to publish illustrated stories. And why not the poems too?

Thanks to a continuous exercise of introspection, the prevalence of a personal approach, not created, but spurred on during confinement; and to the incentives of those who have been following the evolution of my work, especially from colleagues and friends, the idea of disseminating and editing these poems has gained strength!

[IMAGE: 815566: 3]

In between, it is a poetic text that is part of a larger self-publishing project. All support for this project will therefore serve to "buy time" for a new creation that will follow. This "fanzine" is a small poem that foresees the imprisonment in which we find ourselves in this unexpected trip. The fugacity of our lives, their insignificant scale within the natural cosmos, and the political thinking that still prevails tend to perpetuate a nefarious and abusive relationship between human beings and other living beings, the Planet and its ecosystems. It is a very small manifesto that jumps in defense of a future that must be lived now, where dreams and reality cohabit harmoniously, where reality can itself be a dream. Nature is us!

What each one reads in this book is up to each one to interpret. The drawings and texts are responsible for inhabiting the pages, accommodated between their expression and texture, the core that moves freely around the spine of the book, without spine, cooked by hand, open to what is to come, sketches to be completed.

Risography is an ecological printing technique that uses soy-based inks. There are twelve printed pages and dance in one and two colors in a delicate treatment with each pass through the machine.

On the one hand, I edited this book bearing part of the costs, and on the other, I had the institutional support of the Viana do Castelo City Council. What I intend above all else is for this work to use itself, to allow me to disseminate my work throughout the country, to help me continue this desire to be able to produce a next work!

In this crowdfunding campaign all the little "in´s" will be "many betweens" for me. - and for the Portuguese literary creation I hope :-)

I am confident that each of these books will be read with love and care by each one of you!

[IMAGE: 815566: 0]


Book Details

Dimensions: 18x25cm

12 pages printed in two colors, in risography

170gr paper cover and interior

About the author

Hi! I'm Eva Evita to avoid confusion! :)

I am an architect as passionate about houses as I am about illustrated books. Until today, no illustrations or text have complained about my cozy compartments and tight feet!

Master's degree in Illustration and Animation at IPCA, Barcelos, in January of this year-no, I have been creating illustrations in the most diverse artistic areas. In addition to taking victorious cups home, full of joy, I teach and periodically hold illustration workshops with kids and adults. I was distinguished with some relevant prizes within the area, among which the Novos Talentos FNAC 2020 award, 1st International Porcelain Illustration Award Vista Alegre (2019), and the Young Illustrator Câmara de Amarante BIISA award (2017). There are at the moment going on some collective exhibitions taking place in Shanghai (China), Valencia (Spain) and Maia- UIVO (Portugal). With no fixed direction, I look through illustration to represent my imaginary world, based on personal observation of what surrounds me. Trying not only to fill my chest with short breath but the open eyes of all who listen to my poems !! I am an author together with illustrator Diogo Bessa of the Tusse Tusse Edições Ambulantes project, and I also carry out personal projects and many others for very demanding clients!

[IMAGE: 815566: 5]

Budget and due dates

Budget and Schedule

I made an edition of 100 copies of the book, but if there are more than 100 supporters wanting to buy the book, I can make a second edition!


December 19th to 26th:

  1. disclose, disclose, disclose !!!
  2. preparation of rewards (if it reaches 50% of the goal)

(Anyone who wants can follow drawings and other parts of the process on my instagram !)

December 26th to January 5th:

  1. gather supporters to the final goal!
  2. end of the campaign at PPL (with + 100% of the goal, I hope!)

until January 15th:

  1. production of rewards
  2. prepare everything to offer supporters
  3. sending the Book + rewards to supporters (to those who cannot deliver by hand) via CTT :)

[IMAGE: 815566: 4]


  • shipments by CTT (single regular mail) = € 2.60 each book or Totebag (€ 260 per 100 copies)
  • shipping by CTT (single regular mail) = € 3.50 each illustration (€ 103 for 30 copies)
  • totebag ~ € 4.80 / each
  • frame production accessories ~ 75 €
  • shipping envelopes and packaging ~ € 1.00 (€ 100 for every 100 copies)
  • support for artistic production and organization time
  • support for dissemination and structure (with the production of some flyers, emails and network platforms)
  • the rest of the money will be invested in future productions
  • PPL commissions ** (7.5% + VAT) = € 46.13


* PPL commissions: These are the fees that I will have to pay in order to carry out this campaign at PPL. Of the amount you receive, 5% + VAT is for the PPL platform itself and 2.5% + VAT will be to cover the payment partners' commissions (PayPal, ATM References, etc.)

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    A helping hand! (I just want to help a little)

    With € 5 you can give a little help, even if you don't want the book / fanzine. You get a digital postcard on the go to send to friends and / or family! ♡ Many of us are far away and nothing better and faster than a winter treat in your email messages! ♡

    8 backers

  • I just want to transport SO MUCH! 1 Totebag + 1 bookmark + 1 digital postcard

    Invest with
    15€ or more

    I just want to transport SO MUCH! 1 Totebag + 1 bookmark + 1 digital postcard

    With 15 euros you carry a lot of little things in your bag! All bags are made of cotton! Inside you can find a bookmark with our illustrated rabbit! I can deliver it by hand or send by regular mail! ♡

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

    Limited to 13 units. 13 remaining

  • Two little hands to read the BOOK!

    Invest with
    15€ or more

    Two little hands to read the BOOK!

    With 15 euros you buy the book! All editions are numbered! I can deliver it by hand or send regular mail by CTT! ♡ As a very special thanks in the book, everyone is personalized with your name! ♡ (+ € 4.20 for shipping outside Portugal)

    25 backers

    Limited to 25 units. None left

  • Hands free! I want the BOOK + 1 Totebag to carry it!

    Invest with
    25€ or more

    Hands free! I want the BOOK + 1 Totebag to carry it!

    With 25 € you buy the Book and you also receive a Totebag illustrated by me! Aware of our ecological footprint, with this Tote you can transport everything you want inside (including the little book) where you can travel beyond home! The tote is 100% cotton (approximately 35x38cm). ♡ I can deliver everything by hand, or send by normal CTT and thank you with a sweet nudge! ♡

    14 backers

    Limited to 13 units. None left

  • With wide open eyes! Illustration!

    Invest with
    35€ or more

    With wide open eyes! Illustration!

    With € 35 (or more!) You buy one of the illustrations in the book! It is printed in two-color risography, in a 42x29.7 cm format, on 170g cotton paper, numbered and signed by me! Go framed and ready to offer or to hang at home! In the back I dedicate a dear thanks! ♡ ♡ I can give you everything personally and thank you with a HUGE virtual hug! ♡♡ Simple CTT shipping included!

    1 backer

  • Bag in tow and eyes open! 1 Totebag + Illustration + 1 digital postcard!

    Invest with
    45€ or more

    Bag in tow and eyes open! 1 Totebag + Illustration + 1 digital postcard!

    With € 45 (or more!) You buy one of the illustrations in the book, a bookmark and even the Totebag to carry whatever you want! The illustration is printed in two-color risography, in 42x29.7 cm format, on 170g cotton paper, numbered and signed by me! It is framed and ready to offer or to hang at home! ♡ ♡ I can give you everything personally and thank you with a HUGE virtual hug! ♡♡ Simple CTT shipping included!

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

    Limited to 10 units. 10 remaining

  • Hands full! I want everything!

    Invest with
    55€ or more

    Hands full! I want everything!

    With 55 € (or more!) You take EVERYTHING I can offer you! See the other levels of help for specifications on the rewards (digital postcard, totebag, book and illustration!). ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ I can deliver everything and almost everything inside your new totebag and thank you with a GIANT virtual hug! ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ Shipping by normal CTT included - registered if necessary!

    5 backers

Wed, 02/10/2024 - 19:24

Wed, 27/01/2021 - 14:32


Olá a todos! Espero que se encontrem com saúde! Tenho tudo prontinho para enviar já desde o final da campanha, contudo foi feita a encomenda de envelopes e caixas a uma e...

Read more

Tue, 19/01/2021 - 11:12

Olá a todos os apoiantes do

Olá a todos os apoiantes do "Entretanto" :)!! É com enorme orgulho que partilho com vocês que alcançámos 1103€ como financiamento desta campanha "Entretanto"!! Um sucesso eno...

Read more

Tue, 19/01/2021 - 10:53

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Thu, 31/12/2020 - 16:32

BOM ANO 2021!

Os votos de um bom lugar em 2021 é o que desejo! Um lugar para cada um de nós, para o outro e para a felicidade!

Read more

Fri, 25/12/2020 - 12:59


♡CONSEGUIMOS ALCANÇAR O OBJECTIVO! ♡ IMENSAMENTE GRATA A TODOS OS APOIANTES! Obrigada a todos por presentearem o sapatinho neste dia de Natal! A campanha alcançou os 100%! ...

Read more

Thu, 24/12/2020 - 16:32

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Wed, 23/12/2020 - 13:35

A meio caminho, mas com muita gratidão!

☀IMENSAMENTE GRATA A TODOS OS APOIANTES! ☀ A campanha já alcançou os 50% ! Obrigada por acreditarem comigo neste projeto!!!! A campanha continuará ativa até dia 18 de Ja...

Read more

Wed, 23/12/2020 - 12:17

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Tue, 22/12/2020 - 12:12

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • Eva Evita


    Olá a todos!

    Espero que se encontrem com saúde!

    Tenho tudo prontinho para enviar já desde o final da campanha, contudo foi feita a encomenda de envelopes e caixas a uma empresa portuguesa que me ligou hoje informando que tinham a máquina de corte avariada e só retomam as encomendas de há 3 semanas hoje. Logo que receba a entrega procederei aos envios de todos em conjunto, contudo achei por bem informar-vos deste pequeno percalço que me é superior.
    Espero que compreendam e fico ansiosa para que recebam logo logo os vossos pedidos!
    Até breve a todos!

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  • Maria João TrindadeEva Evita

    Re: avanços

    Olá Eva,
    aguardo muito curiosa!
    Obrigada pelo ponto da situação.
    Até breve,

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  • Eva Evita

    Olá a todos os apoiantes do

    Olá a todos os apoiantes do "Entretanto" :)!!

    É com enorme orgulho que partilho com vocês que alcançámos 1103€ como financiamento desta campanha "Entretanto"!! Um sucesso enorme que não conseguiria sem a vossa ajuda!
    Este é para mim um sonho tornado realidade e queria agradecer-vos por cada um de vocês ter feito parte da sua concretização!

    Em breve irei enviar-vos a(s) recompensa(s) correspondente(s) à vossa contribuição! Muitos já me enviaram a morada, ou deram as indicações para tal, pedia por favor a quem não o fez para o fazer :)
    Neste momento, as recompensas estão organizadas e quase quase prontas a sair! Assim que os embrulhos começarem a ser distribuídos irei manter-vos a par!
    Não se esqueçam de me dar um feedback e a vossa opinião será sempre muito bem vinda!
    Qualquer dúvida que tenham não hesitem em perguntar!

    Um enorme obrigada mais uma vez! E até muito breve!

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  • Eva Evita

    BOM ANO 2021!

    Os votos de um bom lugar em 2021 é o que desejo! Um lugar para cada um de nós, para o outro e para a felicidade!

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  • Eva Evita



    Obrigada a todos por presentearem o sapatinho neste dia de Natal! A campanha alcançou os 100%!
    A campanha continuará ativa até dia 18 de Janeiro, pelo que qualquer pessoa pode ainda contribuir e adquirir um dos exemplares da auto-edição livrinho "Entretanto"!
    A todos vocês e famílias um FELIZ NATAL! :) & FELIZ ANO 2021!

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  • Eva Evita

    A meio caminho, mas com muita gratidão!


    A campanha já alcançou os 50% !
    Obrigada por acreditarem comigo neste projeto!!!!

    A campanha continuará ativa até dia 18 de Janeiro, pelo que qualquer pessoa pode ainda contribuir!
    Esta será a maneira de encomendarem o livrinho "Entretanto" para o terem na estante de vossa casa :) !
    A todos vocês e famílias um FELIZ NATAL! :)

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54 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 36
    new backers

  • 18
    recurrent backers

  • 1
    anonymous backer

Meet the people helping this dream come true