A van for the Alligators!
PPL Causas

A van for the Alligators!

The São João da Talha Rugby School project urgently needs a new van to transport its athletes and streamline their activities. This van is of crucial importance for the daily ac...

  • 5520


    110% of 5 000€

    121 backers

  • 31/12/2021

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

The São João da Talha Rugby School project urgently needs a new van to transport its athletes and streamline their activities. This van is of crucial importance for the daily activities of the ERSJT.

In our sport, as in life, we understand the importance of recognizing merit. If there is a project with merit in our sport, it is, without a doubt, the Rugby School of São João da Talha. A model project of social intervention that has given many good results to society and to our sport.

It is with pride that we are your partners. As partners and friends, we will always be together in the challenges that arise. These challenges are also ours.

The ERSJT project urgently needs a new van to transport its athletes and streamline their activities. This van is of crucial importance for the ERSJT's daily experience and activities!

Let's help the Alligators!!!

Rugby CPA and CDUL

About the author

Rugby CPA (Rugby Club at Colégio Pedro Arrupe, in Lisbon) and CDUL Rugby (Club founded in 1952, whose history follows the history of the sport itself in Portugal) are two rugby clubs in the city of Lisbon.

Râgueby CPA and CDUL are partners of the Rugby School of São João da Talha and develop their activity, in some levels, in partnership with it, competing with teams formed by players from these 3 institutions.

The São João da Talha Rugby School is governed by Solidarity, and for that reason, more than a club that practices a sport, the ERSJT is a social project.

There are already 50 athletes who sweat their shirts for this sport, supported by basic principles such as team spirit, solidarity, loyalty and sportsmanship. Created in 2011, Escolinha is a project of Associação Agregar, whose mission is to support the social integration, through rugby, of children from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds, encouraging a taste for learning, combating school failure, and involving families in the entire process.

It is precisely these three clubs that, once again working in close partnership, are developing this initiative.

Budget and due dates

The aim of this campaign is to purchase a van that will allow you to continue transporting the little athletes from the São João da Talha Rugby School to training, games and all their daily activities!

The purchase of the van will be completed as soon as the campaign objective is reached.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more


    With this contribution you will be contributing to the continuation of the project Escolinha de Rugby São João da Talha!

    14 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Thank you very much!

    With this contribution you will be contributing to the continuation of the excellent activity carried out daily by the São João da Talha Rugby School!

    88 backers

  • Invest with
    70€ or more

    Rhinos Tshirt/Sweater (ERSJT Partnership; CPA; CDUL)

    We are very grateful for the generosity of this collaboration! Which we highlight with the offer of a Rhinos t-shirt/shirt, a team formed by the partnership between the São João da Talha Rugby School, the CPA and the CDUL! This offer will be hand delivered to any of the three clubs' activities!

    Hand-delivered (see above)

    33 backers

Fri, 07/03/2025 - 02:54

Mon, 03/01/2022 - 10:22

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Fri, 17/12/2021 - 05:44

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Wed, 17/11/2021 - 12:56

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Tue, 16/11/2021 - 09:38

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Mon, 15/11/2021 - 20:40

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


121 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 87
    new backers

  • 34
    recurrent backers

  • 34
    anonymous backers

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