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Os Contos Mais Épicos de Conan

Os Contos Mais Épicos de Conan

Which classic author, within the fantastic genre, would make sense to publish in the third volume of our exclusive editions? Robert E. Howard, in particular his tales of Conan t...

  • 2823


    31% of 9 000€

    62 backers

  • 31/07/2020

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Which classic author, within the fantastic genre, would make sense to publish in the third volume of our exclusive editions? Robert E. Howard, in particular his tales of Conan the Barbarian.

After the publication of an Edgar Allan Poe anthology in 2017 and a new HP Lovecraft anthology in 2018, we set a very high standard. Which classic author, within the fantastic genre, would make sense to publish in the third volume of these exclusive editions? Robert E. Howard, in particular his tales of Conan the Barbarian . It is true that the author is less consensual than the previous ones, perhaps more closed in a niche, but Howard's influence on modern fantasy is undeniable. And Conan is Conan! We didn't touch the team responsible for the production and, after seeing the first results, we know that this edition will be as good or better than the previous ones.

For the first time, Saída de Emergência will develop a crowdfunding campaign. We know that this is an ambitious and risky project, so we will explain it in detail and measure the interest of fans and readers. This allows us to continue with this endeavor at the same time that your support is used to take the book to the bookstores.

The time has come to share the secrets and details of this epic volume.


Created by Luís Morcela, the cover of the third volume maintains the style of the previous two. A metallic color on a background that this time will be blue. And with all those special details that contribute to a cover that wants to be unique and unforgettable.


The selection was aimed to offer a balanced anthology between better known tales (eg «The Elephant Tower») and lesser known ones (eg «Shadows in Zamboula») - but all of them excellent. There will be almost 500 pages of adventure and action. And it is important to remember that it includes stories never published in Portugal.

Ilustração por Luís Corte Real

Bruno Caetano is again the curator for the illustrations and the list of artists is impressive. Some with experience abroad, others that still only enchant here, but all share the passion for the Cimmerian. As in the two previous editions, the goal is that the styles are different and that the Conan that Robert E. Howard imagined and described with his words has as different interpretations as possible. There will be 23 illustrations in total, plus some bonus ones.


As in the previous two volumes, interior design will be developed carefully, exclusive to this edition and we believe it is worthy of a special hardcover edition.


When it reaches the bookstores, this edition will have the same retail price as the anthologies of Poe and Lovecraft, that is € 24.40. But crowdfunding will be cheaper, with four different options.

The expected date for sending your copy of Os Contos Mais Épicos de Conan is during the first quarter of 2021. Until then, share with your cimmerian friends so that this edition reaches the market already as a success.

About the author

Saída de Emergência was born in 2003 and is a young, dynamic and 100% independent publisher. Publishing for us is a passion and we seek for new readers, with our excellent books, original covers, irreverent communication and always available to listen and give feedback. It has always been a priority for us to develop a close relation with readers. For this, we created a network of social media channels that gradually became a community with a life of its own and with the goal of sharing, responding and living with all our readers.
Nowadays, Grupo Saída de Emergência includes the imprints Saída de Emergência, Chá das Cinco and Desassossego, as well as several collections and projects related to the literary world.

Budget and due dates

This edition will be developed during the year 2020 and is expected to be finished in the first quarter of 2021.

The funds raised are intended to share part of the costs with the work in hiring illustrators and printing, in order to be able to take the book to bookstores.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Normal support

    1 A3 poster with a Conan illustration

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    23€ or more

    Muscled support

    1 copy of Os Contos Mais Épicos de Conan + 1 A3 poster with a Conan illustration

    18 backers

  • Invest with
    35€ or more

    Barbarian support

    1 copy of Os Contos Mais Épicos de Conan + 1 A3 poster with a Conan illustration + inclusion of your name in the acknowledgments

    12 backers

  • Invest with
    70€ or more

    Heroic support

    1 copy of Os Contos Mais Épicos de Conan + 1 A3 poster with a Conan illustration + inclusion of the name in the acknowledgments + 1 copy of Os Melhores Contos de Edgar Allan Poe + 1 copy of Os Contos Mais Arrepiantes de Howard Phillips Lovecraft

    28 backers

Sat, 21/09/2024 - 08:01

Fri, 04/09/2020 - 17:42

Olá a todos.

Olá a todos. Agradecemos desde já o vosso esforço e o apoio que deram a este projeto. Infelizmente, o objetivo da campanha não foi alcançado, pelo que não será possível avançar...

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Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Thu, 16/07/2020 - 10:43

Recompensa adicional - Os Contos Mais Épicos de Conan

Aproveitamos mais uma vez para agradecer o teu apoio. Mas temos novidades! A Saída de Emergência juntou-se à Alma Mater Records, a editora discográfica do Fernando Ribeiro, v...

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Thu, 04/06/2020 - 12:11

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • Edições Saída de Emergência

    Olá a todos.

    Olá a todos.
    Agradecemos desde já o vosso esforço e o apoio que deram a este projeto. Infelizmente, o objetivo da campanha não foi alcançado, pelo que não será possível avançar com o financiamento coletivo e o valor do apoio será restituído.
    Levámos algum tempo até emitir este comunicado, mas por um motivo bem forte: estivemos em fase de reflexão e a decidir o que fazer no futuro com Os Contos Mais Épicos de Conan. Apesar da campanha não ter o sucesso desejado, percebemos que existem muitos fãs do Conan interessados neste projeto.
    Como tal, podemos desde já anunciar que vamos correr um risco maior, mas avançar na mesma com este projeto. Continuamos a contar com o vosso apoio, desta vez depois do livro pronto, para que uma vez nas livrarias seja um sucesso.
    Mais uma vez obrigado!

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  • Edições Saída de Emergência

    Recompensa adicional - Os Contos Mais Épicos de Conan

    Aproveitamos mais uma vez para agradecer o teu apoio. Mas temos novidades!

    A Saída de Emergência juntou-se à Alma Mater Records, a editora discográfica do Fernando Ribeiro, vocalista dos Moonspell para uma bárbara colaboração.

    Temos um CD com uma compilação dos IRONSWORD, uma das melhores bandas de Metal Portuguesas com grande prestígio fora de portas, PARA OFERECER a todos quanto contribuam ou já contribuíram para o crowdfunding de Os Contos Mais Épicos de Conan.

    Os IRONSWORD são uma banda de inspiração Hiboriana e juntam ao classicismo do seu Metal, letra inspiradas pelos mitos Sumérios e pelas aventuras do Bárbaro mais famoso do universo literário de Robert E.Howard: CONAN!

    A Alma Mater Records e a Saída de Emergência oferecem-se te um CD com 5 dos melhores temas da banda (Rogues In the House - Tower of the Elephant - Red Nails - Black Colossus - Gods of the North ) que acabou de esgotar a primeira edição do seu disco Servants of Steel!

    Uma oportunidade a não perder, em nome de Crom!

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62 members of the PPL community
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    new backers

  • 24
    recurrent backers

  • 2
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