Quercus carried out a groundbreaking campaign within the environmental movement in Portugal to acquire land for the nature conservation in the Tagus international (“Tejo internacional”) region. Today, a new opportunity to purchase another site of 80 hectares has arisen with the aim to protect and conserve Biodiversity.
In 1987, Quercus carried out a groundbeaking campaign within the environmental movement in Portugal to acquire land for nature conservation in the Tagus international (“Tejo internacional”) region. This campaign aimed to protect the endangered fauna and flora in the Tagus International Nature Reserve, in order to prevent our native forest and endangered fauna from being destroyed by eucalyptus plantations and illegal logging. At the time Quercus raised funds to purchase 600 hectares (ha), and has, over the last 30 years, intervened in various reserves to promote the recovery of biodiversity. Thanks to these efforts, species such as the black vulture and the Iberian imperial eagle have once again returned and chosen Portugal to build their nesting grounds, priority habitats such as the bushweeds (dominated by Flueggea tinctoria) and various species of threatened flora such as the Portuguese lily have recovered in these areas.
There is now a new opportunity to continue this task by extending one of the reserves by another 80 ha, the land that we intend to acquire share boundaries with a 430ha property which is owned and managed by Quercus.
Mapa de área a adquirir
This new site will allow the recovery of another 800 meters of the “Ribeira do Marmelal” banks, a river with priority habitats of conservation such as the “tamujais” bushweeds (Flueggea tinctoria) and ash trees and with presence of species like the Europeanpond turtle (Emys orbicularis) and the Portuguese bogue.
This acquisition will allow for the conservation of over 40ha of cork oak forest and 20ha of Azinhal forest where several hundred species live, some of which are in danger of extinction.
With this acquisition Quercus will manage an area of more than 680ha, where we will continue to safeguard the natural values, increasing the knowledge and the protection of biodiversity.
Quercus has been advocating the recovery of habitats and species in this area, by raising awareness of environmental education, nature (wilderness) tourism, reforestation and recovery of waterlines, a vulture feeder, removal of invasive alien species, rehabilitated animals are returned to nature among many other initiatives. This work has been carried out through partnerships and collaboration with other local players, local associations, municipalities, companies and public authorities.
These areas will be conserved and managed according to the philosophy of the Rewilding Europe project, an initiative that aims to create more spaces in Europe and corridors for nature...
Help us create more space for nature!
Quercus ANCN
Envio de recompensas aos apoiantes da campanha
Caro apointe as recompensas estão a ser enviadas em blocos de 100 envios, pelo que vão demorar mais algumas semanas a serem todas processadas.
agradecemos a compreensão .
Bem haja
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João AlmeidaQuercus ANCN
Boa tarde,
Podem-nos atualizar sobre o estado de envio das recompensas?
Ainda não recebi.
João Almeida
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João AlmeidaQuercus ANCN
Envio de recompensas aos apoiantes da campanha
A campanha de crowdfunding já aconteceu há um ano e a recompensa ainda não foi entregue. O que se passa?
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Quercus ANCN
Envio de recompensas aos apoiantes da campanha
Caros apoiantes , a Quercus vai durante a próxima semana enviar as recompensas por correio.Qualquer questão podem contactar para o e.mail :castelobranco@quercus.pt
Mais uma vez bem haja pelo seu apoio!
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João AlmeidaQuercus ANCN
Bom dia,
Bom dia,
Ainda não recebi a recompensa e já enviei e-mail mas também não obtive resposta.
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Abílio Silva
Olá! Como e quando se processará a entrega dos brindes? Obrigado!
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Rafael Villamariz do Nascimento
Boa tarde, desde ja parabéns pelo sucesso da campanha. Gostaria de saber como faço para obter o brinde de acordo com o apoio que dei. Cumps
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Quercus ANCN
Agradecimento /Acknowledgment -MAIS ESPAÇO PARA A NATUREZA
Caro apoiante, em nome da QUERCUS queremos agradecer o seu contributo! Superamos o objectivo desta campanha com 21. 722€ euros angariados com 500 apoiantes! Vamos continuar a proteger a Natureza e a promover o conhecimento e a educação ambiental!Bem Haja!
Dear supporter, on behalf of QUERCUS, we want to thank you for your contribution! We surpassed the objective of this campaign with 21.722 € Euros raised with 500 supporters! We will continue to protect Nature and promote knowledge and environmental education! Thanks!
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