A Lab and a Workshop where we will develop, manufacture and distribute Play Chests (full of "Creative Blocks" and other play triggering materials); and design and build kits to develop creative projects, for children in public primary scholls (grade 1 to grade 4).
Where does creativity come from? How do we learn to work as a team? When and how do we start to believe we can do, deliver, create? Like almost everything in life, it starts when we are little: in the opportunities we are given to experience the world and in the feedback we get from the people who pass us by.
Since 2017, we have been actively promoting this path in public primary schools, in Leiria: cultivating children's fertile imagination; leading them to discover solutions, through active play, that give life to those fantastic ideas that once existed only on children's imagination - toys, useful objects, works of art.
In 2018 we introduced the “Creative blocks” (simple wooden blocks that we distribute in classes with a basic statement: “What do you need to create?”). From then on, the “project methodology” gained wings. In some classes, children are invited to create, using their ideas and existing resources. A good idea… right?
The problem is precisely the resources and time to prepare the material base for these projects. On the one hand, the “creative blocks” are scarce, in quantity and, to a certain extent, in quality - as they mainly serve the simplest projects, to initiate dynamics. On the other hand, children's thinking and creativity evolve; and more complex projects emerge! Now, these require thinking, designing and preparing materials - something that is impossible to finance in the current state of public school organization.
Projetos já criados pelas crianças
So now is the time to:
- expand the methodology and distribute materials to all schools where we work;
- study and test, with children, the creation of pre-fabricated kits to make available to future students and other schools;
- disseminate the methodology to all public schools that want to incorporate it - through online training and dissemination of the kits' designes created.
Campaign Objectives:
- Equip the Workshop with the necessary tools to effectively work wood.
- Secure the materials needed to craft 6 complete Play Chests (with all the gear inside).
- Secure the necessary materials to manufacture project kits for the 26 groups we work with, for one year (see schedule) - 52 projects .
- Study, develop and select, with the children, standardized kits of materials (wood and accessories) that can be replicated in other educational institutions (schools, afterschool services, …) or even in a family context.
- Disseminate our practice “Project-based Learning" methodology: a) to children - give them a concrete methodology for solving problems, with a base of tools to awaken creativity; b) for teachers - disseminate the methodology, through training, so that they can reach more and more children.
Projetos já criados pelas crianças
- The Chests of Play and the methodology (project kits ) will reach around 500 children in the first year of intervention and a further 400 children in the following 5 years.
- In phase 1, we will train 8 teachers, internally (our team); In a phase 2, we will publish the training online, opening it to any interested public school, hoping to reach 30 teachers within 2 years
- Empowering children - helping them find their creative energy; designing products with and for children, responding to their needs and with an identified use in their lives, in each school community.
- Environmental sustainability of the created object(s) as a starting point for the design process - products that can be dismantled if necessary (reuse of materials); selection of end-of-life or new durable materials; incorporation of a sustainability training component for children.
- Dissemination of good practices - part of the projects will become kits that can be replicated by the school community; the methodology will be codified and disseminated so that other teachers in other educational communities can implement it.
Projetos já criados pelas crianças
Ludotempo - Associação de Promoção do Brincar
A campanha não atingiu o seu objetivo financeiro, mas terminamos esta fase com cada vez mais certezas de que este é o caminho a seguir. Obrigado a todos os que apoiaram!
Agora, porque as crianças estão à nossa espera e porque sabemos que temos um valor acrescentado para lhes entregar, seguimos em www.facebook.com/pimpumplay com mais iniciativas para chegarmos ao nosso objetivo! Vêmo-nos por lá! Saudações brincadoras
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Ludotempo - Associação de Promoção do Brincar
"Metodologia de projeto" - ora expliquem-me lá isso!!!
No vídeo promocional e na descrição da campanha falamos-te da "Metodologia de Projeto", mas agora queremos explicar-te o que é e porque é que acreditamos tanto no seu potencial de ação nas escolas, na criação de oportunidades de aprendizagem e de celebração para as crianças - sim, porque aprender sem alegria, excitação e felicidade, não é aprender! Nesta séria de 3 vídeos curtos explicamos as bases da abordagem:
1) "Metodologia de projeto"? O que é que isso é mesmo? > https://youtu.be/_N8C8MBcbUk
2) Metodologia de projeto - da imaginação à celebração, em 4 fases > https://youtu.be/uhIy1Okn4-A
3) Derrubar as paredes da sala de aulas > https://youtu.be/pgQ5AXno3X0
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Ludotempo - Associação de Promoção do Brincar
Vamos mostrar-vos o protótipo do Baú do Brincar
A iniciação das crianças na metodologia do Laboratório a a partir dos materiais que desenhámos/ criámos para o Baú do Brincar (e o próprio Baú em si).
Andamos há quatro anos a tentar perceber como poderíamos otimizar a experiência das crianças... e a fórmula do sucesso foi... observar! Como é que as crianças interagem com os Blocos Criativos, ao que é que gostam de brincar... e depois imaginar de que mais precisariam para levar a brincadeira um pouco mais à frente.
Neste vídeo explicamos o que é Baú do Brincar e as suas funcionalidades https://youtu.be/u1XQnPwQcRE.
Se quiseres apoiar este projeto clica em "contribuir" e depois de colocar o valor do donativo clicar em "apoiar incondicionalmente".
Saudações brincadoras!
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