Chronicles of Enerelis - Volume 01: the beginning of a new comic series

Chronicles of Enerelis - Volume 01: the beginning of a new comic series

This is the beginning of a journey full of magic, mysteries and secrets. And everyone is invited to enter this new world!

  • 265


    118% of 1 500€

    61 backers

  • 04/01/2021

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

This is the beginning of a journey full of magic, mysteries and secrets. And everyone is invited to enter this new world!

In more than 180 pages, you can start a journey that will take you through paths full of adventure and magic. A story for everyone, which shows us that fantasy has no age limit to be read.

Enerelis is one of Earth's three parallel worlds. At peace for fourteen years, it is populated by several races and creatures that were born thanks to the existence of two opposing forces, Nox and Aether, granting its inhabitants extraordinary abilities. It is in this world that Eyren Caeli, a 12-year-old boy, begins his long journey to accomplish his only goal: saving his best friend. However, his past haunts his every step.

Like the journey of our young protagonist, the creation of the Chronicles has also been quite a journey: the script was built between 2008 and 2015, and was planned to be a comic book series with manga influences.

In 2018, it started the adventure of turning the script into sequential art. And now it is the very best opportunity to share the beginning of this journey with everyone who loves parallel worlds, magic and a story full of secrets. There will be some mystery too and a pinch of fun. Scroll down the page for more on a .PDF that introduces you to the Enerelis universe.

Estudo de ambiente a cores

This is the start of a new series that will bring much more stories and fantasy to comics. In this phase, in more than 180 black&white pages, every single character will show us that, to fulfil their goals, they have to find the value of sacrifices.

Therefore, it is time to publish and spread the word about the first volume. With your help, Enerelis will come to life. This world it is only possible if it is lived by everyone.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a singe step", said Lao Tzu one day. And I would love to take this step with you!

Everyone is invited to enter this new world!

Estudo de ambiente a cores

About the author

When Patrícia Costa discovered that illustrating Portuguese language school textbooks was fun, she spent her free time illustrating other school subject's books. But it is on library storybooks she finds a source of worlds and characters about to be discovered.

After she had finished Art Studies on Secondary School, she enters on ISCTE, where she graduates on Architecture. The following nine years, she works on an architecture firm.

However, the flame that has born on the love between drawing and writing was never been extinguished and, in 2018, she finds the opportunity of giving life to her creative worlds: she finish an Initiation Course on Sequential Art, lectured by Susana Resende, an illustrator, and Daniel Maia, a comic book artist. The same year, she wins the first prize on the most important comic's contest on Portugal, AmadoraBD.

In 2019, wins the third prize on a comic contest promoted by Odemira's Municipality. Also, she had participated with two short comics on Outras Bandas fanzine, edited by Colectivo Tágide, one of them was the winner of the Best Short Comic on XVII Troféus Central Comics, in 2020. She has done the art and colour for “Posse”, script by the author Penim Loureiro, for the magazine H-Alt #9.

A autora e a personagem

In 2020, wins again the third prize on the comics contest promoted by Odemira's municipality.

Among other comics, she participated on the anthology “Virar a Página”, which assembled some comic book writers and artists, which crowdfunding campaign was succeed on PPL, aiming of collect financial support for Associação CAIS.

Even with all the stories she had created, she never stopped working on this comic book, and at the moment, she have already more than a half of the second volume completed. She hopes one day count on the collaboration of other artists to dedicate herself solely to studies and inking pages, but currently every single page of the Chronicles is done solo.

Currently, in addition to illustration works, comics are the better of two worlds. And she wants to share her creative worlds with everyone.

Budget and due dates


It seems a random number, but it isn't. It is the number of pages of the comic book and each one of them was made with love.

Therefore, each euro collected will serve to pay for the following expenses:

- Printing (100 copies): € 614.80

- Shipping (envelopes and postage): 150,00 €

- PPL commissions: € 138.38

- Pins (100 units): 60,00 €

- Printing of digital illustrations on heavyweight paper: 120,00 €

- Printing of magazine of Volume 02: € 65.00

- Graphite illustrations: 200 €

- Extras (creative work, digital illustrations and other materials): € 151.82

Estudos de personagens

All of these costs are rounded values (except for book printing and commissions) and depend on the number of participants. Any extra money that the campaign makes will be directed for the production of Volume 02 and continue the series.

The estimate production time for all materials is:

- Book printing: up to 3 weeks.

- Designing digital illustrations, magazine and pins: up to 2 weeks.

- Graphite illustrations: up to 1 week.

Estudos de ambientes

  • Angel

    Invest with
    5€ or more


    If you cannot contribute that much, but you would like to participate, your name will be registered to posterity in the book acknowledgements and you will also receive an exclusive pin limited to this campaign.

    8 backers

  • Elf

    Invest with
    20€ or more


    If you are curious to know the rest of the story, you will see your name in the book acknowledgements, receive a pin and also the Volume 01 of the Chronicles signed.

    20 backers

  • Sorcerer

    Invest with
    25€ or more


    If you are curious to read the story, but want something customized, you will see your name in the book acknowledgements, you will receive a pin and the Volume 01 of the Chronicles signed with a unique design. No more books will have the same design!

    26 backers

  • Mage

    Invest with
    35€ or more


    Apart from being a book collector and wanting something customized, you will see your name in the book acknowledgements, you will receive a pin and the Volume 01 of the Chronicles signed with a unique design, in addition to 3 A4 prints with digital illustrations, all limited to this campaign.

    3 backers

  • Maegian

    Invest with
    45€ or more


    Those who demand exclusivity want to know what will happen after the events of Volume 01. Therefore, in addition of seeing your name in the book acknowledgements, you will receive a pin and the Volume 01 of the Chronicles signed with a unique design, such as 3 A4 prints with digital illustrations, and will also receive ... *drum roll, please* ... a magazine with the Introduction and first chapter of Volume 02, in a total of 24 pages, limited to this campaign.

    6 backers

  • Auregiel

    Invest with
    70€ or more


    You are the master of masters and, therefore, you also deserve everything: you will see your name in the book acknowledgements, you receive a pin, the Volume 01 of the Chronicles signed with a unique design, 3 A4 prints with digital illustrations, the magazine of Volume 02 and an graphiteA4 illustration, on heavyweight paper, alluding to the story. Every illustration will be unique.

    3 backers

Mon, 10/03/2025 - 03:47

Tue, 05/01/2021 - 09:32

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Wed, 16/12/2020 - 15:00

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Sat, 28/11/2020 - 13:14

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Sun, 22/11/2020 - 14:50

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Wed, 18/11/2020 - 10:59

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


61 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 25
    new backers

  • 36
    recurrent backers

  • 0
    anonymous backers

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