Support Education in Tanzania · January 3rd to 30th
PPL Causas

Support Education in Tanzania · January 3rd to 30th

We launched this fundraising campaign with the aim of supporting the rehabilitation of a school in the region. Your contribution is more than a simple donation - it's an investm...

  • 1071


    102% of 1 047€

    37 backers

  • 30/01/2024

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

We launched this fundraising campaign with the aim of supporting the rehabilitation of a school in the region. Your contribution is more than a simple donation - it's an investment in the well-being and safety of local children.

Hello everyone, we are excited to announce our volunteer mission to Tanzania, from the 5th to the 15th of February, where we will dedicate ourselves to volunteering in local schools in Arusha.

For this purpose, we decided to launch a fundraising campaign with the aim of supporting the rehabilitation of at least one school in the region . Let's invest in the well-being and safety of local children.

Join us in this significant initiative! Each donation is an added value: Providing a relevant and lasting difference in the education of these children.

We thank you in advance for your support, generosity and positive impact. We can create a brighter future for the children of Arusha. TOGETHER EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

Follow the realization of this dream on Instagram [@whoa_volunteers]

Moivo Public Primary School

About the author

WHOA Volunteers is a community of volunteers dedicated to making a positive impact on the world.

We facilitate meaningful voluntourism experiences in various parts of the world and empower new volunteers to make a difference where it counts.

We promote volunteering as a powerful tool for social change and are committed to building a more just and equitable world. Human rights are Universal.

Our mission is based on transforming lives and communities, seeking step by step and, as a team, to achieve our goals and make a difference in the communities in which we operate, through various sustainable and impactful volunteer projects.

Follow us on Instagram [@whoa_volunteers] for real-time updates and to stay involved in our journey.

Every donation counts and every share expands the reach of our message. Join us on this journey of positive impact!


We want to assure all donors that transparency is fundamental to us.

We are committed to showing detailed proof, that is, how every cent will be used, so that you can have complete confidence and satisfaction in the positive impact of your contributions.

Therefore, in order to guarantee transparency and commitment we will maintain:

• Detailed Documentation
- Accurate records of all expenses related to the purchase of construction materials and hiring of labor.

• Regular Updates
- Providing regular updates on project progress, specifically highlighting where and how funds have been applied.

- Share the evolution of the school's recovery, through various means, ensuring that all donors are informed.

Leave us your email so we can show you the final result of this rehabilitation.

• Contribution to Impact

- Transparency is not just a promise, it is a practice that we link to our commitment to building a better future for the children of Arusha.

We want, once again, to ensure that each donation will be clear, showing how it directly contributed to the rehabilitation of the school.


Budget and due dates

Building a Better Future!

1. Fundraising - January 3rd to 30th

2. Purchase of materials and hiring of labor (at least for one local school, if we verify that the budget for materials and labor is sufficient, we will start with the rehabilitation of two) - February 6th to 15th

  • 2.1. Materials - €250 to €300
  • 2.2. Labor - €150 to €200

3. Rehabilitation of the school in Arusha - 3 to 6 months - the deadline for completing this project is subject to several factors (labor, infrastructure conditions, existing materials, weather conditions, etc.)

• Structural Repairs

The funds raised will be used for the necessary repairs to ensure the safety and stability of the school structure, giving priority to critical areas that require immediate intervention and urgent improvement of the existing infrastructure.

• Purchase of Construction Materials

Contributions received will be used to purchase essential materials for the school's rehabilitation, including construction materials, painting and structural repairs.

Each donation will directly contribute to the physical and functional transformation of the school, providing a safer and more conducive learning environment.

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Thank you note

    Personalized thank you note signed by the children demonstrating the results achieved so far, sent as soon as the team returns from its mission.

    13 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Personalized thank you video

    Personalized thank you video sent as soon as the team returns from their mission.

    15 backers

  • Invest with
    70€ or more

    T-shirt Whoa!

    We offer a Whoa t-shirt to thank you for your support to the organization.

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    5 backers

Sat, 04/05/2024 - 01:25

Wed, 31/01/2024 - 18:33

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Sun, 28/01/2024 - 14:00

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Tue, 16/01/2024 - 12:02

Obrigada por se juntarem a esta causa! Whoa Volunteers

A Moivo Public Primary School, fundada em 2005, originalmente chamada Loruvani, passou mais tarde ao nome atual. Possuí 13 salas de aulas, um gabinete para professores, uma sala...

Read more

Sun, 07/01/2024 - 21:06

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Wed, 03/01/2024 - 21:10

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • Natália Castanheira

    Obrigada por se juntarem a esta causa! Whoa Volunteers

    A Moivo Public Primary School, fundada em 2005, originalmente chamada Loruvani, passou mais tarde ao nome atual. Possuí 13 salas de aulas, um gabinete para professores, uma sala de armazenamento e, conta ainda, com quatro casas de banho.

    Atualmente, a escola acolhe 754 crianças, desde o 1° ao 7°ano. Acolhe alunos de várias aldeias, com diversas origens religiosas e étnicas em Arusha.

    A Moivo é uma mais-valia para a comunidade de Arusha. Todos os professores investem na sensibilização para a importância dos estudos e, em colaboração com os pais, trabalham para melhorar a vida das crianças locais.

    Inicialmente, o valor proposto, 661€ (valor obra + comissão PPL), foi o previsto da equipa de construção local. Depois da visita à escola e à entrega do orçamento detalhado, verificamos que para a escola ficar com as condições mínimas necessárias de segurança e ambiente propício à educação, o valor da reabilitação é 1047€ (950€ + comissão PPL).

    Como, desde o início da angariação de fundos, garantimos total transparência, resolvemos escrever-vos para vos dar toda a informação.

    A equipa é composta por:

    • Mestre de Obras: 30000TZS/dia (equivalente a 10,88€/dia)

    • Pedreiro: 20000TZS/dia (equivalente a 7,25€/dia)

    • Servente: 15000TSZ/dia (equivalente a 5,44€/dia)

    A obra será realizada no intervalo de 15 a 20 dias, totalizando 471,40€ em mão de obra.

    Os valores dos materiais necessários é variável, dependendo da disponibilidade local, e garantindo sempre o melhor valor (preço/qualidade).

    Os Quadros de ardósia (10 unidades) custam 40€ cada. Estes quadros são construídos nas paredes de cada sala de aula, não estando disponíveis para compra.

    Graças a doações entregues diretamente à equipa Whoa e voluntários, conseguimos garantir os quadros :DDDDD

    Com este orçamento atualizado de 1047€, prevemos cobrir mão de obra, pintura (interior e exterior), reposição de todos os vidros das janelas e um novo pavimento para uma das salas de aula que se encontra em pior estado.

    Agradecemos a todos pela generosidade e apoio nesta causa ♥️♥️

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37 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 28
    new backers

  • 9
    recurrent backers

  • 14
    anonymous backers

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