Formação Institute of Arts of Barcelona
PPL Causas

Formação Institute of Arts of Barcelona

This is a campaign to raise funds to pay the fees of a musical theater School - Institute of Arts of Barcelona.

  • 0


    0% of 2 000€

    0 backers

  • 10/10/2016

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

This is a campaign to raise funds to pay the fees of a musical theater School - Institute of Arts of Barcelona.

Since very young I had a dream of becoming a musical theater actor. I started my artistic training when i was 15 years old in Chapito school, after finished, i  worked in theater, dance and circus. This year I decided to finaly listen my childhood dream and do whatever is necessary to make it happen, I can not ignore this dream anymore! I dedicated all year to study Musical Theatre , to continue my education, i decided to apply for a musical theater school in in Barcelona called IAB - Institute of Arts of Barcelona. Three weeks ago I received a letter from the school offering me a place for this year. The fees for this school are 10,000 euros per year.  At this moment i need 2000 euros to accomplish this dream. I have done all I can to find this value, now i can only aks all you to help me to become what I believe i am meant to be.

I ask you please to contribute, any contribuition is precious at this time.

Check out this video

Thank you very much. 

About the author

Sérgio Conceição was born in Lisbon in 1987 , actor , singer, dancer and aerial acrobat, he  has the Professional Circus Course of the  Chapitô Scool, and also the Musical Theatre Course  from Vocare Conservatory.

In 2005 he did an internship at the Company Olga Roriz .  Since then he  developed his work as a performer in performances , events and shows.  He  worked regularly as an actor in Artistas Unidos theater  Company .  In 2007 he was a semi-finalist of the TV show  - Portuguese Got Talent.  He worked with :  Ávila Costa , Amélia Bentes , António Pires , Antonio Felipe , Bernardo Gama, Carla Galvão . Claudio Hochman , Elsa Galvão , Fernando Heitor , Francisco Salgado , Jorge Silva Melo, Olga Roriz , Pedro Gil , Rui Rebelo and Victor Linhares. 

Budget and due dates

The school fees are around 10,000 euros per year , right now it´s still missing 2,000 euros. The school already began , but they kindly gave me until the end of the month to pay the fees .
And that is the time i have left to make this dream come true .


  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Facebook Comment

    I will write a facebook comment in your page. and share exclusive photos from the IAB School

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  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    Singing live

    You will have the oportunity to choose a musical theater song, and i will try to perform that for in a recording video.

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Thu, 19/09/2024 - 07:21


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


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