Kutsaca Village is for ALL: For the kids, for the community, partners, changemakers, seekers and travellers.
Help us build Kutsaca Village and come next year to live an unforgettable experience with us!
Kutsaca School is an Educational project created in the village of Mahungo in Bilene region, Gaza Province in Mozambique.
It aims to promote personal and social skills with children from 3 to 5 years, who did not have any support and supplement with extracurricular activities the development process of children from 6 to 9 years.
We want to literate children, give space to their creative skills and foster a conscious and active learning.
Because we believe that education is the best way to change mentalities and that it is through experience and the phenomenon of osmosis that knowledge becomes wisdom.
It is the daily experience of experiences accompanied by mastery in the combination of curiosity, insight and integrity, which promotes a free, conscious and active learning.
This is the purpose of Kindergarden & ATL Kutsaca: to promote in the children the discovery of their resources and to catalyze them. It is to foster a healthy and happy growth of individuality in harmony with its environment.
We were able to build our first new preschool room in 2016 with the support of over 2500 people and we opened our second ATL room in 2017 with the support of over 120 people.
Now is the time to start a new long-term dream: to create Kutsaca Village - a new learning and growth space, in tune with local culture and resources, based on a green, sustainable and holistic approach using world-class materials. positive impact on the environment, methods of using water and alternative energy and with new modules that are transversal to the development of Kutsaca's entrepreneurial and synergistic vision (local, national and international). This project is supported by CAS Studio.
The first phase of the Aldeia Kutsaca project comprises:
- Fences - which will finally allow us to improve the safety of children and also protect us from the accumulated mud in the classrooms and latrine due to local storms.
- Multipurpose room - which will enable us to simultaneously develop the Women's, Youth and Common Activities training modules for large groups of 50 or more People.
- Guard House - finally ensuring a decent home for our Mary.
- Bathroom - It's time beyond the latrine, which also constantly clogs up, to have a decent bathroom.
To accomplish this work we need your help!
Visit us in www.kutsaca.com
About the author
Kutsaca is an educational model based on experiential learning, whose transformation model acts in the local and global community.
We are dreamers by nature, with our feets well based on earth, open hearts and hands ready to perform!
Our young 5-year career tells a story of love, commitment and resilience.
What we believe:
- Each of us can do something to change the world, and all genuine and disciplined seed, generates powerful individual and collective fruits.
- A transformation model is only really effective if it actively and consciously promotes collaborative bridges, stimulating solidarity entrepreneurship to the detriment of the welfare model that generates dependency and does not reinforce local enpowerment.
Our Mission:
- Awakening Consciousness
- Empowering to Undertake
- Transforming the World
We are at the service of a more conscious, collaborative, fair and dignified world for all, through models of education, training, experience and sharing.
Our intervention is in the local and global community, in the people and organizations that really want to contribute to a more fair and conscious world, guaranteeing a shared, healthy and sustainable growth model for all parties.
About the Founder:
My name is Susana, I’m Portuguese. I have 43 years and 23 years of professional experience in the area of supervision, management, training, design and implementation of skills development and consulting projects, with experience in the private, state and non-governmental sectors.
In September 2014 Kutsaca was born in a hut. It represents the materialization of a dream and a process of personal transformation.
Five years later, there are a series of achievements and challenges, which in themselves are a life, a learning, sharing and growth process.
As everything in life, the path was made of deserts and oasis, of many moments of ecstasy, despair, joys, sorrows, strength, discouragement. However it was worth it! We still feed the myth that when we discover (and have the courage to follow) our purpose, something magical happens and we will be happy forever. Challenges are part of the way and happiness is a daily choice, it’s about how I want to make the journey. It’s not the goal, it’s the way! We must be aware that the less traveled path requires courage, perseverance and resilience. But it is possible and very rewarding!
The purpose remains: Awake, Empowering, Transform. In addition to Kutsaca, I remain as a free lancer in organizations. Explore, Create, awake, Building bridges are my motives for action. I am an eternal apprentice and seeker and I do believe in miracles! I defend and spread a message of authenticity, love, humbleness, courage and resilience.
Obrigada / Kanimambo
Olá a toda(o)s :)
Esperamos que tenham tido um Excelente Natal!
A nossa campanha terminou no dia 24 e durante o dia de ontem e hoje, o PPL abriu a excepção de enviar um email para que, as pessoas que não colocaram "apoio incondicional", o possam ainda fazer, até às 18h do dia de hoje.
O valor incondicional é neste momento 2224 euros, e continuaremos a divulgar e a conquistar parceiros para esta causa. Em função do resultado que conseguirmos até Junho de 2020, tomaremos decisões de acordo com as prioridades desta 1ª fase da Aldeia Kutsaca.
Vamos manter-vos informados e claro se tiverem alguma ideia que possa ajudar-nos a apoiar esta causa, entrem em contacto connosco.
Aos contribuidores que ainda não enviaram o NIF e morada, pedimos por favor que o façam com a maior brevidade para podermos enviar os recibos, na data de transferência do PPL para nós.
Muito Obrigada a todos pelo apoio, envolvimento e por nutrirem, cada um da sua forma, a Árvore Kutsaca :)
Estamos Juntos!
Um abraço e até breve
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Feliz Natal a toda(o)s
Agradecemos a todos os que têm feito a diferença nas nossas vidas e desejamos um Feliz Natal a todos os que fazem parte desta família alargada que é a Kutsaca!
Amanhã termina a nossa campanha de corwdfunding. Até lá ainda podes contribuir, partilhar.
Relembramos que ainda temos cerca de 400 euros doados por alguns de vós, sem terem colocado "apoio incondicional". Para podermos receber esse valor é importante que alterem essa condição.
Obrigada a todos
Um Abraço com gratidão
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Está quase!
Olá a toda(o)s
Aos que puderam estar presentes na nossa Celebração dos 5 anos no passado dia 4, mais uma vez Muito Obrigada! Foi um momento bonito e caloroso :)
Faltam precisamente 2 semanas para terminar a nossa campanha - dia 24 de Dezembro.
Sabemos que é uma altura cheia de solicitações, corridas e fecho de ciclo.
Ainda assim, se puderem ajudar-nos com a divulgação da campanha, quer seja através das redes sociais, quer através de eventos/apresentações, almoços/jantares solidários, muito vos agradecemos! Normalmente os últimos dias são cruciais :)
Lembramos a todos que não colocaram "apoio incondicional" no contributo, que esse valor não chega a nós, não sendo cumprido os 100% do objectivo.
Os vossos recibos serão enviados na data de entrega do valor global do PPL à Associação Kutsaca, de acordo com o montante realmente endereçado a nós e passado claro directamente ao contribuidor.
Mais uma vez muito Obrigada a todos pelo apoio, envolvimento e participação.
Um abraço a toda(o)s e até breve
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Celebração 5 anos Kutsaca no dia 4 de Dezembro
No dia 4 de Dezembro estaremos a celebrar os nossos 5 anos na Fábrica do Braço de Prata ás 17h30.
O convite foi enviado para todos os contribuidores da campanha por email. Aos contribuidores anónimos que não tenho como contactar, são muito bem vindos também :)
Aproveitamos para pedir aos contribuidores que não colocaram "Apoio incondicional", que o façam por favor, pois não atingindo os 100% da campanha, as vossas contribuições não chegam a nós.
Obrigada a todos pelo apoio!
Um abraço e até breve
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Obrigada a Todos!
Caríssimos Amigos Kutsaca,
Plantamos a semente no domingo à noite, com Amor, Fé e Intenção pura.
É com enorme gratidão que vemos que ao 3º dia temos 1093 euros, fruto de 12 contribuidores, assim como muitas mensagens bonitas que nos dão Força e Coragem para continuar!
É exactamente o poder do Amor e da União que nos faz acreditar em Milagres,
Tudo o que visionas, se o plantares com intenção pura e determinação, pode tornar-se realidade!
Queremos muito poder receber-vos a todos na Aldeia Kutsaca.
Bem Hajam!
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