The more drops you donate, the more animals you will help! Our shelter is at risk of running out of water for the animals. We need everyone's help to drill a hole and ensure water for all the animals we rescue.
Midas was founded in 1998, at the time it was a movement dedicated to fighting against bullfighting, animal testing, the use of animals in circuses and in all activities in which animals were exploited.
Some friends would collect animals and take them home until they soon no longer had enough space to house so many animals.
Matosinhos City Council then provided a space to support the activity, and the space was opened in 2006. In 2014 we obtained the shelter’s license.
Over the years, improvements and construction work were carried out on the space. The number of animals increased, conditions improved but expenses soared.
The cost of maintaining the shelter has increased, also due to inflation, as well as the treatment of animals that arrive in poor condition. We usually take in around 300 new animals per year, which are treated, recovered and put up for adoption.
At this point, the water bill has reached an average of €850/month, an amount that we are starting to lose the ability to pay.
Water is essential for our shelter, for the animals and for the daily cleaning of the space (2000m2).
No less important is the guarantee that we can install a network that also allows us to establish an emergency plan in the event of a fire, to avoid disasters like those we have been seeing in Portugal.
The only way to avoid running out of water is to drill a borehole. The borehole costs €8,140, which we cannot afford, but which we will spend on our regular bill in 8 months.
We are at a dead end, and we need everyone's help.
Every drop counts, can we count on yours?
Will we guarantee water for all the animals we take in and save?

Banhos regulares dos animais.

Abeberamento dos gatos.
About the author
The Midas Association is a non-profit association founded in 1998 and has had a shelter in Matosinhos since 2006.
Midas is dedicated to the reception, treatment and referral of animals for adoption, mainly dogs and cats, taking in an average of 300 new animals per year. Our protected animals are not anyone's animals, they are part of our family, the one that extends beyond the walls of our homes and for whom we fight every day so that they can find someone to give them a second chance. We seek for them a life of respect, dignity and love as they deserve.
We believe that a society that helps animals is a more just and educated society. If each of us does a little bit, together we can make a big difference in the lives of many animals.
Alongside the shelter, Midas runs awareness campaigns in schools, educating future generations and promoting good practices regarding animal welfare.
Actively participates in CED (catch, neuter and return) programs as a means of controlling the feline population on the streets.
Participate in campaigns and demonstrations against all activities/actions that cause suffering to animals.
In addition, and whenever possible, it provides support with food and veterinary treatments to needy families and informal caregivers of street animals.

Lavagem diária das boxes e espaços comuns (2000m2 no total).
Budget and due dates
Water hole, estimated at 150 meters - Price €3,600.00.
Insulation of the roof terrain and surface water estimated at 32 meters - Price €720.00.
Placement of calibrated sand in the collection area.
Cleaning of land resulting from drilling.
Installation of a submersible stainless steel electric pump of the brand “ALANOL” - Price €2,150.00. Licensing of the borehole with the Portuguese Environment Agency. Price €150.00.
VAT at the current rate is added to these prices.
Distribution: 2000€
1st Step: Request and obtain license from APA (30 days)
2nd Step: Study and execution of the work (5 days)