To produce chocolate candies and other delicacies, master chocolate makers (adults with intellectual disabilities) need a space dedicated to production, to make their dream come true.
The Choc Choc Chocolate Project appears in pursuit of the intervention objectives set out in the strategic plan of AFSD - Cavalo Azul and in light of current legislation, for the Center for Training and Inclusion Activities, which seeks to facilitate the referral of Persons with Disabilities and Incapacity (PDI) for appropriate internal or external socio-professional integration programs, based on their individual characteristics and potential. The need for this project is essentially justified because People with Intellectual Disabilities have abilities and skills that society does not see as potentially useful, which is why these types of projects promote inclusion, an added value in the surrounding community and with an impact on the lives of each of these people.
In this sense, we would like to purchase a container and adapt it for the production of chocolate candies. Given the real estate speculation, it is not possible for us to rent a space in the community and, with the container, we would be able to meet the essential conditions to realize the dream of people with intellectual disabilities - having a space to produce their delicious chocolate candies.

Confecção de bombons
About the author
The Association of Families in Solidarity with Disabilities - Centro Cavalo Azul is a non-profit Private Institution of Social Solidarity (IPSS), legally registered in 2006 and fulfilled its purpose by building the social equipment Centro Cavalo Azul, which has been in operation since 2015. Its main objective is to offer people with special care needs, namely those with intellectual disabilities/disabilities and multiple disabilities, an alternative way of life, enjoying the autonomy possible and a life with dignity and meaning, contributing to their integration and social inclusion with participation and, if possible, with economic independence, creating living conditions as close to normality as possible, seeking to develop and maintain physical, mental, intellectual, emotional, cultural and social capabilities, respecting limitations, rights to identity and autonomy, with the promotion of dignity and individuality as subjects of rights, holders of citizenship.

Mestres Chocolateiros e Monitora
Budget and due dates
The requested quote contains the following specifications - Modular container measuring 6.20 x 3 x 2.65 (external measurements).
VALUE: €7525 plus VAT without transport
The total value of the budget is €9,255.75 (value including VAT) plus €615 for Transport, totaling: €9,870.75
We need the container in April 2024, to start the production of chocolate candies.