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ALBERTA LIMA - Music and Dance School
PPL Causas

ALBERTA LIMA - Music and Dance School

The Alberta Lima music and dance school is based in Matosinhos, Portugal. At the moment, he is going through many difficulties, due to water infiltration resulting from the land...

  • 651


    130% of 500€

    34 backers

  • 31/01/2022

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

The Alberta Lima music and dance school is based in Matosinhos, Portugal. At the moment, he is going through many difficulties, due to water infiltration resulting from the landlord's poor management of the space in which he is located.

The Alberta Lima School of Music and Dance has been in existence for 42 years, in Matosinhos. The lease value has always remained the same, €1600 monthly (except for a €200 fee for 6 months during the pandemic period) and with the addition of other expenses such as water, electricity, internet, pass music, Portuguese society of authors, space maintenance, VAT, insurance, among others.
And for 42 years we've been faced with the same problem. What we've been through during these years has never been exposed, but now it's time to do it because we've reached an unsustainable point.
We are a private school and this has been the main and only reason why they refuse to provide any kind of support and/or solution.
After surviving with a lot of difficulties and a significant loss of students to a pandemic where the rent was never paid, even so, what are the obligations of the semhorio were never put into practice. Whenever the landlady's intervention was requested, it was due to highly serious situations relating to the maintenance of the property's structure, essentially the roof and the gutters. That said, recently and after much insistence on our part and a visit from the civil protection to the site, which banned the use of the space until works were carried out (which lasted for 1 year behind closed doors) these works were then carried out in the locker room area and bathrooms, thus representing ¼ of what is problematic at school.
Every winter we face a degrading situation of water ingress and infiltration in a large part of our space and this week it has already been felt in even more worrying and aggravated dimensions, flooding in the school's reception area every time rain has been a constant in the last few hours.
Once an expert has climbed onto the roof, what he has come across is not acceptable. From broken tiles to holes, a water drain pipe notoriously disengaged by human hand and turned over our roof, rotten gutters and insufficient for the amount of water that accumulates and infiltrates the walls, a large part of the roof is asbestos (which was banned 15 years ago).
At this moment, our school does not have the necessary working or safety conditions for us to maintain our activity normally, receive our children and teachers in safety.
The damage done between yesterday and today is already taken into account, and those that will add up if the storm persists.
It is urgent that the entities trained for this purpose act and help us to resolve this situation that has been going on for too long without any solution in sight. But our hopes have already been exhausted in this regard...
From this date onwards, whenever it rains, water will enter the school, causing constant flooding.
A family, an integral part of the direction and core of teachers, lives and depends on this school.
As the oldest school in Matosinhos, we have been actively contributing for 42 years to the growth of culture and art, music and dance, the formation and happiness of many young people, also participating in various cultural activities in and for the city.
Is it fair to be forgotten and abandoned by those above us and with power to do justice? If no one with power does anything for us, then let our voice be heard by the community, today for me, tomorrow for you!
Attached are photographs and videos that prove what we mentioned above.

The direction,
Alberta Lima School of Music and Dance, Matosinhos

Escola de Dança Alberta Lima

About the author

The Organization HHU PORTUGAL - Hip Hop Unite Portugal is a non-profit organization based in Lisbon and founded in 2017.

We are an organization generated by the effort and union of the dance community in Portugal.

Our main objective is to provide a favorable platform for Portuguese dance schools with a competitive purpose, in the area of Street Dance and Hip Hop.

We work to improve the art of urban dance in Portugal and, as we are from the community and for the community, we are committed to making a difference in these types of unpredictable situations.

We know that the lack of support for dance in Portugal is huge, and unfortunately we are forgotten in a world of "soccer" but the weak does not say the legend and therefore we will fight for hundreds of schools and thousands of dancers across the country.

Porque amamos o que fazemos!

Budget and due dates

Space cleaning and labor - 200 euros

Materials and labor - 300 euros

We will collect funds from anyone who wants to help us from January 1st until January 20th.


  • Offer Official Tshirt HHU

    Invest with
    30€ or more

    Offer Official Tshirt HHU

    For our supporters who donate €30 or more, we will reward them with an official tshirt from our organization HHU - Hip Hop Unite Portugal

    Hand-delivered (see above)

    4 backers

  • Private lessons at ALBERTA LIMA school

    Invest with
    50€ or more

    Private lessons at ALBERTA LIMA school

    For our generous supporters who help us with €50 or more we will offer a set of private dance and/or music lessons with teachers from our Alberta Lima school.

    Hand-delivered (see above)

    6 backers

Mon, 13/05/2024 - 01:51

Wed, 02/02/2022 - 11:18

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Thu, 06/01/2022 - 14:50

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Wed, 05/01/2022 - 16:11

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Sat, 01/01/2022 - 20:02

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


34 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 32
    new backers

  • 2
    recurrent backers

  • 6
    anonymous backers

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