Super Babysitters | Defending the families
PPL Causas

Super Babysitters | Defending the families

Your support + Super Babysitters = 120 families supported!

  • 6721


    112% of 6 000€

    52 backers

  • 27/10/2017

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Your support + Super Babysitters = 120 families supported!

In Portugal, about 500.000 families do not have someone to regularly take care of their children while they are not at school. This kind of issue leads to serious professional problems, such as not being able to accept a permanent job or to attend classes in shifts with schedules not compatible with day-care centers/schools; and also to familiar problems, as parents lack time to replenish energy and become more stressed, having a negative impact in families self-esteem, familiar relationships and consequently on child development.

EXAMPLE: Joana and Bruno S – This couple migrated from Brasil to Portugal to take a chance at giving a better life to their 2-year-old daughter. They work at the same place, at night, 2 to 3 times a week and had no one to leave their daughter with, which was leading to an unemployment situation for both parents. They knew about Super Babysitters from their daughter's kindergarten and, since then, they’ve been recovering their work rhythm.

“Aunt Anabela (Super Babysitter) is the aunt that my daughter needed here in Portugal.” Joana S., Mother.

Super Babysitters was created to solve this problem through an online platform that connects low-income families to voluntary babysitters that take care of their children while these mothers and fathers attend their professional or personal commitments.

To date, Super Babysitters has supported close to 200 beneficiaries and performs about 100 babysittings per month. However, the project has grown and currently, we have about 20 families on hold, and it is expected that by the end of the year we will have another 20 families in this situation.

The families pay a symbolic value to access the platform (2€/h), which is not enough to cover the costs of the association with the maintenance of the service, so Super Babysitters now needs funding to be able to support more families!

With the 6,000€ raised we know that we will be able to support more 120 beneficiaries next year, people who will be able to work, study or make other commitments, knowing that their children will be taken care by our trusted Super Babysitters.

Super Babysitter Beatriz a dar o lanche a uma das crianças apoiadas

About the author

Super Babysitters comes from the action of its 4 founders, who realized that approximately 500,000 families with children in Portugal cannot afford a traditional babysitting service, which prevents them from meeting their personal and professional commitments. It is the solution of this problem that moves us!

Beatriz Vidal [Super Babysitter]

"Being a Super Babysitter is giving our time to those who do not always have the time to take care of their children. These families cannot afford a traditional babysitter and we are here to help them. The families are really grateful and we are very happy to be able to help." Beatriz is one of 250 Super Babysitters who defend our Super Families weekly. Beatriz is a dentist from Porto who lives in Lisbon and has already supported 2 families who needed her support.

Ana Bruno [Technology and Community]

"Being able to help all these mothers and fathers ensure a support network and be a part of this fantastic team is what motivates me to be part of Super Babysitters every day." Ana is a manager with experience in consulting and uses all the energy and joy she brought from Brazil to solve social problems and help others have the tools to do so. In addition to Super Babysitters, she is a volunteer of the MakeSense Lisbon team, a network that brings together social entrepreneurs to solve problems together.

Luís Fonseca [Strategy]

"Super Babysitters has been the most challenging experience I've ever been involved with! It is a great responsibility to be able to improve the lives of these families. We still have a lot of work to do but we know this is a big problem and we can take this solution to many different locations." Luís has a vast experience in management and an MBA from INSEAD, having worked in strategic consulting with McKinsey & Company. He is currently a member of the Laboratório de Investimento Social team.

José Filipe Silva [Communication]

"Nothing makes me happier than hearing our families talk about the impact of Super Babysitters on their lives. This and working with a fantastic team is what keeps me pushing for this cause every day." José holds a Master in Marketing (ESADE) and has been involved in several projects with social impact (Stone Soup Consulting, Momentum Project). He is currently working on the Impact Hub Geneva, in Switzerland.

Francisco Neves [Partnerships]

"It motivates me to use my energy to ensure that children are not an obstacle to parents accepting a new job or enjoying time alone. The opportunity to solve this problem with an entrepreneurial mindset is a huge challenge! "Francisco holds a master in Social and Solidarity Economy and has experience in social and community project management.

Apresentação Super Babysitters

Budget and due dates

The amount raised will be applied in:

  • Production of content for Super Babysitters recruitment (Facebook Ads, Google Ads, brochures and posters)
  • Test and improvement of functionalities in the technological platform to facilitate matching between families and Super Babysitters
  • Reinforcement of the network of partners to recruit Super Babysitters
  • Super Babysitters training and retention workshops program
  • PPL commission and campaign production

All activities will run continuously over a year.

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Acknowledgments + Newsletter

    You will support a new family with 3 hours of babysitting. Your name on the acknowledgments on our the Facebook page and extra newsletter on the current state of the project.

    10 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Drawing + Thanks from a Super Family

    You will support a new family with 6 hours of babysitting. You will receive a message directly from one of our Super Families and a drawing from one of your children. Accumulate with the previous rewards.

    14 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Workshop/Event Super Babysitters invitation

    Ensures support for 1 new family for 4 months. Participation in a Super Babysitters workshop or an event in our community. Valid for 1 year. Accumulate with the previous rewards.

    11 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    2 Workshops/Events Super Babysitters

    Ensure support for 2 new families for 4 months. Participation in 2 Super Babysitters workshops or 2 events from our community. Valid for 1 year. Accumulate with the previous rewards.

    8 backers

  • Invest with
    500€ or more

    Lunch with Super Babysitters' team

    Ensure support for 10 new families for 4 months. Lunch with the Super Babysitters team in a quality restaurant with social concerns. It will be in Lisbon and it has no validity. Accumulate with the previous rewards.

    4 backers

Sat, 21/09/2024 - 10:36

Wed, 22/11/2017 - 16:07

Primeiras recompensas serão entregues na próxima semana!

Aqueles apoiadores que contribuiram com 50 euros ou mais, terão o direito a participar em pelo menos um workshop ou evento da Comunidade Super Babysitters! E o próximo workshop ...

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Mon, 30/10/2017 - 12:47

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Fri, 27/10/2017 - 19:11

Conseguimos! Atingimos 112% da nossa meta de arrecadação!

A equipa da Super Babysitters, as mais de 250 voluntárias e todas as famílias apoiadas pelo projeto gostaríamos de agradecer imensamente o vosso apoio para a nossa primeira camp...

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Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Thu, 28/09/2017 - 16:09

Obrigado a todos os nossos apoiantes!

Faltando menos de um mês para a nossa campanha de crowdfunding acabar (29 dias para ser mais exato!), gostaríamos de agradecer a todos os nossos apoiantes pela confiança no proj...

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Campaign launched


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  • Super Babysitters

    Primeiras recompensas serão entregues na próxima semana!

    Aqueles apoiadores que contribuiram com 50 euros ou mais, terão o direito a participar em pelo menos um workshop ou evento da Comunidade Super Babysitters! E o próximo workshop já foi agendado! Será sobre brincadeiras e atividades para crianças! Os apoiadores já foram convidados por email.

    A facilitadora será a Super Babysitter Ana Rente, que é psicológa e está a criar alguns workshops para toda a nossa comunidade! O workshop abordará brincadeiras e atividades enquadradas nas fases de desenvolvimento cognitivo de Piaget, que explica como o ser humano desenvolve o seu conhecimento desde o nascimento, passando por fases de desenvolvimento cognitivo, caracterizadas por mudanças qualitativas e quantitativas da estrutura mental. Vão aprender como as crianças se desenvolvem em termos cognitivos e que atividades podemos procurar para apoiar neste desenvolvimento. Será um workshop com uma forte componente prática, onde os participantes vão poder aumentar o seu reportório de atividades que podem fazer com as crianças.

    Esperamos que aproveitem muito o workshop!

    Equipa Super Babysitters.

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  • Super Babysitters

    Conseguimos! Atingimos 112% da nossa meta de arrecadação!

    A equipa da Super Babysitters, as mais de 250 voluntárias e todas as famílias apoiadas pelo projeto gostaríamos de agradecer imensamente o vosso apoio para a nossa primeira campanha de crowdfunding! Sem a vossa ajuda não seria possível alcançarmos nosso objetivo e apoiarmos mais 120 beneficiários no próximo ano! Estamos muito felizes com todo o suporte que recebemos e confiantes de que estamos no caminho certo para resolver esse problema de tantas famílias em Portugal e no mundo.

    No início da próxima semana, entraremos em contato com cada um de vocês para lhes agradecer e combinar sobre as recompensas (aplicáveis somente para aqueles que não fizeram contribuições anónimas).

    Muito obrigado! Um abraço e um ótimo fim de semana!

    Ana Carolina, Francisco, Luis e Zé - Equipa Super Babysitters.

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  • Super Babysitters

    Obrigado a todos os nossos apoiantes!

    Faltando menos de um mês para a nossa campanha de crowdfunding acabar (29 dias para ser mais exato!), gostaríamos de agradecer a todos os nossos apoiantes pela confiança no projeto! Graças a você, estamos mais próximos de conseguir apoiar mais 120 novos beneficiários no próximo ano.

    Mas para conseguirmos chegar lá, precisaremos contar com a sua ajuda para dar a conhecer a campanha ao maior número de pessoas possíveis. Conte sobre o projeto para amigos, colegas de trabalho e familiares e não deixe de partilhar a página da campanha: Com a ajuda de cada um, sabemos que poderemos trazer uma solução para milhares de mães e pais que não têm com quem deixar seus filhos para cumprir os seus compromissos!

    Se tiverem qualquer questão em relação ao projeto, não hesite em nos contatar. Estamos inteiramente à disposição.

    Obrigado mais uma vez! Um abraço,

    Ana Carolina, Francisco, Luis e Zé - Equipa Super Babysitters.

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52 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 33
    new backers

  • 19
    recurrent backers

  • 29
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Anonymous

    27/10/2017 - 16:35

  • Anonymous

    27/10/2017 - 13:39

  • Anonymous

    26/10/2017 - 19:44

  • Anonymous

    26/10/2017 - 18:22

  • Anonymous

    26/10/2017 - 15:08

    Os meus parabens ao Zé Filipe pela iniciativa louvável.

  • Anonymous

    26/10/2017 - 12:38

    Porque vocês fazem a diferença em muitas famílias

  • Anonymous

    25/10/2017 - 23:54

  • Filipe Santos

    25/10/2017 - 18:55

    Excelente iniciativa de proporcionar um serviço essencial a baixo custo e com qualidade a quem dele necessita, envolvendo a comunidade.

  • maria gonçalves dacunha

    25/10/2017 - 14:52

  • Anonymous

    25/10/2017 - 13:41

  • Anonymous

    24/10/2017 - 17:04

    Parabéns pelo excelente projeto! Acredito e apoio!

  • Anonymous

    24/10/2017 - 15:46

  • Anonymous

    24/10/2017 - 09:39

    Conheço o projeto e reconheço o seu valor inestimável. Para o que acharem necessário junto pequeno contributo. A todos os meus Parabéns!!


    24/10/2017 - 01:44

  • Mariana Horta e Vale

    23/10/2017 - 23:20

    Continuem com o projeto!

  • Anonymous

    23/10/2017 - 10:00

  • Anonymous

    22/10/2017 - 13:25

  • jodelgado

    21/10/2017 - 16:19

    Muitos parabéns!

  • Anonymous

    21/10/2017 - 11:37

  • Tércio Alves

    20/10/2017 - 20:54
