Antônia is 19 years old, was born without upper and lower limbs, despite her limitations, she is trying hard to enter high school this year and needs a wheelchair to get around, as the school is far from home.
Mariquinha Antônia is a 19-year-old girl who was born without upper and lower limbs. She is a happy, well-liked, very intelligent and sociable girl. However, she is an orphan. She is trying hard to enter high school this year and needs a wheelchair to get around, as she unfortunately recently lost her mother, who used to take her to school. However, if she had a wheelchair, she would be more independent and would have less difficulty getting around. The goal of our campaign is to help Mariquinha get a wheelchair together. Even if you cannot contribute, your donation will also be an important help. For anyone who wishes to donate a wheelchair in good condition, we would be very grateful. Please remember that your little can mean a lot to other people. Thank you and may God protect and bless you.