We do the impossible / possible and intend to turn neglect, mistreatment and abandonment of animals into happy stories.
The hugs project of 4patas came up in an informal conversation with friends. Helping some associations already, we started by forming a project to support the colonies of cats in our city.

Ajude a Ajudar
About the author
Hugs from 4Patas is our name, we want to be anonymous, because we help only by bigeye compassion, we started by feeding the existing colonies, but we soon came to the conclusion that it took a lot more. Each day was a new surprise, new animals, some sick, new litters. So we decided to act, we started by identifying the existing animals and at the moment we already have some sterilization of cats. But it's not enough ... we want more, we need to act more ...
Budget and due dates
The budget is to be able to sterilize 200 colonies cats in the space of the year, being it possible to collect, sterilize and in the case of the more docile animals to get adopters.