Helping, who help in Mozambique
PPL Causas

Helping, who help in Mozambique

This initiative, carried out by a group of friends and family of Aurélio Floriano, aims to bring our friend and his family to Portugal, after three long years in Mozambique.

  • 135


    6% of 2 000€

    5 backers

  • 04/05/2016

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

This initiative, carried out by a group of friends and family of Aurélio Floriano, aims to bring our friend and his family to Portugal, after three long years in Mozambique.

Aurélio always collaborated with non-governmental organizations (NGO's) based in Portugal, both in national and international projects, like in Mozambique. For its humanitarian character, he never turned his back to these NGOs, though, little financial stability was guaranteed. 

To follow his dream, our great friend left Portugal towards Mozambique at is own risk,  since it was the place where he spent more time on social development projects in rural communities, where everything is lacking.

Assuming initially all the risks and costs, he was seeking to achieve what gives him more pleasure, help those in need.

Without institutional support in one the first moment, he achieved help when a German NGO, who appreciated his skills and knowledge in the area, offer association. However, this cooperation was not constituted as an expatriate, but under the conditions as local worker, not enjoying all the logistics necessary conditions, for an expatriate, like for example, periodic trips to Portugal to recharge and spend time with all his friends and family.

By their innate qualities, making friends and form a new group of friends in Mozambique was not difficult, and better yet, forming his new family in a land that competes with Portugal as his favorite.

It is now time to do to Aurélio what he always did for others, give him a hand and help him to come to Portugal, after three years in Mozambique. For him, this is not an easy, since Mozambique is still an expensive destination. In addition, it is mandatory for his friends and family, to embrace the new family of Aurelio's, Moiasse and Kayanda, which being part of Aurelio, can not be left behind.

What is a luxury for Aurélio, has to be something accomplished, and despite being a major investment, we believe that divided by some, we managed to reach our goal and bring Aurelio and family for a month to their homeland, and around those who love him very much.

We are talking about amounts rounding 2,500€, since it involves plane ticket for 3 and expenses visas for 2. However, the amount requested in this campaign will be only € 2,000, once € 500 will be Aurélio effort. With this, it means that if 200 people aid only with 10 euros, which is equivalent of a medium lunch in any diner.

Come and help who always helped the needy, let's do something that does not represent 1% of all that our good friend Aurelio has done all his life for those in need.

About the author

My name is Henrique Brum and I am a friend of Aurélio.

 Friendship began in ISEG at 1997.

 I propose  to lead this campaign, because it was time to do something special for a friend who deserves and which already all of us miss so much.  

Thank you in advance to all who see this campaign and to pass on to others, with the hope that your contribution will make all the difference.

Budget and due dates

The cost of a round trip flight from Maputo to Lisbon is about 800 euros, which gives a total cost of 2,400 euros.

Adding other costs, such as the visa for Moiasse and Kayanda, about 100 euros.

Although the total is 2,500 euros, I propose for the year is 2,000 euros.

The campaign will last 60 days.

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    Acknowledgment and gift (pen)

    Thanks on facebook and a prestigious pen if the campaign reaches its goal. Offer delivery to mainland Portugal

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Acknowledgment and gift (mug)

    Thank you on facebook plus a mug with motifs inspired in Mozambique if the campaign reaches its goal. Offer delivery to mainland Portugal

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    Acknowledgment and 2 gifts (pen + mug)

    Thank you on facebook plus a mug with motifs inspired in Mozambique and prestige pen if the campaign reaches its goal. Offer delivery to mainland Portugal

    2 backers

Sun, 22/09/2024 - 19:27


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Wed, 04/05/2016 - 11:44


Bom dia Gostaria de informar que a campanha "AJUDAR QUEM AJUDA EM MOÇAMBIQUE" será cancelada, pelo julgo ser merecedor dos seguintes esclarecimentos. - Antes do mais, o meu ...

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Campaign launched


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  • hbscbrum

    Suspensão da campanha "AJUDAR QUEM AJUDA EM MOÇAMBIQUE"

    Bom dia

    Gostaria de informar que a campanha "AJUDAR QUEM AJUDA EM MOÇAMBIQUE" será cancelada, pelo julgo ser merecedor dos seguintes esclarecimentos.
    - Antes do mais, o meu profundo agradecimento aos que acreditaram que esta causa seria nobre e merecedor do vosso apoio, e neste sentido, fico muito grato pelo vosso contributo;
    - Uma vez que a campanha será cancelada, todos os montantes doados serão devolvidos, independentemente da condição em que foi feito o donativo. Neste sentido, será solicitado ou directamente pelos organizadores do PPL ou por mim, as vossas coordenadas bancárias para que se possa proceder ao reembolso;
    - Se acharem por bem e para agilizar o processo de reembolso, podem alterar o estado do vosso contributo, de qualquer maneira, ou pelos organizadores do PPL ou por mim, os valores serão reembolsados;
    - A razão do cancelamento está relacionado com a fraca adesão, assim como, pelo não reconhecimento da campanha do alvo desta campanha, o que me levou ao entendimento, directo ou indirecto, que a campanha deixou de fazer sentido. Como tal, julgo ser legitimo direito todos os montantes serem devolvidos, apesar de todos terem sido efectuados no formato incondicional.

    Estou disponível para todos os esclarecimentos relativos ao reembolso.

    Deixo aqui, uma vez mais, todo o meu agradecimento pelo vosso contributo e por terem acreditado e apostado em algo que, tal como vos, lamento não chegar ao fim com o objectivo delineado.

    Os meus prezados agradecimentos,

    Henrique Bum

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5 members of the PPL community
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Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Anonymous

    14/04/2016 - 17:40

  • Ana Jacinto

    09/04/2016 - 15:09

    Excelente iniciativa e...vamos torná-la realidade! :)

  • Tatiana Dias Dominguez

    08/04/2016 - 22:45

  • Anonymous

    08/04/2016 - 19:54

    Um jovem com um grande coração, com um amor por Moçambique e uma paixão por ajudar outros.

  • hbscbrum

    08/04/2016 - 15:24

    E Desta forma, dou o mote