Danç@100 Fronteiras
PPL Causas

Danç@100 Fronteiras

“Danç@ 100Fronteiras “Dance Without Frontiers” is a social artistic project that aims to promote dance as a way to encourage healthy lifestyles. It is targeted at children and t...

  • 127


    4% of 3 000€

    5 backers

  • 31/07/2015

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

“Danç@ 100Fronteiras “Dance Without Frontiers” is a social artistic project that aims to promote dance as a way to encourage healthy lifestyles. It is targeted at children and teenagers with ages comprised between 6 and 18 years old that live in poor regions of São Vicente Island (Cape Verde). These will attend different styles dance training on a voluntary basis.

Considering the children and teenagers’ background and the cultural, environmental, linguistic and human resources that prevail in their community, we intend to develop short-term artistic workshops that will allow the learning of technical tools and the development of dance skills. After that, it is our goal to set up a dance show for the community based on a Cape Verdean traditional tale. Seeking to encourage healthy proactive lifestyle habits in dance and sport, this 7-day-artistic exchange programme, approximately scheduled for August, will promote the interaction of two groups: an enabling group, with 10 teenagers and 2 coaches (from Seixal, Portugal) and the receiver group, with 15 to 20 participants and 2 coaches (from São Vicente, Cape Verde). These are designed to work on a regular basis - With daily training, rehearsals and workshops – aiming to present a common result/project focused on the cultural backgrounds of both groups.

We are sponsored by a few partner institutions such as Espaço Reyel - Associação Arte, Educação e Terapias, Clube de Campismo Luz e Vida, Khapaz - Associação Cultural, among others.

"As Tranças de Bintou" - Ato 7

This Project followed the MuDanç@sUrbanas (Urban Changes) Project financed by the Programa Juventude em Ação/EU (Youth in Action Programme), in 2013, which led to a set of dance activities performed in three towns - Arrentela, Seixal and Monte de Caparica. These activities included, for instance, regular dance rehearsals, workshops and dance residencies involving 44 teenagers and culminating on a dance show “A Lenda de Tamborinho”.

When the funding ended, the group “MuDanç@s” composed of 20 participants continued and embraced another challenge: the recreation of the African tale “As Tranças de Bintou” (“Bintou’s Braids”) through dance, which emphasizes the training element. The second phase of the project began in mid-2014 with the debut of "Tranças de Bintou" on the 15th of November, 2014, in the 8th edition of the Festival Imigrarte. Currently the show is on tour at several theatres.

It was on stage on the 28th of February at Auditório do Cinema S. Vicente (Paio Pires) and on the 21st of March, at the auditorium of Forum Romeu Correia (Almada).

About the author

The technical and artistic team consists of 2 people   Karina Ismael and Ana Bergano – who have been working together for several years in Seixal’s Council. Their work has basically focused on dance lessons and workshops as well as the presentations and dance shows. The fact of working with children and teenagers at school, social projects and local associationsis a plus for the implementation of the activities that have been developed in partnership.

Karina Ismael – Master degree in Family Sociology from Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE-IUL); Coordinator of the project Cool Generation promoted by Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Almada and funded by Programa Escolhas, Coach of Group Activities; Dance teacher (African, tribal and urban dances) at Khapaz- Espaço Cultural, Espaço Reyel - Associação Arte, Educação e Terapias, Centro Comunitário Paragem; Member of the Technical Commission of Dance in Seixal’s Council.

Ana Bergano - Graduated in Dance from University College of Dance, Lisbon, IPL; postgraduate in Art and Education, from Open University; Teacher of dance and body expression at Baixa da Banheira Secondary School, Dance teacher (Ballet, Hip Hop and Belly Dancing) at EspaçoReyel - Associação Arte, Educação e Terapias, IFC Torrense, ColégioEduca e Brincar, CC Luz e Vida; Member of the TechnicalCommission of Dance in Seixal’s Council.

Throughout 2 years of MuDanç@sUrbanas, the work performed with this group of young people has been a constant source of inspiration to do more and better not only in our country but also across borders! We want to go further and take and share our experiences in the world of dance. There is also something else to discover and learn that is beyond social ethnic cultural and religious barriers.

Budget and due dates

- Contribution to the travel expenses of the participant group (12 people) in August.
- Purchase of support material for the show, such as props, make-up, clothes, scenario, etc during the months of July and August
- Acquisition of promotional material (flyers) (July)
- Purchase of a movable mirror for dance rehearsals and workshops (June)

The group will perform several artistic activities to raise funds to provide for the expenses of the project (from February to June)

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Support us with 5 euros or more and get a personalized thank you and a ticket for the show.

    Our personalized thank you will be posted on the event page on Facebook at the end of the campaign. You will also geta ticket for the next dance show "As Tranças de Bintou".

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    15€ or more

    Support with 15 euros or more and get a a picture of the group in Cape Verde

    With this amount of money, you will get a picture of the group in Cape Verde with a dedication in creole that will be sent via email at the end of the project. Free postage fees for Portugal.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    Support with 25 euros or more and get a signed T-shirt of the project

    With this amount of money, you will get a T-shirt of the project signed by the group. Free postage fees for Portugal.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Support with 50 euros or more and get a T-shirt of the project and a DVD

    With This amount of money, you will get a T-shirt of the project signed by the group and a video of the project on DVD. Free postage fees for Portugal.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    75€ or more

    Support with 75 euros or more and get a T-shirt of the project and 2 dance workshops

    With this amount of money, you will get a T-shirt of the project signed by the group and 2 dance workshops chosen by you (from the list of styles available).

    1 backer

Thu, 26/09/2024 - 18:14

Fri, 31/07/2015 - 18:16

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


5 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 4
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  • 1
    recurrent backer

  • 0
    anonymous backers

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