Eight young Afghans who have already been living and studying in Portugal since November 2023. Eight who will arrive in the coming months. May this International Women's Day ensure that 16 women are free to study and live.
This March, on International Women's Day, help the eight young Afghan women now living in Portugal supported by Setare, as well as the eight young women who have already been identified and will arrive in Portugal during the first half of 2024.
All the money raised through the "Educate is to Liberate" campaign is intended to cover the daily expenses of the eight young women supported by the association for a month. Help us guarantee the education and freedom of these young Afghan women!
Campanha "Meias Solidárias"
About the author
Setare is a non-profit association whose objective is to provide social support, through the promotion of education to young people from countries in conflict or where it is impossible for them to continue their studies, through the attribution of, in particular: scholarships study for higher education, training opportunities to facilitate entry into the job market, support for continuing studies and other related support. Created in 2023, Setare will develop its activities in the following areas:
a) Promotion of the right to education
b) Development of partnerships for development
c) Raising funds to support the project
d) Integration of minorities into the community
e) Communication and recognition of women’s rights
f) Combating racism and xenophobia;
Budget and due dates
Monthly expenses per young person:
- Social pass (40€ per young person per month)
- Food (€125 per young person per month)
- Housing, electricity, water (€150 per young person per month)
- Allowance (€100 per young person per month)
Setare Association
Lançámos o desafio à nossa comunidade para que celebrasse connosco o Dia da Mulher, oferecendo educação, liberdade e um futuro mais justo para as mulheres Afegãs que apoiamos.
Com a vossa ajuda, superámos o nosso objetivo e angariámos 3.596€!
Em nome das oito jovens que já estão em Portugal e das que virão em breve: Muito obrigado!
A equipa Setare
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