PPL Causas


AAC basketball is on the right track for maintenance in the Placard League. With the pavilions closed, it was not possible to count on the live support of our fans, and we also ...

  • 2442


    18% of 13 000€

    106 backers

  • 15/03/2021

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

AAC basketball is on the right track for maintenance in the Placard League. With the pavilions closed, it was not possible to count on the live support of our fans, and we also ran out of ticket sales.


At the end of the season we will have played 13 league games at home (plus a few Cup matches) in which we could not / will not be able to count on the fans in our pavilions. With the quality that the games have had, and with the performance that our team has shown, we believe that we could have the pavilion "crowded" in all games, and we could possibly refill Mário Mexia, as has happened in the past .
At this competitive level, ticket sales are essential to maintain the quality of the team, but also to comfortably and in advance prepare for a next season at the top level.

The objective of this campaign is to fill the pavilion!

Pavilhão Multideportos


Of course, we will only be able to fill the pavilion when the pandemic situation is over.

It is scheduled, for a date to be defined, the "Game of Return", in which we intend to fill the pavilion with all the fans who have contributed to this campaign. We will make this a festive moment, celebrating the return of fans to the pavilions, the return to normalcy, the success of the Academic in the League, the academic spirit and the strength that the city of Coimbra and the academy show in supporting the team!

VIRTUAL PAVILION - When to contribute

Contributions can be made at any time, at once, or in several smaller contributions.

We leave you with an idea: throughout the rest of the journey, every time you watch an Academica game, leave us your contribution as "a virtual ticket". The amount of the contribution for each game will be at the discretion and capacity of each fan or supporter.

About the author

The Basketball Section

The Basketball Section of the Academic Association of Coimbra was founded in the 20s of the last century (believed to have held the first official game in 1928), has one of the most significant histories within the Academic Association of Coimbra, proof of this, are the various national, district and many regional titles.

Over the years, AAC Basketball has been marked by the excellent performance of its teams and has counted on teams from all training levels playing in the various district and national championships. In Mini Basketball, he was distinguished twice in a row by the District Mini Basketball Committee, as the Club of the Year.

Many names of AAC basketball athletes and coaches have been recorded in the memory of those who follow the sport.

The Basketball Section:

  • It will continue to honor the Academy and the Academic, an association of reference throughout the country and which welcomes sympathy and recognition throughout the world;
  • It has implemented and wants to continue to increase the social role in the social integration of young people and citizens through sport and support in studies.

The Academic Association of Coimbra

Coimbra has always been represented by its students and its strong convictions and has, at the associative, cultural and sporting level at AAC - Associação Académica de Coimbra, its maximum representation with a considerable and enviable number of titles, distinctions and decorations.

"The Academic Association of Coimbra (AAC), founded in 1887, is the oldest student association in Portugal and one of the oldest in Europe, and keeps its traditions alive.
Throughout its existence, AAC has created a space for coexistence and discussion, having been the cradle of major Portuguese political and cultural reforms.
Since its inception, it has developed a unique democratic center, where meetings are still guided today by values of humanism, solidarity and uncompromising defense of students' interests. "

ACADEMIC ASSOCIATION OF COIMBRA | Founded on November 3, 1887

Budget and due dates

The campaign will run during the regular phase of the 2020/2021 season. It will end on 03/15/2021

The realization of the "Return Game" will be dependent on the end of the epidemic, so it is expected to occur in the 2021/2022 season, as well as the attribution of rewards, which, in the case of lightening measures, and within the rules of security, may, at the option of the contributors, still be used this season.

The amount raised is intended to finance the budget approved in plenary of the Basketball Section of the AAC, covering risks arising from revenues not obtained due to the pandemic situation.

If the amount of revenue exceeds the budgeted amount, this excess will be carried over as the initial balance for preparation for the 2021/2022 season.

Estimated costs with fundraising:

- commissions: € 1199.25 - Commission costs of 5% of PPL + VAT and costs of payment commissions of 2.5% + VAT

- estimated cost of offers (equipment and meals): € 1540

After transferring the funds at the end of the campaign, the respective receipts for "Donations" will be issued.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Invitation to the "Return Game"

    Invitation to a game, to be held when the public can return to the pavilions, which will be the party of AAC Basketball and the fans, celebrating the permanence in the league and the return to the pavilions.

    75 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    Invitation to "Return Game" + Acknowledgment at Break

    In addition to the invitation to the game, and if you authorize it, the names of the fans who contributed with at least € 25 will be announced in the break.

    16 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    VIP seat invitation

    Watch the game, entitled to a port of honor during the break, Access to the VIP area of the stands. (Includes rewards from the previous level)

    17 backers

    Limited to 50 units. 33 remaining

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    AAC member

    A form will be sent to automatically become a member of the section. You will also be entitled to the rewards indicated in the previous levels.

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    180€ or more

    Photo with player and thanks on social media and shirt offer

    Roll up with offers from previous levels. After a game, a photo will be used with the player of your choice, and published on social media with thanks. Includes the offer of a shirt.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    500€ or more

    Personalized and autographed equipment

    In addition to the offers of the previous step, you will be entitled to offer personalized equipment (being able to choose name, number, etc.) and autographed by the team, to be allocated during the "Return Game". Photos of the moment will be published on social media, with thanks to the contributors, and the elements will be sent to the regional press for journalistic coverage (publication or not depends on the editorial option of the respective newspapers).

    1 backer

Sat, 21/09/2024 - 09:40

Tue, 16/03/2021 - 10:19

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Wed, 03/02/2021 - 23:41

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Tue, 02/02/2021 - 11:05

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


106 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 92
    new backers

  • 14
    recurrent backers

  • 8
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true