National Cycle Touring Network - 2020

National Cycle Touring Network - 2020

To make the national territory an increasingly friendly destination for bicycle travelers, identifying new routes for the National Cycle Touring Network, in the interior of Port...

  • 4415


    110% of 4 000€

    99 backers

  • 29/07/2019

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

To make the national territory an increasingly friendly destination for bicycle travelers, identifying new routes for the National Cycle Touring Network, in the interior of Portugal.

   The aim of this campaign is to finance the identification of 400 new kilometers of roads with low traffic - as well as bicycle lanes and greenways where they exist - in one of the most desertified areas of the country: the northeast quadrant.

   As can be seen in the General Map of the National Cycle Touring Network ( the northeast quadrant of the country still has a small number of identified routes.

   In this way, simultaneously contributing to the growth of the National Cycle Touring Network - a totally private and developing project since 2011 - it is intended to identify more routes in the Minho, Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Beira Alta and Beira Baixa provinces, in view of a greater and better territorial distribution of tourists by bicycle, bringing them from the (more saturated) Atlantic Coast and taking them to pedal along these regions strongly affected by the human desertification.

   More information on the National Cycling Network at

Secção 1.27 da Ecovia 1 - De Aljezur a Vila do Bispo

About the author

   Born in 1973 in a small village at Beira Alta province, Paulo Guerra dos Santos lives in Lisbon since his first year of age.
   Graduated in Civil Engineering from ISEL, specializing in Roads and Transportation Projects.
   Since 1995 carries out projects, with strong use of computer-aided design and engineering technologies, in the areas of Surveying and Roads.
    He also has a second training area, Industrial Robotics, where he worked and provided training for much of the 90's decade and early 2000.
   Loves to explore Portugal on a bicycle.
   Develops on a solo basis the entire project of the National Cycle Touring Network.
   Is greatest ambition? Be able one day to pedal on Mars. Well, or just on the Moon.

Apresentação da Ecovia 2

Budget and due dates


The intended funds - to identify these 400 new km - will serve to bear the costs of the various cycling trips to be carried out in the zones to be identified, as well as costs for stays, food, travel to the places (preferably by train, whenever this option exists), wear material such as tubes and tires, creation of PDF document with maps and technical information as well as construction of GPS tracks for satellite navigation.



June and July 2019 - Fundraising campaign;
August 2019 - Cabinet work to research, define and prepare the new routes to be identified;
September and October 2019 - Field work with successive cycling trips along the routes to be identified for validation of routes and points of natural and patrimonial interest, photo capture, recording GPS tracks, obtaining technical data such as altitudes and inclinations, etc .;
November 2019 - Construction of maps and final design of GPS tracks for each new section;
December 2019 - Submission of new sections to all campaign supporters;

Note: For supporters whose donation is equal to or more than €50, the Road Book 2020 will be offered in full, with the already identified sections of the National Cyclotourism Network as well as the new ones to be identified with this campaign. Road Book 2020 is estimated to be published in the first quarter of 2020 with more than 5000 km of routes.

  • Offer of the new sections to be identified

    Invest with
    10€ or more

    Offer of the new sections to be identified

    Be the first to receive the new maps with all the information and GPS tracks of these new sections of the National Cyclotourism Network to be identified with this campaign.

    59 backers

  • New sections + Road Book 2020

    Invest with
    50€ or more

    New sections + Road Book 2020

    Be the first to receive the entire Road Book 2020, including the new sections, well before being posted online

    35 backers

  • New sections + all new Road Books until 2025

    Invest with
    250€ or more

    New sections + all new Road Books until 2025

    By contributing with all this energy, you will receive free of charge all new publications of the Road Book of the National Cyclotourism Network until 2025, to publish every year with more kilometers of routes.

    2 backers

  • All Road Books until 2025 + lunch with the author

    Invest with
    1000€ or more

    All Road Books until 2025 + lunch with the author

    You believe that Portugal is one of the most beautiful countries in the world and want to share this vision with the author of this project. With this contribution, in addition to receiving free of charge all new publications of the Road Book of the National Cycling Network until 2025, will be invited to a lunch / meeting with the author and other travelers on bicycle.

    1 backer

  • Lifetime Road Books + lunch + your name at the front cover of the 2020 Road Book

    Invest with
    4000€ or more

    Lifetime Road Books + lunch + your name at the front cover of the 2020 Road Book

    You want to see more and more Portuguese people traveling by bike around the country and at the same time promoting Portugal as a cyclotouristic destination. That is why you want to contribute to the identification of more routes throughout the country. With this contribution, in addition to guaranteeing your name (or your company's) engraved on the front cover of the Road Book 2020, you will also be the guest of honor at a lunch / meeting with other travelers on a bicycle.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Wed, 02/10/2024 - 13:24

Mon, 23/12/2019 - 15:17

Caras e caros apoiantes

Caras e caros apoiantes (english bellow), Estamos na recta final de 2019 e, tal como prometido, este é o mês durante o qual me propus enviar para todos vós o roteiro com as n...

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Thu, 17/10/2019 - 16:16

Caras e caros apoiantes

Caras e caros apoiantes (english bellow), Setembro foi um mês de pedaladas intensas, nomeadamente pelo Gerês e Trás-os-Montes. Já tenho praticamente todas as novas secções...

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Mon, 02/09/2019 - 16:55

Pesquisa de rotas no Gerês e XurÊs / Searching for routes

Caras e caros apoiantes, (english bellow) Desde meados de Agosto que me encontro a trabalhar na pesquisa de rotas, via computador, para percorrer em bicicleta na zona do Ger...

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Tue, 30/07/2019 - 12:20

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Thu, 18/07/2019 - 15:24

Caras e caros cicloturistas

Caras e caros cicloturistas com alma de viajante. (english bellow) É com imenso prazer e satisfação que informo que já alcançámos (e ultrapassámos) o montante pretendido com...

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Thu, 18/07/2019 - 00:04

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Tue, 16/07/2019 - 16:18

Faltam apenas 250€ ! Only 250€ left !

Caras e caros apoiantes (english bellow), Tem sido uma enorme aprendizagem desenvolver esta campanha e acompanhar numa base diária os vosso generosos donativos que nos fizera...

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Thu, 13/06/2019 - 17:27

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Fri, 07/06/2019 - 18:20

40% já angariado !

Em apenas 1 semana já foi possível angariar 40% da verba necessária para fazermos crescer a Rede Nacional de Cicloturismo e identificar mais 400 km de novas rotas no interior no...

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Tue, 04/06/2019 - 16:59

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • Paulo Guerra dos Santos

    Caras e caros apoiantes

    Caras e caros apoiantes (english bellow),

    Estamos na recta final de 2019 e, tal como prometido, este é o mês durante o qual me propus enviar para todos vós o roteiro com as novas secções da Rede Nacional de Cicloturismo, identificadas graças ao vosso generoso apoio.

    Contudo, como estarão certamente ao corrente, este foi um Outono à moda antiga com muita chuva. Felizmente, dada a escassez de água que estávamos a experienciar até meados de Outubro.
    Mas a alegria da chuva trouxe-me um dissabor: não consegui arranjar 3 ou 4 dias seguidos com sol, por forma a ir pedalar pelas 3 últimas secções que me faltam validar no terreno, na zona do Parque Natural do Tejo Internacional, para captação de fotos e definição dos tracks GPS finais, o que me provocou um ligeiro atraso na conclusão desta empreitada.

    Contudo estou expectante, pois a meteorologia aponta para sol nos próximos dias, pelo que se conseguir umas abertas irei mesmo dar uma pedaladas nos dias seguintes ao Natal para validar cerca de 130 km entre Vila Velha de Ródão e Penha Garcia.

    Todas as restantes secções estão identificadas, com mapas criados, tracks GPS construídos e respectiva tradução para inglês, pelo que irei fazer TODOS os possíveis para até ao dia 31 deste mês conseguir terminar o roteiro e vos enviar a prometida recompensa: 12 novas secções no quadrante nordeste do país totalizando cerca de 480 km, um pouco mais do que o combinado.

    Existindo uma pequena probabilidade de não o conseguir, agradeço a vossa compreensão para a possibilidade de apenas no início de Janeiro vos enviar estas rotas.

    Deixo-vos um pequeno doce: descarreguem o Mapa Geral da Rede, com a localização destas 12 novas secções:

    Desejo-vos um calmo e sereno período de final-de-ano com votos de Boas Festas e muitas, mas mesmo muitas pedaladas para 2020.

    Até breve.

    ----- ----- ----- -----

    Dear campaign supporters,

    We are in the final stretch of 2019 and, as promised, this is the month during which I proposed to send you a road map with the new sections of the National Cycling Tour Network, identified with your generous support.

    However, as you will be aware, this was an old-fashioned autumn with a lot of rain. Fortunately, given the scarcity of water we were experiencing until mid-October.
    But the joy of the rain brought me a discomfort: I could not get 3 or 4 days in a row with the sun, so I could cycle through the last 3 sections that I need to validate on the ground, in the area of ​​the Tagus International Natural Park, to capture photos and definition of the final GPS tracks, which caused me a slight delay in the completion of this endeavor.

    Still I am expectant, as the weather reports points to sun in the coming days, so if I get some luck I will even cycle in the days after Christmas to validate about 130 km between Vila Velha de Ródão and Penha Garcia.

    All other sections are identified, with maps created, GPS tracks built and their English translation, so I will do ALL I CAN to finish the script by the 31st of this month and send you the promised reward: 12 new sections in the quadrant northeast of the country totaling about 480 km, slightly more than agreed.

    However, as there is a likelihood of delay, I appreciate your understanding if only in early January I can send you these routes.

    I leave you a little candy: download the General Map of the Network, with location of these 12 new sections:

    I wish you a calm and serene holiday season with Happy Holidays wishes and a lot, but really a lot of cycling to 2020.

    See you soon.

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  • Paulo Guerra dos Santos

    Caras e caros apoiantes

    Caras e caros apoiantes (english bellow),

    Setembro foi um mês de pedaladas intensas, nomeadamente pelo Gerês e Trás-os-Montes.
    Já tenho praticamente todas as novas secções e mapas criados neste quadrante do país.
    Durante este mês de Outubro irei ainda pedalar um pouco pela Beira Alta e Tejo Internacional, para alcançar os cerca de 440 km que todos vós, pelo vosso contributo, me desafiaram a identificar.
    Deixo-vos um pequeno aperitivo para apreciarem um pouco do que poderão desfrutar ao pedalarem por estas novas secções da Rede Nacional de Cicloturismo. Descarreguem-no aqui:
    Mais uma vez os meus maiores agradecimentos pelo vosso apoio ao desenvolvimento da Rede Nacional de Cicloturismo.
    Paulo Guerra dos Santos

    ---- “ ---- “ ----

    Dear campaign supporters,

    September was a month of intense pedaling, namely by Gerês and Trás-os-Montes.
    I already have almost all the new sections and maps created in this quadrant of the country.
    During this month of October I will also cycle through Beira Alta and Tejo Internacional, to reach the 440 km that you all, with your contribution, challenged me to identify.
    I leave you a small aperitif with a little of what you can enjoy while cycling through these new sections of the National Cycling Network. Download it here (portuguese only for now):
    Once again, my greatest thanks for your support to the development of the National Cycle Touring Network.
    Paulo Guerra dos Santos

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  • Paulo Guerra dos Santos

    Pesquisa de rotas no Gerês e XurÊs / Searching for routes

    Caras e caros apoiantes,
    (english bellow)

    Desde meados de Agosto que me encontro a trabalhar na pesquisa de rotas, via computador, para percorrer em bicicleta na zona do Gerês, em ambos os lados da fronteira.
    É uma das mais belas zonas do país, onde as inclinações de montanha dificultam a escolha de rotas, por forma a serem acessíveis ao maior número possível de viajantes em bicicleta.

    Na próxima semana irei fazer a primeira saída de campo na tentativa de identificar aquela que será uma rota a ligar Viana do Castelo a Bragança, para já pedalando pelo nosso único parque nacional.
    Farei depois um pequeno artigo com fotos, cujo link que vos enviarei por aqui.
    Mais uma vez os meus maiores agradecimento pelo vosso apoio ao desenvolvimento da Rede Nacional de Cicloturismo.
    Paulo Guerra dos Santos


    Dear campaing supporters,

    Since mid-August I have been working on route research to cycle in the Geres area on both sides of the border.
    It is one of the most beautiful areas in the country, where mountain slopes make it difficult to choose routes accessible to as many bicycle travelers as possible.

    Next week I will make the first field trip in an attempt to identify what will be a route connecting Viana do Castelo to Bragança, for now cycling through our only national park.
    I will then make a short article with photos, whose link I will send you here.
    Once again, my greatest thanks for your support to the development of the National Cycle Touring Network.
    Paulo Guerra dos Santos

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  • Ricardo Mendes

    Parabéns, foi merecido o

    Parabéns, foi merecido o apoio de todos. Tenho a certeza que muitos milhares iram usufruir deste teu trabalho.

    Bons caminhos com muito vento pelas costas

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  • Paulo Guerra dos Santos

    Caras e caros cicloturistas

    Caras e caros cicloturistas com alma de viajante.
    (english bellow)

    É com imenso prazer e satisfação que informo que já alcançámos (e ultrapassámos) o montante pretendido com esta campanha. Graças a TODOS vós, irão ser identificados mais 400 km de rotas no quadrante nordeste de Portugal para englobar na Rede Nacional de Cicloturismo.

    Em breve, todos os apoiantes desta campanha irão receber o Road Book 2019, com os 4620 km de rotas já identificadas, respectivos mapas e tracks GPS da rede.

    Contudo, o prazo da campanha só termina a 29 de Julho, pelo que ainda temos 12 dias para aumentarmos a fasquia.

    Assim, para além dos objectivos iniciais da campanha (4000€ para georreferenciar 400km) por cada 100€ extra ficam prometidos ainda mais 10 km de rotas a englobar na Rede Nacional de Cicloturismo para 2020.

    Continuem, por isso, a partilhar o link da campanha junto de familiares, amigos e conhecidos

    Conto convosco !!!
    P. Guerra dos Santos


    Dear cyclists with raveler's soul.

    It is with great pleasure and satisfaction that I report we have already reached (and surpassed) the amount intended with this campaign. Thanks to ALL of you, further 400 km of routes will be identified in the northeast quadrant of Portugal to encompass the National Cycle Touring Network.

    Soon, all the campaign supporters will receive the Road Book 2019, with 4620 km of routes already identified, their maps and GPS tracks.

    However, the term of the campaign only ends on July 29th, so we still have 12 days to increase the goals.

    Thus, in addition to the initial objectives of the campaign (€4000 to identifyr 400 km) for each extra 100 €, a further 10 km of routes are promised to be included in the National Cycle Touring Network in 2020.

    So, continue to share the campaign link with family, friends and acquaintances

    I'm counting on you !!!
    P. Guerra dos Santos

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  • Paulo Guerra dos Santos

    Faltam apenas 250€ ! Only 250€ left !

    Caras e caros apoiantes (english bellow),

    Tem sido uma enorme aprendizagem desenvolver esta campanha e acompanhar numa base diária os vosso generosos donativos que nos fizeram chegar à recta final desta empreitada: dos 4000€ necessários para fazer crescer a Rede Nacional de Cicloturismo para o quadrante nordeste do país, graças a TODOS vós, faltam apenas 250€. Os meus maiores agradecimentos pelo privilégio de poder contar com o vosso apoio.

    Peço-vos agora mais uma ajuda: nestas duas semanas que faltam, partilhem o mais que puderem pelos vossos contactos o link da campanha:

    Juntos conseguiremos.
    Até breve,
    P. Guerra dos Santos


    Dear supporters,

    It has been a tremendous learning to develop this campaign and to accompany on a daily basis your generous donations that have made us reach the final stage of this project: from the €4000 needed to expand the National Cycling Network to the northeast quadrant of the country, thanks to ALL of you, we only need more 250€. My deepest thanks for the privilege of being able to count on your support.

    So I ask once again for your help in these last two weeks of the campaign: share as much as you can the campaign link:

    Together we will succeed.
    See you soon,
    P. Guerra dos Santos

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  • Paulo Guerra dos Santos

    40% já angariado !

    Em apenas 1 semana já foi possível angariar 40% da verba necessária para fazermos crescer a Rede Nacional de Cicloturismo e identificar mais 400 km de novas rotas no interior norte do Portugal Continental.

    Com o vosso apoio estamos a bom ritmo para alcançarmos os 4000€ necessários a todo o trabalho de preparação, identificação, validação e desenho dos mapas das rotas a identificar em algumas das regiões mais desertificadas do país.

    Ainda assim, e apesar do bom arranque, não se pode baixar os braços pelo que temos de manter os pés nos pedais e acelerar para promover a campanha de todas as formas possíveis. Conto convosco nessa tarefa de partilha do link da campanha:

    Os meus mais sinceros agradecimentos a todos pelo forte apoio a esta campanha.
    Juntos conseguiremos tornar Portugal num destino cada vez mais cicloturístico.

    Boas pedaladas.
    Paulo Guerra dos Santos.

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99 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 34
    new backers

  • 65
    recurrent backers

  • 10
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true