Community herd of sapper goats in the village of "I look much more than a place

Community herd of sapper goats in the village of "I look much more than a place

A herd of sapling herds is based on technical and economical optimization of grazing management (fuel management, habitat management, landscape management, soil fertilization an...

  • 60


    1% of 5 000€

    5 backers

  • 17/05/2019

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

A herd of sapling herds is based on technical and economical optimization of grazing management (fuel management, habitat management, landscape management, soil fertilization and tourist attraction in the village and region).

The project to build a herd of sapling herds aims to prevent forest fires by promoting fuel management, but also habitat management, landscape management, soil fertilization and tourist attraction in the village of Miro and the municipality of Penacova. Because of this we need your collaboration.

Because we are located in a mountainous zone, flogged by the fires, where, in the last 9 years, as many as there are the Miro Social Complex, we had to evacuate the residential structure for the elderly, twice, the last of which happened in the great fire of October 15, 2017, due to the fact, it is our intention to create a herd of sapadoras to clean the motorcycles and consequently the prevention of forest fires.

In addition to the importance of animals, "goats, sheep, horses, donkeys, cows" in the management of ecosystems in the mid-twentieth century, herds ceased to exist, and environmental problems began to occur, in particular the excessive growth of weeds and trees which become a constant danger of flammable fuels near population clusters. We want to constitute a herd of goats, because it easily adapts to the habitat, in this case to the hills that surround the village of Miro, with steep slopes and difficult access.

Over the last few years the fires have destroyed thousands of hectares of forest, the villages in the municipality of Penacova are old and desertified villages, with little or no management of forest and agricultural land, due to the fact that weeds and invasive trees appear and grow without rules, easily becoming combustible matter.

With pasture, in addition to the reduction of fuels, we will fertilize the land and consequently a greater and faster regeneration of the forest, management of habitats and tourist attraction. For this we needed to get some goats and fences and create conditions to house the animals. We need your collaboration to start this project, which we want to be innovative.

It is our intention to give you knowledge of the evolution of this project until the final conclusion through social networks. When in full operation we want you to accompany us in person. The initial intervention zone will be on land in the village of Miro, in the municipality of Penacova.

About the author

My name is Manuel Cunha Pinheiro Nogueira, I am president and founding member of the Social, Sports, Cultural and Recreation Solidarity Group of Miro, association with more than 40 years of existence, and that in just over 10 years created more than 50 stations is considered one of the most dynamic associations in the municipality of Penacova.

The Miro Group is based in the village of Miro, in the settlement of which there are a little more than 200 inhabitants, where the people were mainly engaged in subsistence agriculture, but also in the barge and milling of cereals the foothills of the Serra da Atalhada, a few hundred meters from the Alva and Mondego rivers, is a village multifaceted by the activities and offers that it offers to those who live or visit it daily or occasionally.

Through the "I look much more than a place" project, which brings together all the local associations (Miro Feast, Typical Miro Ranch, Cooperative Products of Our Village, Radial Sports), commerce and locals, we are working to help the economy social and community life.

In this sense, we jointly decided to create a herd of sapling goats, to help clean the land around the village, and with this, to minimize the problem of forest fires, but also habitat management, landscape management and tourist attraction, through the dissemination of endogenous products, gastronomy and handicrafts.

Budget and due dates

Budget and Timing The money we raise from this campaign will:

     Fences electrified for fence - € 1,200
     Treated wood sticks and fence - 1,500 €
     Removable fences - 900 €
     Construction of a cabril - 900 €
     Acquisition of 30 animals - € 3,000

If the amount is higher than requested, we will use it to purchase more animals, essential for the success of this project.

The forecast to have the project in full operation will be approximately until 6 months after finishing this campaign.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    5 €

    Minimum € 5 with a diploma

    2 backers

  • 10 €

    Invest with
    10€ or more

    10 €

    right to a shirt with the logo "I look much more than a place"

    3 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    right to a ceramic piece with logo "I look much more than a place" and a guided tour

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    50 €

    right to patronize a goat, receive BI with photograph of the sponsored goat and visits the goat ...

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Wed, 25/09/2024 - 04:58


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Wed, 03/04/2019 - 13:19

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


5 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

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