SCMPS to raise funds to buy personal protective equipment (PPE) to take care of our clients and employees in all our social responses!
The pandemic situation that we experienced throughout this year, appeared suddenly and caught everyone off guard, forcing us all to adapt very quickly to face all the changes that COVID-19 brought us.
In March, at the 1st wave, we restructured ourselves as quickly as possible, creating mirror teams and being confined 24/7 a day within our ERPIS (Residential Structures for Elderly people) ), in order to protect our residents and our families.
Thanks to a heroic effort on the part of managers, employees and all those who directly or indirectly get involved with SCMPS, there was no cases of Covid-19 in the institution.
Aware that we could not let our guard down during these months, we kept the necessary and possible care to try to prevent cases of Covid-19 from arising. However, we knew that we were not immune to this reality.
What we feared most happened and unfortunately, since the beginning of the month, we have positive cases of Covid-19 in our institution. Once again, we implemented the Contingency Plan and organized ourselves in order to create a Covid wing that would allow the greatest possible comfort and safety to clients and employees.
Aware that we have a great challenge ahead, now, more than ever, we need your help to keep our clients and employees protected!
This whole situation entails very high financial costs and represents an added challenge for any IPSS. Government support is unfortunately not enough to respond to our concrete reality. With a great financial effort and thanks to the donations of material that have come to us, we have been able to face the great demands of these times, but we do not know for how long.
We are counting with your generosity to help us protect those we care for, and therefore, protect us all!
SCM Pampilhosa da Serra
Somos 21!!!
A nossa campanha conta já com 21 apoiantes!!! 21 pessoas que decidiram apoiar a nossa causa através do seu donativo...não poderíamos estar mais gratos. O vosso apoio e generosidade são o nosso combustível e nunca será demais dizer...MUITO OBRIGADA!!! Continuamos a contar com a ajuda de todos para divulgar a nossa campanha de forma a conseguirmos angariar o maior número de apoiantes e assim atingir o nosso objetivo! #Juntosconseguimos
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SCM Pampilhosa da Serra
Em nome de toda a Mesa Administrativa da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Pampilhosa da Serra, colaboradores e utentes, o nosso muito obrigada por ajudarem esta causa a dar os primeiros passos rumo ao nosso objetivo! A vossa ajuda é importantíssima para todos nós! Contamos com a vossa colaboração para continuar a divulgar a nossa campanha e poder chegar a cada vez mais pessoas de forma a conseguir proteger-nos a todos! Um abraço (virtual) cheio de gratidão e afeto :) #Juntosconseguimos
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