Alvorário, the first album of Bugalhos - become part of our history!

Alvorário, the first album of Bugalhos - become part of our history!

Help us achieve our discographic premiere with your contribution!

  • 3709


    106% of 3 500€

    137 backers

  • 01/02/2021

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Help us achieve our discographic premiere with your contribution!

al.vo.rá.ri:o, noun. (Trás-os-Montes and Botany) oak. Derived from alvo (white, light) or álbore (tree). Madcap. One who wanders. One who enjoys adventure.

Alvorário is an eclectic album featuring the dichotomies of beauty in sadness, of tradition in authorship and of poetic lore in author poetry. It includes both original compositions and traditional songs (from Portugal and Galicia) and it is born from the collective artistic creation process of the four members of the band, in a space of experimentation and personal experiences sharing, aiming not for a purist reproduction of the traditional, but rather for the integration of various musical dialects in a cohese signature sound.

Rhythm and melody wise, there is a formal search for historical musical genres. Concerning vocals, the band members portray the individual or collective roles of the voice in a fluid, dynamic and cooperative way. The aesthetics of the resulting arrangements denote elements of a plethora of genres, ranging from indie to pop, punk, folk, rock, minimal, experimental and even psychedelic.

Words are privileged and prosody has a determinant role in the composition and arrangement processes. Apart from original lyrics by both Blandino Soares and Rita Só,  Alvorário features poetry from several other portuguese authors to achieve narrative diversity. It also intends to serve an intervention purpose, calling on critical thinking and raising awareness for important topics of nowadays’ society.

These stories we shall tell are to be humane, realistic, empathic and intemporal, able to connect with the audience and to which people can relate.

Help us tell these stories by supporting us and making Alvorário happen!

Curious already? You can have a listen at


About the author

Born in 2015, they define their music as one of portuguese expression. Bugalhos are:

Blandino Soares - a musician and composer who studies portuguese string instruments, diatonic accordion and researches traditional portuguese music. He founded “Comvinha Tradicional”, “Chamastem’ó?” and “Le Partisan”, also composing for theatre companies.

Rita Só - she premiered as a percussionist with "Umbigo d'Aço". She was a member of "GiraSol", "Contrabanda" and “Bira”. Currently, she integrates "Tresmoças", "Loba Galharda" and “Valentixs”. She organizes folk events and was an organizer of Folk Marathon Porto 2018/2019.

André Oliveira - he explores the violin and voice in traditions such as those of the Atlantic axis, Scandinavia, Slavic and Balkan regions and the Levant. He was a participant of the Ethno project and of the six last editions of Folk Marathon, having been an organising team member of the 2018/19 edition in Porto.

Inês Alexandra - Born in Castelo de Paiva, she has learned local repertoire from the Douro Litoral region. She has organized and participated in fado vadio evenings, adufeiras and traditional music gatherings. Currently, apart from Bugalhos, she is also a singer in "Tresmoças", group of traditional songs.

Alvorário´s recording, mixing and mastering is by João Ramoa and visual art is by Catarina Santos.

Bugalhos em estúdio! O João ao som e a Catarina atrás da câmara.

Budget and due dates

Our crowdfunding campaign starts on December 18 and ends on February 1, 2021 .

The physical album will be replicated in February 2021 .

The sending of rewards will be done until the end of March 2021, notifying each contributor personally when shipping.


The value of 3500€ raised in this campaign will help the covering of the following expenses:

PPL's comission (7,5% + VAT 23%) 322,88€

Pre-production: travels, artistic residencies and rehearsals 700€

Recording, mixing and mastering: 2000€

Production: 300€ 

Physical replication: 1615€

Graphic materials: 500€

Audiovisuals: 500€

Total: 5937,88€

  • Digital Album

    Invest with
    7€ or more

    Digital Album

    Download of the digital album.

    30 backers

  • Invest with
    14€ or more

    Physical Album

    Digital album + Physical album

    30 backers

  • Limited Edition Special Album

    Invest with
    20€ or more

    Limited Edition Special Album

    Digital Album + Limited Edition Physical Album with handmade cover

    50 backers

    Limited to 45 units. None left

  • Invest with
    22€ or more

    2 Physical Albums Pack

    Digital Album + 2 Physical Albums

    6 backers

  • Invest with
    28€ or more

    3 Physical Albums Pack

    Digital Album + 3 Physical Albums

    2 backers

  • Serigraphy Pack

    Invest with
    40€ or more

    Serigraphy Pack

    This pack includes a digital album download, a physical album and a limited edition special serigraphy print to offer someone or decorate your wall with the visual art of Bugalhos.

    14 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Pack 5 Physical Albums

    Digital Album + 5 Physical Albums

    14 backers

  • Invest with
    65€ or more

    Workshop Pack

    Digital Album + Physical Album + an individual workshop to choose from: -Portuguese Songs and Adufe -Portuguese String Instruments - Cavaquinho, Mandolin, Braguesa or Guitar -Traditional Repertoire on Violin -Traditional Repertoire in Diatonic Accordion/Melodeon Each workshop lasts 2 hours, on date and time to be defined with the participant, face to face or online. For more details about the workshops, get in touch with us!

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    12 Physical Albums Pack

    Digital Album + 12 Physical Albums

    3 backers

  • Mini Concert Pack

    Invest with
    200€ or more

    Mini Concert Pack

    Private acoustic mini-concert in the Porto Metropolitan Area. Includes Digital Album + 5 Physical Albums

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    1500€ or more

    Concert Pack

    Complete concert within a radius of ~ 150km from the center of Porto. Includes Digital Album + 10 Physical Albums.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Tue, 24/09/2024 - 19:54

Tue, 02/02/2021 - 17:24

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Mon, 01/02/2021 - 23:25

Final da nossa campanha! | The end of our campaign!

OBRIGADx! O Alvorário estará em tua casa brevemente. A nossa campanha do PPL chegou ao final e o Alvorário atingiu o seu objectivo, o que nos deixa muito, mas mesmo muito ...

Read more


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Sat, 30/01/2021 - 15:53

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Mon, 11/01/2021 - 23:22

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Tue, 22/12/2020 - 10:28

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Fri, 18/12/2020 - 18:35

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • Bugalhos Banda

    Final da nossa campanha! | The end of our campaign!

    O Alvorário estará em tua casa brevemente.

    A nossa campanha do PPL chegou ao final e o Alvorário atingiu o seu objectivo, o que nos deixa muito, mas mesmo muito felizes!

    Queremos agradecer o teu contributo para a edição do nosso primeiro álbum. Este projecto tornou-se possível graças a ti e a todxs xs nossxs apoiantes.

    As recompensas serão enviadas até ao final do mês de Março e conforme prometido, avisar-te-emos pessoalmente aquando do envio.

    Agradecemos, se ainda não nos facultaste essa informação na tua contribuição na plataforma PPL, que nos envies o teu nome completo e morada para envio para o nosso email, que será o principal meio de comunicação para este efeito:

    Estamos ansiosos para partilhar as nossas histórias musicais convosco e esperamos que desfrutem do Álvorário!

    André, Inês, Rita e Blandino

    Alvorário will be at your home soon.

    Our PPL campaign has just finished and Alvorário reached its goal, which makes us very, very happy!

    We want to thank your support for the release of our very first album. This project has become possible thanks to you and all our supporters.

    The rewards will be sent until the end of March 2021 and, as promised, we will notify you personally upon sending.

    We will be grateful, in case you haven’t provided us with that information yet in the PPL platform in your contribution, that you send us your full name and address to our email, which will be the main communication means for this effect:

    We can’t wait to share our musical stories with you and we hope you enjoy Alvorário!

    André, Inês, Rita and Blandino

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137 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 88
    new backers

  • 49
    recurrent backers

  • 4
    anonymous backers

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