Navegar intends to help those who have addiction problems and need its support. We are a group of former users of ATT Farol, IPSS for the treatment of addictions, and we want to help those who are undergoing treatment and recovery.
Let's Sail together!
Our navigation is our life in recovery, we were all reborn one day and, in fear, we begin to navigate with the light that was given by ATT Farol. Our boat sails today in such a sweet lurch that it only makes sense for us to help those who are, as we once were, at the beginning of the journey. But we don't want to, nor can we do it alone, and so here we are appealing for your help.
To come out of addiction is to go out of darkness and loneliness and little by little begin to realize that another life is possible. A life with smiles, love and gratitude. But this is a challenging, sometimes scary journey, and one that cannot be done without help. The purpose of Navegar is: to give love because it was love that brought us freedom and a taste for the lightness of life. It is also to give back, because everything makes sense when you give what you received, and ATT Farol gave us a lot.
Navegar is a message of gratitude for the recovery. Please help us to take that message to those who need it most!
All contributions are valuable to constitute us as an Association formally and to start our activities.
We believe that we have a message to share and that we have a mission.
Believe in us too and contribute to our cause.
About the author
We are a group of former patients (continually growing) that ATT Farol has challenged to support patients in the various stages of treatment and those who have recently returned to active life. ATT Farol exists since 1991 with the mission of recovering people with addiction problems and helping their families. Since 1995, it has treated around 2500 patients and counts numerous persons whose lives have been healed. Some of those are us who were challenged to help. With your support, we promptly responded by creating Navegar, which we now want to take further.
As an Association we intend to do the following:
- Organize recreational activities, and sports, and support the reintegration into society of persons with substance abuse disorders, alcoholics, and people with addictive behaviours in treatment or recently discharged.
- To enhance the use of existing resources and develop actions to raise resources, channelling them towards the success of treatment at ATT-Farol for drug addicts, alcoholics and people with addictive behaviours;
- Organize regular visits to patients;
- Organizing meetings, debates, conferences, study visits and other activities similar activities focusing on addiction;
- To publish dissemination and research papers on drug addiction, alcoholism and other addictive behaviours;
- To promote information and awareness campaigns for the general public on the prevention and treatment of drug addiction, alcoholism and addictive behaviours
Budget and due dates
Amount needed to execute activities until the end of 2023
Costs of formalizing the Association – 350€
Visits to in-patients – 250€
Support for recently discharged patients - 500€
Recreational and cultural activities – 400€
Total - 1500€