Come together ; to tidy up the house
PPL Causas

Come together ; to tidy up the house

The ComuniDária intends to develop the economic sustainability of their social activities , non-profit, and this goal will create the " Sheds Factory", the project is expected t...

  • 10


    1% of 1 600€

    2 backers

  • 15/05/2015

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

The ComuniDária intends to develop the economic sustainability of their social activities , non-profit, and this goal will create the " Sheds Factory", the project is expected to produce merchandising materials, gifts and treats, the creation of own product line as the main focus, however meet orders " out ". All production is based on daily practices of gender equality, opportunity and diversity. We need your cooperation to fix the new, a space provided by the city of Lisbon that after some ...

The project is based on experience of  Decent Domestic Work of ComuniDária, Association ComuniDária for economic sustainability for the development and continuity of our social activities through the "Arrangement  Factory"  develop a unique line of products and own brand with the theme of domestic work, the work of several families in a house, whether paid or unpaid. The "Arrangement  Factory"  will produce through traditional methods, items such as buttons, T-shirts, bags, treats and gifts in general for distribution in various institutions and online sustainable Store ComuniDária Association and also to meet external orders business or individual.

All production will be based on gender equality practices, equal opportunities, diversity and ecology. We also intend to share and motivate young people to create sustainable design and marketing based on these concepts and the use of environmentally friendly materials.

For these goals into reality the starting point is to arrange the new home, an area of 65 square meters recently donated by the city of Lisbon but still needs many cupboards, to also becomes the decent work space and accessible to those we support.

Now it's a start, and we are confident that we will get the house in good company!


About the author

ComuniDária Association is a nonprofit organization, located in Lisbon, its purpose is the intervention to promote gender equality and opportunities for people at risk of social exclusion, specifically immigrant women and ethnic minorities through measures to raise awareness and consciousness, empowerment, education, welfare, research and social intervention.

ComuniDária = supportive community, sensitive to gender issues performing a diversified integration initiatives. The name is also a critical to the non communitarian policies which troughs our world apart.

The capital "D" of ComuniDária, means sustainable development to annihilate gender inequality and of opportunities, appealing to a new concept of diverse, inclusive and non-authoritarian community. That name appeals for a solidary community that is sensitive to the questions of gender, racism and xenophobia, in short, a supportive community who adopts inclusion diversified initiatives.

The Association ComuniDária has born female because immigration in Portugal (from Brazil and other African countries) was majority of women. Immigration was female and so was poverty. By tracing a female profile of immigration, they are women with or without children, educated or not, women of working age who came alone and do not migrate just for family reunification.

Inspired by the personal experience of its founder as an immigrant woman in Europe, and also by other documented and undocumented immigrant women, ComuniDária was founded as a response of support and empowerment through civic education and cultural activities, for women and girls who are expose to risks such as labor exploitation, harassment or sexual abuse, gender violence, discrimination or becoming victims of human trafficking.


EEA Grants – Noruega – Fundation Gulbenkian- Portugal

Protocol to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings (OTSH - Observatório do Tráfico Seres Humanos - Portugal)

CIG - Comissão Igualdade de Género

(RAPVT) Mama Cash Foundation support (Netherlands)

ACIDI Foundation - High Commissioner for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue (Portugal)

Recognition as a representative association of immigrants in Portugal, given by the Portuguese Government – ACIDI, 2011

BVS - Social Lisbon Stock Exchange - 2010

Budget and due dates

Structure - wires, plugs - 200 EUR Paint wall paint and ceiling - 100 euros Plumbing and bathroom equipment - 300 euros heater - 140 euros lamps - 30 euros Ceiling Restore (material ) - 30 euros labor - EUR 1000 Insurance of equipment - 88 euros Safety - 479 EUR Total - 2367 euros
No electrical wiring, bathroom needs to be built , there is no sink or toilet, or heating water , the ceiling is without holes and with multiple lamps installed . The conclusion of this work is expected to last 30 days.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    To support 15 € or more and get a sincere greatfullness

    You get a sincere greatfullness and read your name on our blog " PeloTrabalho Doméstico Digno", on our Facebook page and Sheds Factory input wall .

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    To support 10 € or more and build your own family

    You get a sincere greatfullness and read your name on our blog " PeloTrabalho Doméstico Digno", on our Facebook page and Sheds Factory input wall . We will also send an electronic images package so you can build your own family , which in any case is the best in the world ! "Send by mail postage included for Portugal "

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  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    To support 50 € or more and and get the best family on the world

    Will get sincere thanks in "bold" where you can read your name on our blog Pelo Trabalho Doméstico Digno , on our Facebook page and Arrengement Factory input wall , send a personalized badge and a set of stickers with the customization of his family, will be the best family on the world ! "Send by mail postage included for Portugal "

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Sat, 21/09/2024 - 08:47


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


2 members of the PPL community
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Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • ComuniDária

    13/04/2015 - 21:17

    vamos sim , juntas/os/xs, arrumar a casa

  • Irina

    13/04/2015 - 19:05