Saving Nikki and Amadeus, the chimpanzees at ChimpEden
PPL Causas

Saving Nikki and Amadeus, the chimpanzees at ChimpEden

The Chimp Eden sanctuary, managed by the Jane Goodall Institute, was established in 2006 and is the first and only chimpanzee sanctuary in South Africa. Located in the beautiful...

  • 2005


    100% of 2 000€

    40 backers

  • 22/01/2015

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

The Chimp Eden sanctuary, managed by the Jane Goodall Institute, was established in 2006 and is the first and only chimpanzee sanctuary in South Africa. Located in the beautiful...

The Chimp Eden sanctuary, managed by the Jane Goodall Institute, was established in 2006 and is the first and only chimpanzee sanctuary in South Africa. Located in the beautiful nature reserve of Umhloti, this sanctuary is home to chimpanzees that have been removed from their natural habitats in Africa. The goal of the sanctuary is to rescue chimpanzees from the meat and illegal pet trade or who were orphaned. 

The sanctuary is made up of large-scale fenced enclosures. However, on April 25 2014, two adult chimpanzees (Nikki and Amadeus) managed to escape through a fence and attacked a member of staff. As a result the South African authorities have decreed that the Sanctuary must build a new reinforced enclosure to house these chimpanzees, without which the only solution will be to euthanize them. 

Faced with severe financial difficulties, the sanctuary does not have the resources to comply with the decision of the authorities and called for all international partners to assist in this goal. 

As the coordinator of the Jane Goodall's youth program Roots & Shoots in Portugal, the Portuguese Society for Humane Education (SPEdH) will assist in fundraising to build the new enclosure and save Nikki and Amadeus.

About the author

Founded in 1977, the Jane Goodall Institute follows up on Dr. Goodall's pioneering research on chimpanzee behavior, and is currently a world leader in the effort to preserve endangered species and habitats, including chimpanzees. 

The Jane Goodall Institute is also known for establishing innovative conservation programs and community-centered development in Africa. 

The Portuguese Society for Humane Education (SPEdH) is the coordinator of Roots & Shoots in Portugal, the youth-led community action and learning program of the Jane Goodall Institute. 

The Portuguese Society for Humane Education (SPEdH) was founded in Lisbon in 2006, after the common need to act on society's 'conscience', making it more empathic and humanitarian.

Its main goals are promoting the comprehension for the need of respecting people, animals and the environment, recognizing the interdependence of all living beings through:

Promoting meetings, lectures and conferences;
- Attribution of merit scholarships to students who want to enroll in courses and/or participate in international congresses;
The development of programs and educational tools for teachers, students and professionals;
- Cooperation with national and international organizations whose goals succeed in promoting humanitarian education;
Developing awareness and educational activities.

Budget and due dates

The new enclosure construction cost is estimated at $250,000. Portugal is responsible for raising 2,000 euros.
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    9 backers

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    Nikki and Amadeus Photo

    Get a special photo of chimpanzees Nikki and Amadeus (via email) to be sent at the end of the campaign.

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    With this contribution you will be entitled to an exclusive video of the chimps Chimp Eden, to be sent at the end of the campaign.

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    Autographed Postcard

    With this contribution you will win an autographed postcard by Dr. Jane Goodall (postage included) to be sent at the end of the campaign.

    15 backers

Thu, 26/09/2024 - 21:05

Thu, 22/01/2015 - 18:14

Payout completed

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Campaign launched


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