A nine grade classroom for Jardim do Monte School
PPL Causas

A nine grade classroom for Jardim do Monte School

Escola Jardim do Monte (a Waldorf School in Portugal) needs a classroom for the nine grade. Let's make it possible!

  • 12865


    102% of 12 650€

    122 backers

  • 25/08/2017

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Escola Jardim do Monte (a Waldorf School in Portugal) needs a classroom for the nine grade. Let's make it possible!

In 2004, a group of teachers who developed a teacher training course based on Waldorf Pedagogy in government schools, since 1991, decided to open a Waldorf kindergarten.

The idea was to help children to develop learning capacities, within their global development in harmony with the rhythms of nature. A farm containing a biodynamic project was chosen as the school home under the umbrella of an association HARPA, recognized by the Education Ministry as a Private Institution for Social Solidarity – IPSS.

In 2007 a group of children for the 1st class was gathered and in 2011 the primary school from the 1st to the 4th class has been officially inaugurated: Escola do Jardim do Monte.

Since then the school has grown, covering up to the 3rd school cycle in Portugal (7th, 8th and 9th year) following the Waldorf curriculum, accepted by the Education Ministry.

Next school year starting in September 2017, we will open our first  9th class group. To receive it we have yet to create a new classroom. For that purpose we have to accomplish some rebuilding work in our space, for which we badly need financial help to accomplish what is necessary to do, to maintain the physical ecological quality of the whole school.

Being, up to this moment, the only Waldorf school in Portugal which offers a kindergarten and 9 years of basic school, our aim is to prepare the youngsters to reach the secondary school, with self confidence, autonomy, creativity and love for learning, with a deep feeling of respect for the earth and for humanity, as the essential qualities for the twenty first century citizens.

The generosity of all who find a meaning in our work will permit us to reach the aim we would like to accomplish in behalf of the future.

In the name of Escola do Jardim do Monte and all the pupils, who are and will be with us, we would like to express our gratitude.

About the author

HARPA - Association Recreating for Learning is a non-profitable association,with an educational and socio-cultural nature, recognized by the Ministry of Education as an IPSS - Private Institution of Social Solidarity.  It was founded in 1999 by a group of teachers in order to serve life while a learning path and Man, as a subject-creator of life paths, accompanying him from childhood to adulthood. It is presented as an educational and self educational space that is based on an integrated vision of the human being in their physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual aspects, bringing together teachers and people from different professional areas willing to work on issues related to education in general and in particular to self-education. It works in three areas of intervention: Education, Health and Ecology.

Budget and due dates

  • Space Recovery: 6.460 €
  • Electrical installation: 1.900 €
  • Heating system: € 1.000
  • Furniture: 2.200 €
  • Commission PPL: 1.089,16 €

 TOTAL: 12.650€

  • Invest with
    5€ or more


    Let's create a wonderful and very special list of GUARDIAN ANGELS for the 9th grade, which will be permanently on our website and will also be shared on our social networks, and fixed in the new classroom permanently. With a support of only 5 Euros, your name will be in that beautiful list and also in our hearts and in each child’s that will benefit from this important help!

    34 backers

  • Invest with
    15€ or more


    Besides having your name on the list of "GUARDIAN ANGELS" you will receive in your home or personally, two postcards, created by HARPA, which is the mother of the project of the «Escola Jardim do Monte». One of the cards will come with a special thanks written by a child or a teacher of the school and the other will come blank, so you can offer whom you want!

    19 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more


    You will receive the previous rewards and a special product from our own farm, which may be: 1 Essential Oil (Rosemary, Calendula and St. John herb); 1 home made jam or 1 Infusion Special Package; or a «small dreaming pillow» with sleeping herbs.

    27 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more


    You will receive the previous rewards and one body care kit with two natural soaps, one natural cream of St. John herb, one natural deodorant and a natural cream of calendula.

    28 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more


    You will receive the previous rewards and an invitation to lunch or dinner as a special thanking occasion from educators, teachers and school directors.

    16 backers

  • Invest with
    250€ or more


    You will receive the previous rewards and one SESSION OF ART THERAPY - In art therapy plastic artistic expression with watercolor painting is used to experience soul moods or personal difficulties in the life of the soul. From a first session, there is the possibility to have appropriate treatment for each person.

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    500€ or more


    You will receive the previous rewards and a FREE PARTICIPATION in 2 WORKSHOPS within our annual program of activities.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    750€ or more


    You will receive the previous rewards and a handmade frame (100cmX100cm) with a collective art work done by our collaborators.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    1000€ or more


    You will receive all the previous rewards and one ORIGINAL WATERCOLOUR PAINTING framed, from the personal collection of Leonor Malik, founder of HARPA.

    5 backers

Tue, 14/01/2025 - 16:19

Wed, 13/09/2017 - 13:08

Mais uma vez, obrigado! / Once again, thank you!

A todos os QUERIDOS AMIGOS - conhecidos e desconhecidos - que generosamente contribuíram para o sucesso do nosso crowdfunding, queremos agradecer do coração: convosco conseguimo...

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Tue, 29/08/2017 - 10:12

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Fri, 25/08/2017 - 16:20

Falta pouco!

Estamos a menos de duas horas para o fim da campanha! Falta tão pouco para chegarmos lá! Relembre aqueles amigos com quem partilhou e a quem sugeriu que contribuísse. É agora ou...

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Thu, 10/08/2017 - 15:48


Caros amigos, que já fizeram uma contribuição para a nossa campanha! Estamos muito, mas muito felizes e gratos pela participação de cada um de vocês. Já atingimos 33% do nos...

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Campaign launched


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  • Núcleo Digital

    Mais uma vez, obrigado! / Once again, thank you!

    A todos os QUERIDOS AMIGOS - conhecidos e desconhecidos - que generosamente contribuíram para o sucesso do nosso crowdfunding, queremos agradecer do coração: convosco conseguimos realizar as obras necessárias à preparação da nova sala de 9º ano assim como às alterações de espaço a que ela obrigou.

    A partir de agora, se ainda não estavam ligados à HARPA e ao impulso do nosso trabalho, passaram a estar, fazendo parte desta comunidade, quer afetiva quer espiritualmente.

    Bem-hajam AMIGOS!

    Gostaríamos de poder conhecer pessoalmente todos os que até agora nos eram «desconhecidos», por isso convidamo-vos entusiasticamente a visitarem-nos.

    Brevemente receberão imagens das obras realizadas e serão contactados relativamente às recompensas anunciadas na campanha.

    Até breve!

    Saudações calorosas
    Leonor Malik


    To all our DEAR FRIENDS - known and unknown - who have contributed generously for the success of our campaign of crowdfunding, we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts: through your effort we were able to accomplish all the needed works to prepare the new classroom for the 9th class.
    From now onwards, if you were not yet connected with the impulse of the work done in HARPA, you are now part of this community: emotionally and spiritually!
    Thank you dear friends!

    We would like to get acquainted personnaly with those we haven't met so far, so we are eagerly inviting you to vist us here.
    Very soon you will receive photos of the spaces rebuilt and will be contacted as well regarding the rewards mentioned in the campaign.

    Hoping to see you soon, receive our warmest salutations

    Leonor Malik

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  • Núcleo Digital

    Falta pouco!

    Estamos a menos de duas horas para o fim da campanha! Falta tão pouco para chegarmos lá! Relembre aqueles amigos com quem partilhou e a quem sugeriu que contribuísse. É agora ou nunca! :)

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  • Núcleo Digital


    Caros amigos, que já fizeram uma contribuição para a nossa campanha!

    Estamos muito, mas muito felizes e gratos pela participação de cada um de vocês. Já atingimos 33% do nosso objetivo e acreditamos que mesmo faltando apenas duas semanas e 1 dia para o fim da campanha, ainda será possível angariar o valor necessário.

    Esta campanha simboliza mais do que a criação de uma sala de aula. Simboliza a união entre todos nós, que acreditamos na transformação social e humana a partir da educação. A proposta da Pedagogia Waldorf é educar para a liberdade e plenitude na vida e foi apontada pela UNESCO como sendo o modelo de pedagogia capaz de responder aos desafios educacionais de nosso século. É por isto que esta campanha simboliza mais do que a criação da Sala do 9º ano.

    Estamos unidos em prol de um objetivo maior, que é preparar as nossas crianças para o mundo em que vivem.

    Em Portugal, ainda não há nenhuma escola Waldorf com o 9º ano, sendo a Escola Jardim do Monte a primeira a oferecer esta oportunidade aos nossos adolescentes. Isto é um grande passo! Não apenas para a escola, mas para nós - Portugal - como uma nação unida por um futuro mais consciente e feliz.

    Do fundo do coração, agradecemos a cada um de vocês, pela contribuição que fizeram. Mas não termina por aqui! :) Estas duas semanas que restam para o fim da campanha será tempo suficiente para alcançarmos o objetivo se continuarmos a acreditar e convidar os nossos amigos e familiares mais próximos a fazer uma contribuição. Não importa o valor, importa a participação!

    Contamos com todos vocês para nos ajudarem a fazer um último apelo!

    O link para partilharem é este: https://ppl.com.pt/pt/causas/harpa

    Um grande abraço em nome da Escola Jardim do Monte!

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122 members of the PPL community
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  • 37
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  • 38
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