Dissident Bodies | Rebel Cities

Dissident Bodies | Rebel Cities

Debates, performances, exhibitions and visual essays, and walking by the hand of artists, researchers and activists engaged with social causes to discuss exclusion and inclusion...

  • 560


    102% of 550€

    22 backers

  • 29/05/2019

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Debates, performances, exhibitions and visual essays, and walking by the hand of artists, researchers and activists engaged with social causes to discuss exclusion and inclusion not conform, not hegemonic bodies.

Dissident Bodies | Rebel Cities seeks to cross-examine within a transdisciplinarily dialogue (from art to social sciences, through citizen activism) on exclusion / inclusion of less conforming, less hegemonic bodies and body-habilities in the city daylife. It should take place on May 31 and June 1 in Marvila, in the oriental area of Lisbon. We will carry on debates and talks, performances, exhibitions and visual essays, and walks through the territory by the hand of artists, researchers and people engaged in various social causes. And here, we also try to recover the sense of the greek ágora, a space for discussion and decision about things that relate to life in the city. The meeting brings together various researchers, artists and activists from Portugal and abroad who will talk, reveal and present themselves in two days of scientific debates, advocacy dialogues and artistitics pratices. We will be together with the organizations and the local agents in a Library (the Biblioteca Municipal of Marvila that already offered its space for the debates and seminars), in a regional association (of Castro Daire) where we will make collective lunches togheter, and in an immigrants association (Aguinenso) where we will have a session of cinema and visual and digital projects.

We need your support to guarantee only the minimum costs of production (materials for performances, workshops and facilities, support to the cost of meals to colleagues with less financial capacity and possible support in the travel costs of foreign participants without there own financing).

We estimate that we will only need 550 € for these costs, because we have also other institutions for financial support.

We count on you and your friends ...

About the author

We are a collective of researchers, artists and activists: Angeles Montalvo Chaves (Spanish researcher and activist); Emiliano Dantas (Brazilian photographer and doctoral student); Francesca de Luca (anthropologist and Italian artist); Gabe Passarelli (Brazilian trans performer and activist); Herberto Smith (Portuguese black photographer and visual artist); Joacina Katar Moreira (sociologist, black feminist activist); Junior Abalos (Brazilian doctoral student); Laura Burocco (Italian activist and researcher); Otávio Raposo (Brazilian anthropologist and activist); Paulo Raposo (Portuguese anthropologist and activist); Scott Head (Brazilian anthropologist); Teresa Fradique (Portuguese anthropologist); Vitor Grunvald (anthropologist, videotape and Brazilian queer activist); and we are counting on the partnership of the Association of Women without Borders (graffiteiras), CRIA and CIES research centers, the Instituto Brasil Plural and the Prince Kalus Fund, and the Red de antropologia desde y del cuerpo, and also Fruta Feia, and BUALA - digital plataform, and last but not the least, the local institutions involved.

Budget and due dates

It takes place on May 31st and June 1st (from 9.30am to 11pm) at Marvila.
Secretariat and public dissimination - posters, room sheets, (will be supported by the research center CRIA) - € 400
Participant Travel and Accommodation (support by Prince Klaus Foundation and Brazil Plural Institute) - € 1300 + € 500
Meals (PPL campaign) - 300 € (40 pax x 2days)
Materials and support for performances / installations (PPL campaign) - 250 €
Publication / Web Doc (support to request the Foundation Science and Technology, CRIA and Instituto Brasil Plural) - 500 €

1. end of April campaign launch (corwdfunding, facebook); requests for support

2. May - one video per week with release and presse release with final programming

3. Pre-production 20-28 May (logistics and resources)
4. 30 - 31 May/ 1-2 June - host and accomodation with foreign guests

5.event May 31 and June 1
6. July to September: editing web doc

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Support with € 5 and get the facebook thanks of the event

    Support with € 5 and get the facebook thanks of the event Your name will be in a publication of our facebook dedicated to the thanks of those who supported this initiative!

    11 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Support with € 20 or more and get a guided tour of the urban art murals of Marvila

    Support with € 20 or more and get a guided tour of the urban art murals of Marvila In addition to the gratitude on the Facebook page, you can visit the murals painted in Marvila accompanying our team that coordinates and manages this project. (Dates to be scheduled later)

    9 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Support with € 50 or more and you will have the opportunity to talk with the project authors In addition to mentioning (your name and thank you on the facebook page) your name will be mention on the credits of the webdoc and the printed materials produced, and you will have the opportunity to know the project in the "first person" within an informal context during the collective meals in the event. You can also meet the artists and activists invited and involved in the event.

    4 backers

Tue, 11/03/2025 - 00:01

Tue, 04/06/2019 - 15:35

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Wed, 29/05/2019 - 19:12

Obrigado, conseguimos!

Caros e caras apoiantes, agradecemos a todos e todas o apoio à nossa iniciativa. Conseguimos o nosso objectivo e assim os gastos de produção estarão cobertos. Até sexta e sábad...

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Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Wed, 29/05/2019 - 17:05

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Tue, 21/05/2019 - 10:30

corpos dissidentes - agradecimento

Caros e Caras, Agradecemos imenso o vosso apoio à nossa campanha e pedimos um último esforço de divulgação da mesma porque estamos quase alcançando os nossos objectivos e falta...

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Tue, 14/05/2019 - 10:01

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Fri, 03/05/2019 - 10:07

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Paulo Raposo

    Obrigado, conseguimos!

    Caros e caras apoiantes, agradecemos a todos e todas o apoio à nossa iniciativa. Conseguimos o nosso objectivo e assim os gastos de produção estarão cobertos.
    Até sexta e sábado, contamos com a vossa presença.
    Obrigado em nome de Corpos Dissidentes | Cidades Rebeldes

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  • Paulo Raposo

    corpos dissidentes - agradecimento

    Caros e Caras,
    Agradecemos imenso o vosso apoio à nossa campanha e pedimos um último esforço de divulgação da mesma porque estamos quase alcançando os nossos objectivos e faltam 10 dias para terminar a campanha. Se puderem divulguem entre amigos e amigas, generosos e generosas... e seguimos juntos!

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22 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 15
    new backers

  • 7
    recurrent backers

  • 9
    anonymous backers

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