Are program is applied in social neighborhoods, such as Santa Filomena, Quinta da Lage, Cova da Moura, Casal da Mira, Estrela de África and 6 de Maio.
Amadora has many social neighborhoods. Within the neighborhoods the population of dogs and cats are out of control. Many are used for dog fighting as bate, others end up being sale, and the rest are destined to leave as stray animals because females become compulsively pregnant.
This campaign goal is to raise money to neuter animals in these neighborhoods. Only this we allows us to control the population and prevent animals from being used for dogfighting, to be sold or to live in the streets.
cão doente morto
About the author
Feeling Animals Association exists since 2014 and has been working with the social neighborhood community of Amadora , Lisbon since 2015.
Amadora is a large city and has some of the most troubled neighborhoods.
The problems we face most frequently are the following:
The uncontrolled population of dogs and cats on the streets and at home.
The lack of this control leads to a large increase of stray dogs and cats, as well as the number of animals that each family has at home. If there aren’t economic conditions to take care of one animal, obviously they shouldn’t have more animals.
Dog fighting
It’s a reality in most neighborhoods and has to end. It’s not only a threat to people but also to other animals. The suffering of animals shouldn’t be considered entertainment for others with the purpose of showing which one has the most aggressive dog.
Public health
Animals belonging to these families usually don’t have access to veterinary care, as vaccines, blood analyzes, deworming, among others.
Noncompliance with law
As the animals are not vaccinated, they are not legaly compliance. Many of the neighborhood animals are potentially dangerous breeds that need to follow some specific rules. Population also do not register their animals in the parish council.
Therefore the work we do is directly with the community and the goal is to reduce and resolve the problems described above.
The measures we apply are:
- Neutering is required for all dogs and cats we support.
- Mandatory vaccination(rabies) and internal and external deworming.
- Animals in the program are microchip.
- (Free registration of these animals at the parish council)
- Legal compliance of the potentially dangerous breeds.
- Awareness actions among the population.
Budget and due dates
822,51€ - 20 animals neutering
77,49€ - PPL 5% + IVA; 2% + IVA
Feeling Animals
Campanha de esterilização
Boa noite,
Infelizmente não obtivemos o valor pretendido.
Mas graças aos apoiantes incondicionais conseguimos angariar 343€, que ficou em 313,47€
Muito obrigada de coração pelo vosso apoio monetário, pois vamos poder esterilizar 5 cadelas. Com a certeza que menos animais nasceram para viver nas condições em que estes vivem.
Muito obrigada.
Sempre que possam vejam o nosso trabalho na nossa página no facebook, Feeling Animals.
Caso queiram conhecer o nosso trabalho mais de perto enviem e-mail, Teremos todo o gosto em vos mostrar o nosso dia a dia.
Andreia Barroso e Bárbara Ferreira
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