Cross Hands Team
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  • Sede das Nações Unidas em Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos da América

Cross Hands Team

Cross Hands Team won first prize of internacional architecture competition. Theirs work will be exposed between 1 and 12 of December in the United Nations in New York.

  • 2007


    112% of 1 800€

    73 backers

  • 24/11/2014

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Cross Hands Team won first prize of internacional architecture competition. Theirs work will be exposed between 1 and 12 of December in the United Nations in New York.

Three newly licensed in architecture, moved by the same convictions embraced the challenge to participate in an overseas course promoted by the Open Online Academy. The theme “Designing Emergency Shelters” immediately raised the attention of the team that is mainly interested in humanitarian and social architecture.

The goal was to design a shelter for the victims of wars and natural disasters. The challenge was to create affordable and easy to built proposals. It’s with great satisfaction that the Cross Hands Team knew that had won first prize of this competition.

Theirs work will be exposed between day 1 and 12 of December in the headquarters of the United Nations in New York. At the opening of the exhibition there will be a conference, where the team can present the project created to give a shelter to the Syrian refugees. Once the Academy doesn’t hold in any fees the prize will be the rare opportunity to self promote with the most important organizations of the area. In attempt to not lose such opportunity, these three young girls are seeking for support that allows the trip to New York, showing that despite being unemployed and also in times of crisis, there is always a place for those who are not disconnected from theirs beliefs despites the profession.

Vista aérea do campo de refugiados

About the author

Although their dissertations have been leaning in different themes, all three be- lieved that architecture should be above all in a way to promote the humans dig- nity specially refugees and right to housing. We’ve attended together the same course of architecture in the Lusiada’s University of Porto; the different personali- ties of these three young architects made it possible to balance and strengthened the creation of this project.

Vista nocturna durante o Inverno do campo de refugiados

Ângela, with 28 years old, was born in Porto and ended his academic career in the year of 2013. Her thesis theme for the master degree was “Earth Architecture – A viable answer to a society in risk”; and it’s focused on current issues such as, architecture and the environmental problems, the use of earth in architecture for the undeveloped countries and also it’s focused on the applicability of these techniques in Portugal. During the “Designing Emergency Shelter” course Angela was responsible for the representation and final delivery of the project.

Joana is 26 years old. Born in Porto, Joana ended her academic career in 2013. Her thesis theme for the master degree was “The social function of the architect – the architect’s intervention in extreme situations”; and it’s focused on topics such as economic, social and climate problems, also the lack of housing in most of the undeveloped countries, the poverty, social exclusion and self-disaster victims and final human rights – the right to housing. Her intention with this study was to find answers to the global social crisis. . During the “Designing Emergency Shel- ter” course Joana was the Concept Designer.

Carla, with 25 years old, was born in Funchal and currently she lives in London. Carla ended her academic career in the year of 2013. Her thesis theme for the master degree was “Africa, architecture of emergency. Bamboo-Slum between the economic, social and environmental problems”; and it’s focused in themes such as environmental problem connected with the climate changes and natural disasters, economic problems that mostly have contributed for the civil wars in the undeveloped countries and finally the study it’s focused in the social prob- lems, such as, lack of housing in some areas, poverty, social exclusion present in the Sub-Saharan Africa. During the “Designing Emergency Shelter” course Carla was the Leader Designer.

Budget and due dates

We want to raise this amount (until November 24) to help with the expenses inherent to the airplane trip to New York, between November 27 and December 4, 2014, in order to present our project at the United Nations. The price of the plane trip will cost about 600 euros each. If we can have this amount will be a good help. If we can raise more money, this will be used to help the remaining costs of the trip. Contact:
  • Invest with
    1€ or more

    Gratitude and name on the list of supporters

    Who contribute an amount till 10.00 euros, will have an appreciation and your name on the list of supporters on our facebook page "Cross Hands Team - Designing Emergency Shelters"

    32 backers

  • Invest with
    11€ or more

    appreciation video from New York

    Who contribute with an amount from 11.00 € till 29,00€, will have an appreciation video that will be made in NY and your name on the list of supporters on our facebook page "Cross Hands Team - Designing Emergency Shelters"

    25 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    virtual image of our project press and signed by us

    Who contribute with an amount from 30.00 € till 49,00€, will have a virtual image of our project press (A6 format) and signed by us with a dedicatory.

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Informal socializing and delivery remembrance of New York

    Who contribute a value between € 50.00 and € 99.00 will be entitled to an informal interaction with us (provided by us), where we will have the opportunity to talk about our trip and the winning project, when will be delivered the remembrance that we will brought from New York.

    7 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    See your name or your company's name projected at the United Nations

    The company or individual who contribute with an amount equal or greater than € 100 are entitled to see your name / logo projected during our presentation at the United Nations Headquarters.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    150€ or more

    sketch of the project signed by the authors

    Who contribute with an amount of 150€ or more, will won a unique sketch of our propose for Síria's refugees, signed by us.

    3 backers

Sat, 21/09/2024 - 15:03

Mon, 24/11/2014 - 18:24

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • Paulo Costa

    Boa sorte!

    Espero que o vosso objectivo seja conseguido. Boa sorte. ;)

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