Pint of Science Portugal
Pint of Science Portugal is a non-profit association that aims to bring the Portuguese population closer to different areas of science. Its biggest event is the international science communication festival Pint of Science, which takes place annually, in the month of May, around the world. In Portugal, Pint of Science has been growing and this year it already has the participation of 7 cities: Aveiro, Braga, Coimbra, Guimarães, Lisbon, Porto and Viseu. Like all associations, Pint of Science has maintenance costs and costs associated with organizing the festival. Pint of Science survives annually from occasional support and donations. Due to the global pandemic in which we find ourselves, it was impossible to find this support. We hope that with the contribution of the participants we will be able to support the costs of our non-profit association so that next year we can organize more events (preferably in person !!)
About the author
Pint of Science is a non-profit association whose main objective is to make scientific discussion accessible to the entire population in order to bridge the communication gap that exists in this area. To this end, an international science festival is held annually, where researchers from different fields are invited to present their projects in a simple and interesting way in a relaxed atmosphere such as a bar. The festival takes place annually for 3 days in the month of May and simultaneously in hundreds of cities around the world. In 2018, the festival took place for the first time in Portugal, mobilizing more than 500 people. In 2021, the event will be online and curated by the cities of Aveiro, Braga, Coimbra, Guimarães, Lisbon, and Viseu. In the city of Porto the event will take place in person at the Espiga, Selina and Catraio bars.
Budget and due dates
International brand protection
Membership costs
T-shirts for volunteers
Small treat for the speakers
Gifts for participants