LIBRARY-CABIN for the Rainha Santa Isabel Primary+Pre-School
PPL Causas

LIBRARY-CABIN for the Rainha Santa Isabel Primary+Pre-School

The EB+JI Rainha Santa Isabel school does not have space to install its library. The students' parents would like to offer a LIBRARY CABIN to install in the playground and house...

  • 1606


    122% of 1 320€
    Stretch target 1 600€

    77 backers

  • 30/12/2022

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

The EB+JI Rainha Santa Isabel school does not have space to install its library. The students' parents would like to offer a LIBRARY CABIN to install in the playground and house the collection of books that the school already has.

The EB+JI Rainha Santa Isabel school in Lisbon was evacuated in early 2021 due to damage and risk of collapse in its original building. It was temporarily moved to a school in containers behind Mercado do Rato, much smaller than the space it originally occupied in Travessa de Santa Quitéria.

Until the restoration works on the original building are completed, the school will remain in these facilities (it is estimated that it will stay there at least until 2026), where it has a much more limited total area that does not allow it to have a dedicated library space. The books are currently stored in the teachers' room and, for that reason, with limited and conditioned access to students.

At a time when it is so important to promote reading among the youngest, we, the parents of the students at this school, would like to offer them a LIBRARY-CABIN . Installed in the school playground, this cabin would house the collection of books that the school already has, allowing children to have easy access to books during recreation and school hours.

Cabana-Biblioteca no recreio : Opção de localização A

A place that will become a comfortable and cozy corner where they can settle down to read, dream, travel through images and stories.
We need to buy the wooden cabin, as well as shelves and pillows to fill the interior and make it the story corner that all children deserve!

Help us make this project a reality and offer the children of EB+JI Rainha Santa Isabel this Christmas present!

Cabana-Biblioteca no recreio : Opção de localização B

If we manage to exceed the stipulated amount, we will use the funds to purchase more books for the library!

About the author

We are a group of parents of the students from Escola Básica + Kindergarten Rainha Santa Isabel in Lisbon (Agrupamento de Escolas Bartolomeu de Gusmão) and we are part of APERSI (Association of Parents of Escola Rainha Santa Isabel).

We believe that the presence of books in our children's lives is crucial, especially at this stage of primary school education. Having books easily accessible, visible and readily available is part of this effort to promote literacy. As parents, we want to contribute and help the school to create and install this space that they so badly need!

Budget and due dates



  • Wooden cabin in Nordic pine model 'CAPELLA' by Abrigos Low Cost
    180 x 240 x 201 cm, 4.32m2 •• €820.05 + €75 (transport and delivery)
  • Construction of a wooden base to place the cabin on the playground floor,
    allowing water drainage and ventilation: •• €200 (approx)
  • KALLAX model IKEA bookcase
    147x147x39 cm. •• €100

SUB - TOTAL€1195

TOTAL (+ platform commissions and payment services = €125) •• €1320 ••




CAMPAIGN DURATION: 01 - 30 Dec 2022

Product order: 2 Jan 2023
Delivery: until 13 Jan 2023
Assembly: 14-15 Jan 2023




  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Patrons of Library #1

    Your name on the list of patrons of the library, on a board hanging inside the hut!

    17 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Library patrons #2

    Your name on the list of patrons of the library, on a board hanging inside the hut!

    25 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Library patrons #3

    Your name on the list of patrons of the library, on a board hanging inside the hut!

    27 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Library patrons #4

    Your name on the list of patrons of the library, on a board hanging inside the hut!

    13 backers

Mon, 17/02/2025 - 14:20

Sun, 29/01/2023 - 13:41

Já está!!! A nossa CABANA

Já está!!! A nossa CABANA-BIBLIOTECA foi concluída ontem! Ficou maravilhosa! Já está prontinha para receber os livros da escola (aqui nas images estão apenas alguns livros q...

Read more

Mon, 02/01/2023 - 11:39

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Fri, 30/12/2022 - 21:53

Conseguimos! OBRIGADO!!

Boa noite a todos, Graças à vossa ajuda, conseguimos reunir os fundos para adquirir a Cabana-Biblioteca para as crianças da Escola Rainha Santa Isabel. Que bela prenda de Na...

Read more


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Sun, 11/12/2022 - 15:33

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Sun, 04/12/2022 - 18:20

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Fri, 02/12/2022 - 22:33

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Fri, 02/12/2022 - 13:20

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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    Já está!!! A nossa CABANA

    Já está!!! A nossa CABANA-BIBLIOTECA foi concluída ontem!
    Ficou maravilhosa!

    Já está prontinha para receber os livros da escola (aqui nas images estão apenas alguns livros que foram doados pelos pais na sexta-feira). Ainda falta também chegar um tapete muito giro que adquirimos para ficar um lugar mesmo acolhedor e quentinho quando esles estiverem sentados no chão!

    Queremos agradecer a todos que contribuiram para esta campanha e tornaram este projecto possível!

    Um agradecimento especial a todos os pais que se juntaram neste sábado para montar a cabana - super pros!!
    Muitos obrigado a todos!

    APERSI - Pais da Escola Rainha Sta Isabel, Lisboa

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    Conseguimos! OBRIGADO!!

    Boa noite a todos,

    Graças à vossa ajuda, conseguimos reunir os fundos para adquirir a Cabana-Biblioteca para as crianças da Escola Rainha Santa Isabel.
    Que bela prenda de Natal e que melhpr começo de 2023 para as nossas crianças!
    Os pais e Encarregados de Educação destes alunos agradecem do fundo do coração…
    Agora vamos tratar de encomendar e instalar a Biblioteca !!
    Enviaremos imagens em breve!
    Mais uma vez, OBRIGADO por nos ajudarem a concretizar este projecto!

    APERSI - Associação de Pais da EB+JI Rainha Sta Isabel

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77 members of the PPL community
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