SOS HAITI - With the passing of Hurricane Matthew in November last year, Haiti faces a humanitarian crisis with millions of people needing help.
The organizations Forever Kids, Viver100Fronteras and Paramedics of International Catastrophe, want to bring humanitarian aid to Haiti. In the last quarter of 2016, the school community of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo mobilized to achieve the goal of providing direct support to the orphaned community that Forever Kids supported in 2010 during the earthquake. With the support of the company URBANOS that has given the space to store and prepare the donations, and with the support of the company Rent-a-Star that has given a vehicle to collect, they are ready to send a good tons of food.

Mais de 60% do território Haitiano foi devastado pelo furacão Matthew
About the author
Forever Kids was born in 2010 to bring help to Haiti, has many dreams, many projects to help the Haitian people, but for now, has in its curriculum the work that developed in 2010 in Haiti. The main dreamer of Forever Kids, is Luís Figueiredo.
Viver100Fronteiras was born in 2008 to bring aid to Guinea, from school supplies, food, clothing, footwear, toys to an ambulance and hospital supplies of various orders to the Quinhamel hospital. There are more than 50 containers, with a lot of hospital supplies that have already been donated to many hospitals in Guinea-Bissau. The objectives are to contribute directly to improving the Health, Education, Training and Education of Guineans. The main dreamer of Viver100Fronteiras, is called Natália Oliveira.
Paramédicos de Catástrofe Internacional, during these last years of existence their participation and support were fundamental for the performance of our medical and humanitarian activities in several places of the world. Humanitarian aid exists to save lives, alleviate suffering and help restore the potential of individuals when their lives are threatened. Each country where Paramedics of International Catastrophe is present faces at least one of these situations: armed conflict, epidemics, social violence / exclusion from health care and natural disasters. These are events that trigger a humanitarian response. It is our duty to draw attention to this problem in order to ensure that those who need it will be assisted. The main dreamer and founder of the Paramedics of International Catastrophe, is Bruno Ferreira.
Budget and due dates
Until 05/12/2017 we need to gather:
- € 3.335 - For the maritime transport of 1 40-foot container Lisbon / Port-au-Prince / Haiti
- € 450 - To help with the travel expenses of 1 volunteer to Haiti
- € 326 - Comission costs 5%+VAT (for PPL) + 2%+VAT (to cover payment costs)
(The expected date for the departure of the container from the port of Lisbon, is between 17 and 21 April)