PPL Causas


Campaign to help victims of domestic violence who were left alone without any support.

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    0% of 5 000€

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  • 31/10/2022

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Campaign to help victims of domestic violence who were left alone without any support.

Campaign to help victims of violence who are alone and have no home, work, food or often only seek psychological support and peace.

Living closely with many situations of violence and having been a victim who managed to get out of that scourge in the past, makes today want to support these women more and more.

Deaths, revenge on children, on the family, lack of means/support to get out of there and start somewhere else are often the reasons why most of these women do not ask for help.

As a woman, mother, human being, citizen and entrepreneur, it is up to me to do something for women who come to me, which in itself is a big step in this enormous scourge that is domestic violence.

It is intended to continue working with the 3 victims of women who asked us for help to be housed in a safe, confident place and away from the eyes of their ex-husbands. All with school-age children. They became aware of the help through other women who already in 2019 had contacted me after learning about my story and the support I gave, when I went to a tv show on tv with Fêtima Lopes to talk about domestic violence and where I helped financially a victim support institution with part of the sales of a cork and steel collection that he had created.

The money will be invested to pay rent for the house where they are housed, food, essential goods, water, electricity and therapeutic consultations with specialists, namely psychologists and psychiatrists. Help with clothing, footwear and medication.

About the author

Entrepreneur in the field of tourism, events and social action since 2016.

I work with many people in different areas which makes me believe in their solidarity.

Woman, mother and with a huge desire to help victims of violence, women and children.

In 2019 I already created a collection of cork and steel accessories where part of the sales went to help a well-known institution, APAV, however many women came to me to ask for help because I made public my project to help victims of violence and the same who felt they were not helped came to me through messages on social media. Some I forwarded to Dr. Cotrim, the psychologist at APAV.

Budget and due dates

UNTIL OCTOBER 3 VALUE RAISED 2000. This value will be used to cover housing, water, electricity, food for the 3 women with dependents.


With these values we intend to help 3 women victims of violence, who were left alone. Support the job search by traveling to different places because they do not have transport and it is necessary to travel by taxi, transfers or public transport, in the studies of their dependents, with psychological support and other needs.

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    SERMULHER project keychain

    For every 20 euros we offer a keychain with the SERMULHER project logo

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping not included

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  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    SERMULHER project custom frame

    For every 50 euros, offer a personalized frame from the SERMULHER project

    Postman/courier delivery
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  • Invest with
    70€ or more

    SERMULHER design pen

    For every 70 euros raised we offer a personalized pen from the SERMULHER project

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping not included

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Mon, 23/09/2024 - 00:16


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


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