"We educate them through sport"
PPL Causas

"We educate them through sport"

The Social Project "WE EDUCATE THROUGH SPORT', was initiated by the Academy Sport For All - ACADESPORTO, located at Palmarejo in the city of Beach, having by principle the integ...

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    1% of 3 000€

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  • 14/11/2014

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The Social Project "WE EDUCATE THROUGH SPORT', was initiated by the Academy Sport For All - ACADESPORTO, located at Palmarejo in the city of Beach, having by principle the integral education of children and young people, through the good habits of sport, not forgetting the practice of citizenship and social learning and standards of socialization.

The Academy Sport For All - ACADESPORTO is involved with the community through training and leisure activities with children, young people and adults both sexes, with and without disabilities, and with a particular focus on the females that remain forgotten in some social activities. 

The Social Project "We educate through sport', was initiated by the Academy Sport For All - ACADESPORTO, located at Palmarejo in the city of Beach, having by principle the integral education of children and young people, through the good habits of sport, not forgetting the practice of citizenship and social learning and standards of socialization.

It is a partisan project and practice of social responsibility, seeking a quality education for all. Its activity was initiated on the day September 7, 2013, by its founders who gathered voluntarily with the aim of contributing to the construction of a better future for children, young people and adolescents in the city of Praia, but specifically the neighborhoods of Palmarejo, Strip Hat and Fontão, by means of sports education that has in its support three pillars: ethics, respect and family.

Necessitamos de equipamentos desportivos


About the author

The ACADESPORTO promotes the practice of sports to the most disadvantaged and the technical training sport, with the aim of giving more and more the quality of existing human resources and volunteer work and create new technical sports.

The education with quality is a constitutional right, duly established by the Constitution of the Republic  and also a right of the child, as well provides the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) however, in third world countries, or developing, not all children have access to school and education with quality.

Before the situation exposed is it possible to justify the social relevance and in line with the constitutional rights and of human children, young people and adolescents, proposed by the project "We educate them through sport".  Although there are in government policy the care actions directed to this needy population, they do not extend the agenda of social rights to be guaranteed to all Cape-Verdeans, in accordance with their needs, independent of their means of subsistence. 

The Technical Director/Executive is Prof. Carlos Morgado, a Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education and Sport, Technician Level II Basketball and Technician Level II Sport Adapted by the Institute of Sport in Portugal. The team is composed of 1 Superior Technical, physical Education and Sport Sciences.

Budget and due dates

The Academy needs support for the purchase of materials and sports equipment for children and young people in the neighborhoods most in need of the city of Praia, Cape Verde. We protocol with the Escola Secundária Abílio Duarte that gives us the handing over of a Sports Card, you need to basketball backboards, beacons for Goalball( sport for the blind), and materials with balls for Boccia, sport for the Cerebral Palsy. The activities are planned for 15 October. The budget for the acquisition of two basketball backboards and two Minibásquete, Beacons for Goalball and balls for these modalities, round 420,000 $ CV equivalent 3,818 euros.
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Thu, 26/09/2024 - 11:55

Wed, 26/10/2016 - 12:44

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