The goal is to study the digital impression of the cultural ancestors of the traditional dance in the local community allowing to the The Sathyam Project girls the communication through the movement exploration.
We are two portuguese girls, Marta and Catarina, in love with dance and with a big motivation of making a difference in the world. We look at different cultures as an object of study of our lives.
Knowing, learning and perceiving the singularities of each country, life in each society beyond the vision of the passing visitor, presents itself as primary intention as characters of this increasingly global scenario. We want with this project to reach groups of people in a more fragile situation in order to provide moments of communication and expression of ideas.
We believe in the work that movement and physical expression can manifest in every human being. The physical journey through body language expresses in conscious and unconscious ways, the emotional states of each one allowing moments of sharing, learning and knowledge.
In this way, we want to develop people’s potential to be whatever they want to be and most important, to make them believe they can. We have learned throughout our experiences that dancing can help us to be more confident with ourselves and with others, by talking with no words, just movement. Through something as simple as dance, they can learn many human values that can help them to develop into strong human beings that, therefore, can help someone else.
Since our project had been already accepted by The Sathyam Project na Índia, we are now in our fundraising proccess for our flight expenses as we are doing this project in a volunteer way. We planned a 2 weeks program of dance/movement/expression classes to the group of young women that are part of that project in India. We also have as a long way goal to implement this project in more countries.
We appreciate in advance your availability and help!

About the author
Catarina Aguiar Costa - Bachelor in Economics and Master in Events Management
I started dancing ballet with 4 years old but stopped at 11 to try different sports as horse riding, tennis, surf, etc. When I was 19 years old I decided to start dancing again and I started taking dance classes. Soon I realize how much I love to move and express myself through dance. Breakdance became my favorite type of dance and hip-hop start being a culture I’m part of.
At the same age, I start doing voluntary work by teaching hip-hop to kids and young people in more disadvantage neighborhoods. That’s when I have realized how much dance can help people feeling part of a group and also feel comfortable with themselves, expressing themselves in a way that sometimes we can’t verbalize.
Right now, I’m exploring my own movement through different styles of dance and I created my own arts project called XFoundation where we organize many hip-hop events so we can promote the culture and help more people to be part of it.
I am also part of the project called HeForShe, here in Portugal, where we are organizing an arts week to promote gender equality as I believe woman and man should have the same opportunities.

Catarina Aguiar Costa - Uma das promotoras
Marta Rijo - Biomedical Scientist
I started in early age as a gymnast, develop physical skills that were later important to learn several dance techniques. After many years competing at nationals championships i moved to dance scene and I’ve started to being present in regular daily dance classes, intensive programs, laboratories and masterclasses.
Searching different approach of movement was the task I propose myself to achieve in the past thirteen years. Embrace a heterogeneous physical expression is the aim of my searching route as dancer.
As a teacher I started my experience teaching creative dance to children from 3 to 6 years old and contemporary dance to young dancers from 8 to 15 years old.
At present I am developing my work at creation level.

Marta Rijo - Uma das promotoras
Budget and due dates
Flights from Lisbon to Chennai - 1.300€ (Return for both of us): until 2nd July
Accomodation and food - 400€ (for both of us): August
Extras (visa, trasnfers, health) - 300€ (for both of us): July