Help the Panther
PPL Causas

Help the Panther

Help care for the Panther

  • 15


    3% of 500€

    2 backers

  • 22/01/2021

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Help care for the Panther

Pantera is a 4-legged feline that I grew fond of, even though I told people I didn't have the financial means to have it. Because I am unemployed and I barely have money for myself, let alone for all the expenses associated with a pet. However, they put the kitten out the window of the room, saying that they assured me of the ration and some other type of expenses. I lost the house where I was, however, the panther came with me. Recently, this 4-legged princess, has been vomiting 3 to 4 times a day, including, especially when she is eating, causing what she ingested to leave her body again. I'm not asking for money for myself, I'm asking for money, so I can go with her to the vet and try to find out what she has. As we all know that veterinarians are not reimbursed and are quite expensive places. I am somewhat concerned, because I do not know if it is related to a problem that she had previously, everything indicated that it had been solved, but now with these constant vomiting, I do not know. I would ask only 200 €, but the site says that the minimum is 500 €, all the remaining amount and if you wish, I will return it, even if for all of you give me the necessary data and make bank transfers. I JUST WANT TO HELP PANTERA.

O meu antigo felíno

About the author

I'm Nelson, I'm 32 years old, I love animals, they understand me better than anyone. Due to the fact that I am unemployed, I am deprived of providing everything the panther may need, including a healthier lifestyle, adequate food, toys for its use, among others. I have had another cat before, but at that time I had a source of income and allowed to bear all the expenses inherent to the animal. He was called meow and he loved him, both meow and panther, both were stray cats, meow, he had a lot of health problems, he had FIV, FELV, liver problems where he needed special feed worth 25 €, when he came from the street he was only 2 kilos, he was well treated and fed and he stayed with 5 kilos, but he didn't stay long between us, he lost weight again and I had to make the decision to put him to sleep, I stayed with him until In the end (the vet inserted the injection in his paw, put his tongue out and ready, he was gone), I never felt so sad in my life, how much I cried in that office. If you help me financially, I can return the favor back, as long as it is within my powers. I can provide computer assistance, I can help clean your house, your car, walk your dogs, teach computer classes. Ask me what you want in return and I will do my best to return the favor.

Budget and due dates

The sooner I get the amount, the sooner I can go with the panther to the vet, I count on your help, all the reports and or expenses, will be released here or I can send to the emails of people who ask me to.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Donation to other causes

    For each donation worth € 5, another Zoophilic cause will receive this amount.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Donation to other causes and another reward 1 *

    For each € 10 donation, another € 10 will be donated to another Zoophilic cause. Postcard sent by mail from the panther as a thank you.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Donation to other causes and another reward 2 *

    For each € 20 donation you will receive a postcard sent by post or personally from the panther as a thank you. Free computer classes in 3 days of your choice with no time limit (the whole area of Lisbon and south bank to Setúbal). Free computer assistance 3 times in a period of one year (the whole area of Lisbon and south bank to Setúbal).

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  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Donation to other causes and another reward 3 *

    For every € 50, you will receive a postcard sent by mail or personally from the panther as a thank you. Computer classes 5 days of your choice with no time limit (the whole area of Lisbon and south bank to Setúbal). Free computer assistance 5 times in a period of one year (the whole area of Lisbon and south bank to Setúbal).

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Donation to other causes and another reward 4 *

    For every € 100, you will receive a personalized photo of the panther, a visit to it at the owner's house or another place of your choice. Unlimited computer classes for a period of 2 years (all of Lisbon and south bank to Setúbal). Unlimited computer assistance for a period of 2 years (the entire Lisbon area and south bank to Setúbal).

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Thu, 26/09/2024 - 22:12

Mon, 25/01/2021 - 12:14

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Fri, 22/01/2021 - 18:07

Agradecido de coração ás 2

Agradecido de coração ás 2 pessoas que me ajudaram, não poderei avançar com testes clínicos com o animal, por não ter o montante desejado, irei aproveitar para usar os 10€, que ...

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Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Wed, 06/01/2021 - 09:19


Agradeço á pessoa que me doou dinheiro, contudo, não consigo avançar com o resto. Não sei se a plataforma me deixará devolver esse valor, fico triste por as pessoas não me ajuda...

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Campaign launched


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  • Nelson

    Agradecido de coração ás 2

    Agradecido de coração ás 2 pessoas que me ajudaram, não poderei avançar com testes clínicos com o animal, por não ter o montante desejado, irei aproveitar para usar os 10€, que é o que irei poder usar após comissões do site, para corte das unhas do animal. Se desejarem que vos envie comprovativo dessa intervenção, informem-me por email dessa intenção através de Obrigado

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  • Nelson


    Agradeço á pessoa que me doou dinheiro, contudo, não consigo avançar com o resto. Não sei se a plataforma me deixará devolver esse valor, fico triste por as pessoas não me ajudarem, se eu tivesse a trabalhar, não diria aqui, mas eu sempre fui de ajudar, pois quando morrer, não vou levar nada comigo, daí sempre que posso estou lá, mas as pessoas acham que não sou merecedor da ajuda deles. Pois bem, que seja, se na eventualidade de o animal piorar, espero que fique na consciência das 95 pessoas que viram esta campanha, bem haja para todos e que tenham um excelente ano.

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2 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

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  • 2
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  • 2
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Anonymous

    15/01/2021 - 22:30

  • Anonymous

    31/12/2020 - 18:49