Basketball balls? We need!
PPL Causas

Basketball balls? We need!

We would like to count on your help to acquire Basketball Balls and training material for all the LAC Basquetebol Clube training levels.

  • 940


    42% of 2 200€

    31 backers

  • 15/11/2022

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

We would like to count on your help to acquire Basketball Balls and training material for all the LAC Basquetebol Clube training levels.

The LAC Basquetebol  Clube 's mission is to allow and encourage the practice of Basketball in the municipality of Lousada. We are an amateur club, without our own income, that serves a community that, although small, is made up of a very significant young layer.

The practice of sports has an incalculable contribution to the growth process of young people, contributing positively to physical, mental and social well-being, promoting the development of relational, social and individual skills with an impact on the lives of those who practice it.


We took on the mission of promoting Basketball in our county with all dedication. Because we love the sport and because we know that we contribute to improving the lives of everyone who ventures into what is the best sport in the world.


To achieve our goals we need your help! Keeping a club with several levels of training entails many costs, namely with current expenses related to participation in competitions, costs with human resources and infrastructure, but also with extraordinary expenses, such as the acquisition of essential material.

It is in these extraordinary and one-off expenses that we ask for your contribution. We want to provide our athletes with the best conditions for the practice of the sport, providing them with training and game materials indicated for it.


What we ask is simple. A small contribution so that we can buy Basketball Balls and training material for all teams of LAC Basquetebol Clube. Any value , however small it may seem, will make all the difference on this side.


A small contribution from you, a big step for Basketball in Lousada!

About the author

LAC Basquetebol Clube is a Basketball Club that serves the region of the municipality of Lousada.

Its mission is to encourage the sport of young people in the county, namely Basketball, having as one of the main objectives the training of athletes for the modality, currently having teams in the mini-basketball, sub14, sub16, sub18 training levels. and Seniors Male and Female.

It is a non-profit association inserted in the local community that thrives thanks to the efforts made by its supporters, mostly family members of athletes and lovers of the sport.



Budget and due dates

Purchase of official size 7 balls: 400 euros

Purchase of official size 6 balls: 1000 euros

Purchase of official size 5 balls: 200 euros

Bags to carry balls: 100 euros

Acquisition of various training materials for all training levels (vests, cones, non-slip bases, ropes, bases for bows and sticks, stairs, barriers, among others): 300 euros

Campaign cost: 200 euros

Until November 2022: Acquisition of all the aforementioned materials.


  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Personalized Digital Thank You Card

    You will receive a personalized thank you card in your email for your much appreciated contribution.

    16 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Personalized Digital Thank You Card + Promotion on Social Networks

    In addition to receiving a personalized thank you card in your email, we will proudly announce on our official channels that you are a supporter of LAC Basquetebol Clube (if you authorize it), mentioning it in the publication so that you can share it with your friends.

    8 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Personalized Digital Thank You Card + Promotion on Social Networks + Official Supporter T-shirt

    Along with the personalized thank you card that you will receive in your email and the disclosure on our official channels that you are a supporter of LAC Basquetebol Clube (if you authorize it), you will receive a LAC Basquetebol Supporter T-Shirt, so that you can go to see the games of your favorite club fully equipped. We will contact you to find out the size and preferred delivery method.

    Hand-delivered (see above)

    4 backers

Sun, 01/09/2024 - 03:35

Thu, 17/11/2022 - 11:46

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Wed, 21/09/2022 - 21:05

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Mon, 19/09/2022 - 11:53

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


31 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 31
    new backers

  • 0
    recurrent backers

  • 9
    anonymous backers

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