Solidarity: The son of the soba returns to Angola (en) ////// Solidaridad: El hijo de soba regresa a Angola (es)
PPL Causas

Solidarity: The son of the soba returns to Angola (en) ////// Solidaridad: El hijo de soba regresa a Angola (es)

Support Sebastião on his return to Angola to say goodbye to his son. Marlon was extradited to a country he didnt know and died there. //////´ Sebastião quiere despedirse de su...

  • 666


    26% of 2 500€

    18 backers

  • 15/07/2024

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Support Sebastião on his return to Angola to say goodbye to his son. Marlon was extradited to a country he didnt know and died there. //////´ Sebastião quiere despedirse de su hijo, quien fue extraditado por el Estado portugués y murió en dicho país.

This campaign is an act of solidarity and compassion.

Sebastião is the son of the soba, the community leader, in Mutuangulo, Angola. As a young man, he escaped a terrible civil war and came to Portugal to help build this country for 35 years. As an industrial machinery operator, he was part of several projects. Today he lives an extremely difficult life.

His eldest son, Marlon Rafael Duarte Tomás, was unjustly extradited to Angola at the age of 22 and without his parents' knowledge, a country where he had never lived before. Unfortunately, he ended up passing away from malaria without being able to say goodbye to his family.

In addition to the daily suffering caused by social exclusion, poverty and physical problems, Sebastião also faces pain, mourning and deep longing. He believes that part of this suffering can be spent by visiting Angola, saying goodbye to Marlon in the Luanda cemetery and visiting his people in the north of the country.

His people no longer have the same abundance and wealth as in other times, but it will be there, among brothers and sisters, that Sebastião believes he will find peace, consolation and some happiness.

Any parent deserves this last farewell.

This campaign finances Sebastião's travel and stay in Angola. The trip will be made in the company of his niece, who will then also return to Portugal.


Esta campaña es un acto de solidaridad y compasión. 

Sebastião Tomás es hijo del soba, lider comunitario del barrio de Mutuangulo, municipio de Quimbele, provincia de Uíge. Necesita volver a Angola. Quiere despedirse de su hijo, quien fue extraditado por el Estado portugués y murió en dicho país. 

Sebastião era un joven que escapó de una terrible guerra civil y fue a Portugal para ayudar a construir este país durante 35 años. Como maquinista industrial, formó parte de varias empresas. Hoy lleva una vida extremadamente difícil. 

Su hijo mayor, Marlon Rafael Duarte Tomás, fue extraditado injustamente a Angola a los 22 años, sin que sus padres lo supieran, un país en el que nunca había vivido. Por desgracia, murió de malaria sin poder despedirse de su familia. 

Además del sufrimiento diario causado por la exclusión social, la pobreza y los problemas físicos, Sebastião también se enfrenta al dolor, el luto y una profunda añoranza. Cree que parte de este sufrimiento se aliviaría visitando Angola, despidiéndose de Marlon en el cementerio de Luanda y visitando a su gente en el norte del país. 

Su pueblo ya no tiene la misma abundancia y riqueza que antes, pero será allí, entre sus hermanos y hermanas, donde Sebastião cree que encontraría paz, consuelo y algo de felicidad.

Cualquier padre se merece esta despedida final.

Esta campaña pretende financiar el viaje y la estancia de Sebastião en Angola. Viajaría en compañía de su sobrina, quien también regresaría a Portugal.

Sebastião Tomás Mutuangulo (2023)

About the author

Friends of Sebastian

Sebastião Mutuangulo is an open-hearted fighter who makes friends along the way. After many years living in the 2.º Torrão neighborhood, in Trafaria, Almada, he was evicted in 2022 by the Almada City Council ( -do-2o-torrao/ ). He thus joined other residents of this place in fighting for their right to housing. Of this collective resistance movement, Sebastião was the only one who failed to be recognized and included in the relocation plan. Without letting go of his hand, there is a group of friends who remain by his side to this day.


Amigos de Sebastião


Sebastião Mutuangulo es un luchador de corazón abierto que hace amigos por el camino. Tras muchos años viviendo en el asentamiento chabolista 2º Torrão en Almada, Área Metropolitana de Lisboa, fue desalojado en 2022 por el Ayuntamiento  ( Se unió así a otros vecinos de este barrio en la lucha por su derecho a la vivienda. En este movimiento de resistencia colectiva, Sebastião fue uno de los únicos que no fue reconocido ni incluido en el plan de realojamiento. Sin dejarle en el abandono, hay un grupo de amigos que siguen a su lado hasta el día de hoy. 

Sebastião e companheiros no Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência (2023)

Budget and due dates


Sebastião round trip Lisbon - Luanda - €800

Travel expenses of Sebastião's niece - Luanda - Lisbon - €500

Trip Luanda - Uíge (round trip) - €300

Accommodation and food - €600

Spending on rewards - €69

PPL commissions - €231

Total - €2'500


Trip to be carried out until the end of 2024

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Public thanks

    For any donation equal to or greater than €5, Sebastião includes the name of the person who made the donation as a public thank you.

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Audio message

    For any donation equal to or greater than €10, Sebastião will send an audio message to the person who donated.

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Digital photography with an inscription

    For any donation equal to or greater than €20, Sebastião sends the person who donated a digital photograph with a written note.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    50€ or more


    For any donation equal to or greater than €50, Sebastião sends the person who donated a postcard sent from Angola.

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    8 backers

Wed, 02/10/2024 - 01:09

Tue, 06/08/2024 - 20:00

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Fri, 17/05/2024 - 09:41

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


18 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 12
    new backers

  • 6
    recurrent backers

  • 7
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Anonymous

    13/07/2024 - 23:07

  • Marcel Cohn

    24/06/2024 - 14:27

  • Jania Pardal

    20/06/2024 - 13:46

  • Anonymous

    29/05/2024 - 12:29

    Desejo que se realize este sonho e que tudo se acalme no coração, que seja possível seguir em frente com perdão pelos sofrimentos históricos.

  • Anonymous

    24/05/2024 - 12:43


  • Henda Vieira-Lopes

    22/05/2024 - 14:42

    Nenhum pai deveria enterrar um filho. Que o seu filho encontre acolhimento junto dos seus antepassados.

  • Angela Guerreiro

    19/05/2024 - 22:09

    Obrigada por esta bela iniciativa.

  • Ana Estêvão

    19/05/2024 - 12:15

  • Vânia Doutel Vaz

    19/05/2024 - 04:00

  • André Vizinho

    17/05/2024 - 11:53

  • Gil Costa

    17/05/2024 - 11:43

    Boa sorte Sebastião, muita paz

  • Anonymous

    17/05/2024 - 10:06

  • NowHere Lisboa

    17/05/2024 - 10:05

    Sinto não puder ajudar mais neste momento, mas torço que toda a quantia seja aproveitada para este reencontro. Quem perde alguém à distância, sabe a importância

  • Ana Sophie Salazar

    17/05/2024 - 09:41

    Abraço Sebastião!

  • Rita Alegria

    17/05/2024 - 08:23

    Que os bons ventos te acompanhem nessa viagem. E que a terra te dê chão nesses encontros. Que a água seja bálsamo e o fogo interno te oriente.

  • Anonymous

    16/05/2024 - 11:25

  • Anonymous

    16/05/2024 - 10:49

  • Anonymous

    16/05/2024 - 10:42

    Força Sebastião!