The internet is everyone's right, yet there are areas in Portugal with very low population density that do not have access to high-speed internet.
Did you know that there are school-aged children who still have difficulty accessing the internet?
And that there are families who cannot afford the costs charged by traditional operators? Or that there are areas that still don't have fiber optics and surf at speeds below 2 Mbps?
This is where the Internet for All project comes in, and aims to create a high-speed wireless network, capable of giving access to the population in rural areas where there is no fiber optic access to quality internet at low or zero cost. The idea involves the installation of small repeater points in low-density areas that are not served by optical fiber and have poor access conditions, thus allowing access to the Internet with speeds from 50Mbps to 100Mbps with costs below €10 a month, and taking advantage of the same infrastructure enables free access to public spaces. Are we going to bring Internet to everyone?