Projecto Bosques - A new horizon for Serra do Feital, Vilares and Broca
PPL Causas

Projecto Bosques - A new horizon for Serra do Feital, Vilares and Broca

Help to plant 10 000 trees of 20 different species. We are not waiting for trees to appear, we are planting! 2019 is the year we take the first step towards the birth of a for...

  • 962


    9% of 10 200€

    55 backers

  • 25/03/2019

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Help to plant 10 000 trees of 20 different species. We are not waiting for trees to appear, we are planting! 2019 is the year we take the first step towards the birth of a forest which,in the next 20 years, will begin to cover a large part of Serra do Feital, Vilares and Broca.

Help to plant 10 000 trees of 20 different species. We are not waiting for trees to appear, we are planting! 

Projecto Bosques intends to initiate the creation of a forest area promoting aspects related to soil and water conservation, improving the microclimate, sequestering and storing carbon, preserving biodiversity, enriching the landscape and securing a variety of resources from the ecosystem.

Desertification is becoming evident and it will hardly be reversed. In reality, what can change this trend is the audacity to think the impossible!

The silence of stones is our silence. We need silence to observe, reflect and create, in order to consider what we give to ourselves and the world that surrounds us.

Não muito longe do Jardim das Pedras ainda existem Bosques onde as Pedras e as Árvores são cúmplices!

For more than two hundred years the silence of the countryside’s granite landscape has been interrupted by a deafening noise, not of the wind, but of human action.

Today shrubs are the surviving species in what would have been an extensive forest. But in certain areas, there is not even enough soil forthose shrubs.

The stone predominates in a scenario with very little remaining soil.

This is what happens in areas such as Jardim das Pedras.

In a few years there will be no soil in these places, only a desert of stone.



The most difficult part is to imagine how we can grow an entire forest in an area of stones.

To imagine the impossible is the only way to begin.

2019 is the year we take the first step towards the birth of a forest which, in the next 20 years, will begin to cover a large part of Serra do Feital, Vilares and Broca.

A Escola ajuda-nos!

About the author

Projecto Bosques is a project of Associação Luzlinar with União de Freguesias de Vila Franca das Naves e Feital, União de Freguesias de Vilares e Carnicães and Associação de Desenvolvimento do Feital, in partnership with the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro and Associação de Produtores Florestais do Alto da Broca.

We also count with the indispensable support of the Trancoso School Group, the Volunteer Firefighters of Vila Franca das Naves and the local population.

Jardim das Pedras is a place at the top of Serra da Aldeia Artística do Feital where for more than 20 years artists from all over the world have come together to work and learn alongsidethe stones and the natural environment.

Associação Luzlinar promotes research on the multiplicity of relationships between artistic practices and the natural spaces where they intervene, through observation and understanding.

Helping to raise a forest is also a way of modeling the landscape, making it a work of art!

Metemos mãos à obra!

Budget and due dates

We already have the support of the Floresta Comum Project which, in 2018, allocated around 10 000 trees to start planting in an initial area of intervention of 5 ha.

Uniões de Freguesia, Associação Luzlinar and Associação de Desenvolvimento do Feital also contribute with logistic support for all activities.

The funds raised will have different purposes but they all aim to financially secure the base expenses. For this first year of  planting we predict a total of 10 200 euros.



Until January 2020 (end of next planting season)

- Finishing of the seed-plot Construction (irrigation infrastructure, gate, shade structure, furniture, stakes and signage, consumables)

EUR 550

- Acquisition of various support materials for plantations (equipment, tools and substrates)

EUR 3 500



October to December 2019

- Cutting of shrubs and other invasive species to open space for new plantations

- Training actions for the restoration of old stone walls, useful for the retention of land and prevention of fire spread

EUR 1250



May to July 2019

- Documentary Film that will follow the first two years of the project.

- Marketing and communication campaign.

EUR 950



- Rewards

EUR 2430


- Platform fee

EUR 941

  • Public Thanks + GPS Coordinates

    Invest with
    10€ or more

    Public Thanks + GPS Coordinates

    We will give each supporter a GPS coordinate of the planting area to which they are donating. Come to the Garden of Stones and locate the trees that have received your support! On our site you can see the map in which the green represents the evolution of our campaign.

    22 backers

  • Public Thanks + GPS Coordinates + T-shirt - "FLORESTA DE TODOS" (incl. postage)

    Invest with
    20€ or more

    Public Thanks + GPS Coordinates + T-shirt - "FLORESTA DE TODOS" (incl. postage)

    Support and we will send one of our campaign t-shirts, "Floresta de Todos" - Drawing by Maria Lino.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Public Thanks + GPS Coordinates + T-shirt - "QUANTAS MAIS!" (incl. postage)

    Invest with
    20€ or more

    Public Thanks + GPS Coordinates + T-shirt - "QUANTAS MAIS!" (incl. postage)

    Support and we will send one of our campaign t-shirts, "Quantas Mais!" - warns against the illegal removal of Dry Stone Walls important for our forests.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Public Thanks + GPS Coordinates + T-shirt - "QUERCUS" (incl. postage)

    Invest with
    20€ or more

    Public Thanks + GPS Coordinates + T-shirt - "QUERCUS" (incl. postage)

    Support and we will send one of our t-shirts, "Quercus" - Drawing by Sculptress Maria Lino.

    26 backers

  • Public Thanks + GPS Coordinates + T-shirt + Registration in Shelters Route for 2 persons

    Invest with
    50€ or more

    Public Thanks + GPS Coordinates + T-shirt + Registration in Shelters Route for 2 persons

    Contribute and you are automatically inscribed in one of the seasonal walks that we make in the Mountain in the discovery of a set of 200 shelters constructed in dry stone. Registration for 2 people with lunch included.

    1 backer

  • Sponsorship of a Tree + Negative shape of the seed in pottery + private premiere

    Invest with
    100€ or more

    Sponsorship of a Tree + Negative shape of the seed in pottery + private premiere

    We are planting about 10000 native trees this year - Sponsor one! We offer the cradle of your Seed in pottery and photographs of its first year in Jardim das Pedras. As soon as the documentary that we are preparing is finished, you will be invited to the private premiere.

    1 backer

  • 2 nights stay for 2 people in Feital + Registration in the Shelters Route

    Invest with
    300€ or more

    2 nights stay for 2 people in Feital + Registration in the Shelters Route

    Come and feel this dream with who you like the most and with time! Stroll through the Jardim das Pedras and come and meet us! Stay in the Artistic Village of Feital during a weekend in which the Shelters Route is held and we will offer an inscription for two people with lunch included. Contribute and we will send more information!

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Sun, 22/09/2024 - 18:51

Tue, 26/03/2019 - 15:11

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Mon, 18/03/2019 - 11:06

Olá a todos, queremos mais

Olá a todos, queremos mais uma vez agradecer o vosso contributo! Falta uma semana para terminar a campanha, juntos ainda podemos alcançar o objectivo! Só vamos receber o te...

Read more

Thu, 28/02/2019 - 12:03

Norberto Lobo + Yaw Tembe - Concerto no Carvalhal

Norberto Lobo + Yaw Tembe Concerto no Carvalhal 6 de Março de 2019 às 17h30 Ponto de Encontro: Junto aos tanques de Garcia Joanes às 17h Como forma de comemoração do e...

Read more

Wed, 30/01/2019 - 09:52

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • Associação Luzlinar

    Olá a todos, queremos mais

    Olá a todos, queremos mais uma vez agradecer o vosso contributo!

    Falta uma semana para terminar a campanha, juntos ainda podemos alcançar o objectivo!
    Só vamos receber o teu apoio se o mesmo for INCONDICIONAL, aqueles que não são ainda podem fazer a alteração em:

    Não se esqueçam de partilhar com os vossos contactos!

    Um grande obrigado,
    A equipa Projecto Bosques

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  • Associação Luzlinar

    Norberto Lobo + Yaw Tembe - Concerto no Carvalhal

    Norberto Lobo + Yaw Tembe
    Concerto no Carvalhal
    6 de Março de 2019 às 17h30

    Ponto de Encontro:
    Junto aos tanques de Garcia Joanes às 17h

    Como forma de comemoração do encerramento da primeira época de plantações, e em modo de agradecimento a todos os que estiveram connosco e apoiaram este primeiro período, em que foram plantadas 8 000 árvores, no próximo dia 6 de Março, Norberto Lobo e Yaw Tembe vão presentear todos com um momento único e especial no Carvalhal.

    Junte-se a nós!

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55 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 28
    new backers

  • 27
    recurrent backers

  • 16
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true