PPL Causas


Adopting a child is easy and everyone wants it. And adopt an old man? Have you thought about adopting one?! In Sezures – Portugal - we very much want to adopt our old people, b...

  • 690


    2% of 30 000€

    10 backers

  • 21/07/2023

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Adopting a child is easy and everyone wants it. And adopt an old man? Have you thought about adopting one?! In Sezures – Portugal - we very much want to adopt our old people, but to fulfill this desire we have to build the Home Our Lady of Grace.

There are many challenges that we have, the dreams that we live and that we feed on behalf of those who most need our care. We need everyone's help to be able to adopt with great joy, affection, pampering and excellent care for our elderly.

We are located in the Parish of Sezures – Municipality of Penalva do Castelo, a rural environment, where its inhabitants live essentially from agriculture. With each passing year, the resident population ages and the population of working age continues to leave due to migratory exodus.

Sezures - um coação a bater

It is urgent and necessary to provide a social response to the needs of this population that is isolated, vulnerable, with low economic resources, having as a means of subsistence only the pension from the agricultural sector or the social pension. With Covid, they became even more isolated, and there was a need for greater socialization, protection and daily care for our elderly people.

Lar Nossa Senhora da Graça will be a residential structure for the elderly, with a day center and home support service, seeking to respond with these three valences to current needs. With this project, we want to adopt 30 residents in ERPI, 15 users in Day Center and respond to 20 users in home care service.

This structure aims to adopt a healthy lifestyle, in the countryside, with exploration of the surrounding space where the elderly can take care of and keep their pets. who want to share with us this dream of adopting an old man.

Joining crumb by crumb, we can achieve the dream, and for now raise a value that will allow us to build the “ROOM OF SMILES”.

In this room, our elderly people will be able to spend a good part of the day, sharing, above all, smiles at having put an end to the loneliness in which they lived. They can also welcome friends and family, sharing their stories and life experiences.

Help us to put a smile on the face of our elderly, sharing even a crumb, helping to build the "Sala dos Sorrisos ", in this Lar Nossa Senhora da Graça.


About the author

Parochial Social Center of Sezures, existing for 21 years, which supports the elderly or other individuals who, due to illness, disability or other impediment, cannot ensure the satisfaction of basic needs and activities of daily living.

Currently, at the Day Center we welcome users who like to socialize and share their experiences. Through Home Support, we bring hope to our users' homes together with carefully prepared meals, with personal and home hygiene treatment for each one.

We need everyone's help and we want to provide an excellent service.

We don't want to be just another institution, but we want to be at the forefront!

We count on all those who like to support social causes!


Budget and due dates

The Home's total construction budget is: €2,200,000, with a construction period of 24 months.

The amount raised in this way will be used to help build a Room – the Room of Smiles, dedicated to this sharing that each one will do.

In the two years that follow for full construction, we will have new challenges to collaborate on this project.

We will be giving news of the evolution of the construction.

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    A thanks


    3 backers

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    a personalized thank you

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  • Invest with
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    a smile

    will have the opportunity to receive a smile from one of our users

    7 backers

Wed, 24/04/2024 - 05:34

Mon, 24/07/2023 - 10:57

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Sat, 22/07/2023 - 16:06

Sala dos Sorrisos

A campanha Sala dos Sorrisos, terminou! Agradecemos do fundo do coração, a migalhinha que partilhaste connosco para que possamos ter no Lar da Senhora da Graça uma sala onde o s...

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Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Sun, 09/07/2023 - 21:13

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Lar Senhora da Graça

    Sala dos Sorrisos

    A campanha Sala dos Sorrisos, terminou! Agradecemos do fundo do coração, a migalhinha que partilhaste connosco para que possamos ter no Lar da Senhora da Graça uma sala onde o sorriso dos que lá estiverem, e, dos que por lá passarem seja constante e contagiante. O valor final ficou muito aquém do que se esperava, mas iremos fazer de tudo para que esta sala e o Lar da Senhora da Graça seja uma realidade, uma casinha onde os nossos velhinhos serão cuidados, se sintam mimados e muito felizes.
    Mil sorrisos de gratidão de cada um dos nossos velhinhos.
    Que Deus e Nossa Senhora da Graça te encha das graças que mais precisas para seres feliz.
    Um Muito OBRIGADO!

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10 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

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Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Marina Prieto Santos

    18/07/2023 - 05:19

  • Bruna Araújo Alves Mota

    17/07/2023 - 10:06

  • Pedro Romão

    13/07/2023 - 22:39

    Doado com carinho e respeito pela causa nobre a desenvolver.

  • Ana Cristina Rainho Ribeiro

    11/07/2023 - 14:17

  • Xana Gomes

    11/07/2023 - 10:50

    Como dizia a minha avó... todos lá chegaremos... tratamos tão mal os nossos idosos, como se nem quiséssemos lembrar que lá chegaremos. Dignidade e carinho!

  • Rui Manuel Dos Reis

    09/07/2023 - 21:13

  • José Almeida

    01/06/2023 - 16:18

    Ajuda hoje e serás ajudado amanhã

  • Susana Oliveira

    01/06/2023 - 15:06

    Que o sorriso seja uma constante na vida de cada pessoa implicada neste projeto, de quem o sonhou e muito lutou, de quem contribui e de quem vai usufruir!!!🤗

  • Anonymous

    01/06/2023 - 10:50

    Que seja o incentivo para começar e serem muitos a fazer lo. Que Nossa Senhora da da Graça abençoe este projecto e quem o sonhou

  • Sonia Repolho

    01/06/2023 - 09:18

    Que o sonho de realize e muitos sorrisos sejam partilhados.