Co-creation is an independent project consist by actors and a technical team focused on creating their own opportunities on the movies market.
We are a team of fourteen professionals, actors and technical team, most of us at the beginning of our careers. By helping us with this project, you are contributing to our integration in the small and competitive Portuguese cinematic market, which often only repeatedly gives opportunities to the same professionals. Your investment in this project will allow us to create, create more, do different and create opportunities at a time when creativity is more than necessary for us to thrive and have more work in the world of cinema, television, theater! Inertia is not part of our DNA and being dependent on third parties ends up limiting our ambition to share our stories and ideas through the audiovisual medium. Crowdfunding is the ideal way to move forward with this project, if not even, one of the few alternatives to accomplish and present our work. We need your full support in order to carry out this project and share our story. The story portrays the inner conflicts of two journalists who are instructed to report on an ecological farm and who also face the conflicts of an entire community that is unknown to them. The inspiration behind this story is the power within each human being to create their own reality and gain awareness to meet their purpose in life.
Andreia Dos Santos
Obrigada pelo teu contributo - Co Criaçao
Obrigada a todos pelo vosso contributo!
Acreditem que é precioso para nós e estamos eternamente agradecidos pela vossa ajuda e incentivo a este projecto.
Estamos a 72h da ação terminar e estamos quase atingir os 4.863,00€, faltam apenas 967,00€.
Se puderem partilhem também esta ação para chegarmos ao maior número de pessoas.
Obrigada eterno
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Andreia Dos Santos
O Teu contributo - Co Criação
Passaram 7 dias desde que começámos angariar dinheiro para conseguirmos avançar com este projecto Cinematográfico. OBRIGADA a todos vocês que já contribuíram e conseguiram ajudar - nos a pôr o barco andar. Se quiserem continuar ajudar partilhem com os vossos amigos, familiares e redes sociais. Que cada contribuição vossa regresse para vocês a triplicar a cada minuto. Obrigada. A Equipa da Co-Criação.
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