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Documentary - Echoes of the Red One

Documentary - Echoes of the Red One

A collection of personal testimonies about the role of private homes and institutions in the anti-fascist resistance struggle during the "Estado Novo" regime in Vila Franca de X...

  • 713


    108% of 660€

    18 backers

  • 28/02/2020

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

A collection of personal testimonies about the role of private homes and institutions in the anti-fascist resistance struggle during the "Estado Novo" regime in Vila Franca de Xira.

Master's Degree Film at Universidade da Beira Interior:

Vila Franca de Xira, a city that was known in PIDE (ex-political police during Portuguese fascism) as “A Vermelha”, was an important political epicenter throughout the "Estado Novo" period. Echoes of the Red One is based on a collection of interviews about the functioning of private houses or institutions and their oppositional and libertarian role during the "Estado Novo" regime.

The film will be made by collecting interviews with the very people who somehow played important roles in these cultural and resistance spaces in Vila Franca.

Some of the spaces and events to address will be:

- The Cultural Section of União Desportiva Vilafranquense and its cultural actions;

- Ateneu Artístico Vilafranquense and its cultural actions, highlighting the “Zip Xira” (inspired by the television program "Zip Zip" from RTP) which promoted a critical look at society at the time and was later banned by PIDE;

- House "34" and its free-singing cultural events and political work;

- House “50” and its political actions, where the first meetings for the Women's Democratic Movement (MDM) were also held;

- The Parish Secretariat and its importance in stimulating opposition cultural events;

- Vila Franca de Xira's Commercial and Industrial School and its importance for the educational development of the local population;

- The Alves Redol Popular Center;

- Travel aboard the "Liberdade" (Liberty) Boat;

- Activities in cafes and taverns such as Taberna do Chico Alemão;

- Preparation of the electoral campaign of the Democratic Electoral Commission (CDE) in 1969 in the Eugénio's Garage;

- The funeral of the writer Alves Redol and "his" people.

The angle of approach of this film focuses mainly on the decisive role that culture, associations, friendship and camaraderie played in the formation and organization of the populations of Vila Franca and Greater Lisbon in their struggle for a different, free country of repression and censorship.

We believe in the potential of this project for its cultural and historical value both for the city of Vila Franca de Xira and for the country itself. Approaching a subject still little explored in national cinema, especially because it focuses on the events of a specific place and especially highlighting the area of culture, we consider that it will be an indispensable object that will leave fundamental testimonies about the history of our country, for posterity.

About the author

We are a small but very dedicated team!

Direction and Production:

Bruno Teixeira, currently pursuing a master's degree in film at Universidade da Beira Interior, has a film degree from the Lisbon Theatre and Film School (Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema / ESTC). In his curriculum, he write the screenplay of "Glaze" (2019), directed by Clara Jost and directed the filme "Two Cartoonists" (2019) with the cartoonists António Antunes and Vasco Gargalo.

Direction of Photography:

Pedro Marques is licensed in photograpy by ESTC. He's currently taking a master's degree in Aesthetics and Artistic Studies, Cinema and Photography area in FCSH.  In ESTC, he was screenwriter and director of photograpy in “78.4” (2017) by Tiago Amorim, achivieng Best National Essay at Caminhos do Cinema Português film festival. He was also director of photography in “Cadernos de Viagem” (2017) by Luiza Seara Cardoso and “Movimento Perpétuo” (2018) by Tiago Amorim. In addition, he was camera operator of "Glaze” (2019) by Clara Jost.


The sound direction will be divided between Jade Pereira and Francisca Mendes, both licensed in cinema by ESTC. Francisca Mendes counts on her curriculum sound assistance in films such as "Tivessem ficado em casa, seus anormais" (2017) by Inês Luís or "78.4" (2017) by Tiago Amorim. Jade was the sound director of "As mulheres que assobiavam Schubert" (2016) by Natércia Lameiro (documentary of the 2nd year at ESTC) and professionally the sound director of "Humano animal" (2018) by Gustavo Martins.


António Ramos, finalist of ESTC, where he was assistant editor in "Tivessem ficado em casa, seus anormais" (2017) and "Berth" (2019), he also edited the documentary "The Promise of Balfour" ”(2018) signed by the collective to which he belongs, La Résistance Produções.

Budget and due dates

Behind the cameras, there is a lot of work needed to make movies come true.

We already filmed part of the interviews, but we still have a lot of work left! To continue, we need your help.

Any support, big or small, is welcome! Help us fund 30% of our budget.


Expense Forecast:

A. Technical Team - 1500 €

B. Food and Transportation - 450 €

C. Others - 50 €

Total - 2000 €

After filming is completed, at the end of January, we will begin editing the film, working the sound and images, until June, date in which the project is due to be completed.

All support, up to a value of 5 €, not included in the reward levels, continues to be mentioned in the thanks of the film.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Thank you so much for your input!

    Thank you very much for your input. Your name will appear in the movie thanks.

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    15€ or more

    Thanks for believing

    In addition to your thank-you name, we also sent a digital copy of the movie poster to your email.

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    We are even more grateful

    In addition to your thank-you name, we sent a physical copy of the film poster, signed by the director, as well as a digital copy to your email.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    We start flying with you

    Your name will appear in thanks. You will receive a physical and digital copy of the poster, signed by the director, and you will also receive a copy of the movie's DVD (no extras).

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more


    Your name will appear in the acknowledgments, you will receive a physical and digital copy of the poster signed by the director and we will also send you a DVD copy of the movie, with rare archive footage extras.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    120€ or more

    We are speechless

    Thank you so much for your generous contribution. In addition to receiving all the rewards already mentioned, you will also be invited to an exclusive premiere of our documentary. Your DVD copy will also feature an unreleased live recording by José Afonso!

    1 backer

Thu, 26/09/2024 - 12:34

Fri, 13/08/2021 - 15:38

Estreia do filme no IndieLisboa 2021

Boa tarde caros apoiantes, Informo que o filme "Ecos da Vermelha" terá a sua estreia nacional/mundial no IndieLisboa no próximo domingo 22 de agosto, às 18h, no Cinema São Jo...

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Thu, 05/11/2020 - 19:37

Exibição privada do filme "Ecos da Vermelha"

Boa tarde caros apoiantes, Está prevista uma exibição privada do filme apenas para convidados (entre os quais os financiadores do filme). Os apoios com nomes associados já fo...

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Mon, 02/03/2020 - 11:47

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Fri, 28/02/2020 - 18:27

Campanha Finalizada e Financiada

Muito boa tarde, Venho por este meio agradecer, em meu nome e em nome de toda a equipa do filme "Ecos da Vermelha", toda a ajuda dada para o nosso projeto. Sem todas as c...

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Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Sun, 16/02/2020 - 21:12

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Sun, 05/01/2020 - 23:16

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Fri, 03/01/2020 - 17:51

Filme "Ecos da Vermelha" - Obrigado aos primeiros apoiantes

Boa tarde, Muitíssimo obrigado pelo seu apoio ao nosso filme. Esperemos que goste do resultado final. Obrigado, Bruno Teixeira

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Campaign launched


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  • Bruno Teixeira

    Estreia do filme no IndieLisboa 2021

    Boa tarde caros apoiantes,

    Informo que o filme "Ecos da Vermelha" terá a sua estreia nacional/mundial no IndieLisboa no próximo domingo 22 de agosto, às 18h, no Cinema São Jorge (Sala Manoel de Oliveira).

    Enquanto apoiante(s) do filme, caso esteja(m) interessado(s) poderemos oferecer entrada gratuita para a sessão. Para tal, deve(m) enviar um e-mail com o nome completo e n.º CC para o e-mail ecosdavermelha.geral@gmail.com até à próxima segunda-feira 16.

    Obrigado, até breve,
    Bruno Teixeira

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  • Bruno Teixeira

    Exibição privada do filme "Ecos da Vermelha"

    Boa tarde caros apoiantes,

    Está prevista uma exibição privada do filme apenas para convidados (entre os quais os financiadores do filme). Os apoios com nomes associados já foram todos contactados e convidados. Peço aos apoiantes anónimos que entrem em contacto comigo para o e-mail do filme (ecosdavermelha.geral@gmail.com), se desejarem ver o filme nesta sessão.

    Bruno Teixeira

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  • Bruno Teixeira

    Campanha Finalizada e Financiada

    Muito boa tarde,

    Venho por este meio agradecer, em meu nome e em nome de toda a equipa do filme "Ecos da Vermelha", toda a ajuda dada para o nosso projeto.

    Sem todas as contribuições que nos foram dadas nos últimos dois meses, não teria sido possível chegarmos a bom porto.

    Muito agradecemos a todos os que contribuíram para o nosso filme, de forma anónima ou não. Qualquer ajuda, por mais pequena que tivesse sido, ajudar-nos-á a concluir o nosso projeto com segurança.

    Fazer filmes em Portugal é difícil e, em ambiente escolar ainda mais difícil é, pela falta de um financiamento considerável.

    Em breve, daremos novidades sobre o nosso filme, podendo desde já adiantar que estamos prestes a começar a fase de montagem que muito trabalho nos trará, visto que ficámos com mais de 24h de material em bruto.

    Muito obrigado,
    Bruno Teixeira

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  • Bruno Teixeira

    Filme "Ecos da Vermelha" - Obrigado aos primeiros apoiantes

    Boa tarde,

    Muitíssimo obrigado pelo seu apoio ao nosso filme.

    Esperemos que goste do resultado final.

    Bruno Teixeira

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18 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 12
    new backers

  • 6
    recurrent backers

  • 9
    anonymous backers

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